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Article: 19500
Subject: HDL to graphic conversion
From: #YEO WEE KWONG# <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 13:01:26 +0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Anyone come across any tools that does the above. By the way, does
xilinx foundation s/w provide the above avenue.


Article: 19501
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
From: "Matt Billenstein" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 05:02:32 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
You say that the "falling edge should latch the data off the bus..." but
you're using if rising_edge(hc11_e) then

...  Also, take a look in the FPGA editor and actually follow the signal off
of the input PAD, through the register, and out onto the output PAD checking
along the way that you're really registering the data on the proper clock
edge and that your clock enable looks good and so on and so forth...



Matt Billenstein

"Susan Deike" <> wrote in message
| I'm working on a design of moderate complexity in 5V Spartan using
| Foundation 2.1i sp3 (yeah, I know.  just let me get over this problem,
| lord, and I'll move to the HP...).
| The problem is that I can't get a D register in the device to latch data
| off of my microprocessor's (68HC11) data bus.  My original target is an
| XCS40, but I've built a proto using an XCS10 to try to isolate this
| Both protos exhibit exactly the same behaviour:  The combinatorial logic
| (address decoders) work just fine.  When I probe the clock enable signal
| (flashreg) out it's exactly what and where it should be, valid 50nS before
| and after the system (e) clock, the falling edge of which should latch the
| data off of the bus.  Scope shows the data to be good as well, just never
| appears on the register output
| This one's serious, folks.  If it were just me being stupid it wouldn't be
| so bad, but it's also baffling the local FAE and rep.  Major inspiration
| needed from major smart person.
| Thanks much.
| Jonathan Levine
| ----- details below -----
| Attached is the vhdl source and the ucf file, verbatim.  Device is 5V
| in PLCC84.  Each pair of power supply pins is decoupled.  MODE pin is
| up and INIT pin is pulled down (I'm using JTAG for programming via the
| parallel cable).  All other pins not listed in the ucf are NC (floating).
| ----- vhdl source -----
| -- stripped-down test to see if data can be latched offa the bus
| -- Last revised Dec 27/99
| library ieee;
| use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
| entity hc11_dec is
|     port (
|         hc11_a: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 8);
|         hc11_d: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
| hc11_e: in std_logic;
| hc11_rw: in std_logic;
| hc11_as: in std_logic;
| hc11_reset: in std_logic;
| hc11_fa: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
|         hc11_romcs: out std_logic;
| hc11_memoe: out std_logic;
| hc11_dpramcs: out std_logic;
| hc11_duartcs: out std_logic;
| hc11_ramcs: out std_logic
|     );
| end hc11_dec;
| architecture rtl of hc11_dec is
| signal flashreg: std_logic;
| begin
| hc11_dpramcs <= '1';
| hc11_duartcs  <= '1';
| hc11_ramcs <= '1';
| -- eprom
| hc11_romcs <= '0' when (((hc11_a >= x"e0") and (hc11_a <= x"ff"))
| and (hc11_as = '0') and (hc11_rw = '1')) else '1';
| hc11_memoe <= '0' when (((hc11_a >= x"e0") and (hc11_a <= x"ff"))
| and (hc11_as = '0') and (hc11_rw = '1')) else '1';
| -- flashreg
| flashreg <= '1' when ((hc11_a = x"b4") and (hc11_as = '0')
| and (hc11_rw = '0')) else '0';
| process (flashreg, hc11_d, hc11_e, hc11_reset)
| begin
| -- latch data lsb into flash address lsb
| if rising_edge(hc11_e) then
| if (flashreg = '1') then
| hc11_fa(0) <= hc11_d(0);
| end if;
| end if;
| end process;
| end rtl;
| ----- ucf file -----
| ##############################################
| #      BASIC UCF SYNTAX EXAMPLES V2.1.6      #
| ##############################################
| #
| # The "#" symbol is a comment character.   To use this sample file, find
| # specification necessary, remove the comment character (#) from the
| # of the line, and modify the line (if necessary) to fit your design.
| #
| #
| # Timing specifications can be applied to the entire device (global) or to
| # specific groups in your design (called "time groups'). The time groups
| # declared in two basic ways.
| #
| # Method 1: Based on a net name, where 'my_net' is a net that touches all
| #           logic to be grouped in to 'logic_grp'. Example:
| #NET my_net TNM_NET = logic_grp ;
| #
| # Method 2: Group using the key word 'TIMEGRP' and declare using the names
| #           logic in your design. Example:
| #TIMEGRP group_name = FFS ("U1/*");
| #           creates a group called 'group_name' for all flip-flops within
| #           the hierarchical block called U1. Wildcards are valid.
| #
| # Grouping is very important because it lets you tell the software which
| # of a design run at which speeds.  For the majority of the designs with
| # one clock, use simple global constraints.
| #
| # The type of grouping constraint you use can vary depending on the
| # tools you are using.  Foundation Express does better with Method 2.
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| # Internal to the device clock speed specifications - Tsys #
| ############################################################
| #
| # data      _________      /^^^^^\       _________   out
| # ----------| D   Q |-----{ LOGIC } -----| D   Q |------
| #           |       |      \vvvvv/       |       |
| #        ---|> CLK  |                 ---|> CLK  |
| # clock  |  ---------                 |  ---------
| # ------------------------------------
| #
| # ---------------
| # Single Clock
| # ---------------
| #
| # ----------------
| # ----------------
| # The PERIOD spec. covers all timing paths that start or end at a
| # register, latch, or synchronous RAM which are clocked by the reference
| # net (excluding pad destinations).  Also covered is the setup
| # requirement of the synchronous element relative to other elements
| # (ex. flip flops, pads, etc...).
| # NOTE:  The default unit for time is nanoseconds.
| #
| #NET clock PERIOD = 50ns ;
| #
| #       -OR-
| #
| # ------------------
| # ------------------
| # FROM:TO style timespecs can be used to constrain paths between time
| # groups.  NOTE:  Keywords:  RAMS, FFS, PADS, and LATCHES are predefined
| # time groups used to specify all elements of each type in a design.
| #TIMEGRP RFFS = RISING FFS ("*");  // creates a rising group called RFFS
| #TIMEGRP FFFS = FALLING FFS ("*");  // creates a falling group called FFFS
| #TIMESPEC TSF2F  = FROM : FFS   : TO : FFS   : 50 ns; // Flip-flips with
the same edge
| #TIMESPEC TSR2F  = FROM : RFFS  : TO : FFFS  : 25 ns; // rising edge to
falling edge
| #TIMESPEC TSF2R  = FROM : FFFS  : TO : RFFS  : 25 ns; // falling edge to
rising edge
| #
| # ---------------
| # Multiple Clocks
| # ---------------
| # Requires a combination of the 'Period' and 'FROM:TO' type time
| #NET clock1 TNM_NET = clk1_grp ;
| #NET clock2 TNM_NET = clk2_grp ;
| #
| #TIMESPEC TS_clk1 = PERIOD : clk1_grp : 50 ;
| #TIMESPEC TS_clk2 = PERIOD : clk2_grp : 30 ;
| #TIMESPEC TS_ck1_2_ck2 = FROM : clk1_grp : TO : clk2_grp : 50 ;
| #TIMESPEC TS_ck2_2_ck1 = FROM : clk2_grp : TO : clk1_grp : 30 ;
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| # CLOCK TO OUT specifications - Tco                        #
| ############################################################
| #
| # from      _________      /^^^^^\       --------\
| # ----------| D   Q |-----{ LOGIC } -----| Pad    >
| # PLD       |       |      \vvvvv/       --------/
| #        ---|> CLK  |
| # clock  |  ---------
| # --------
| #
| # ----------------
| # ----------------
| # To automatically include clock buffer/routing delay in your
| # clock-to-out timing specifications, use OFFSET constraints .
| # For an output where the maximum clock-to-out (Tco) is 25 ns:
| #
| #NET out_net_name OFFSET = OUT 25 AFTER clock_net_name ;
| #
| #      -OR-
| #
| # ------------------
| # ------------------
| #TIMESPEC TSF2P  = FROM : FFS   : TO : PADS  : 25 ns;
| # Note that FROM: FFS : TO: PADS constraints start the delay analysis
| # at the flip flop itself, and not the clock input pin.  The recommended
| # method to create a clock-to-out constraint is to use an OFFSET
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| # Pad to Flip-Flop speed specifications - Tsu              #
| ############################################################
| #
| # ------\         /^^^^^\       _________   into PLD
| # |pad   >-------{ LOGIC } -----| D   Q |------
| # ------/         \vvvvv/       |       |
| #                            ---|> CLK  |
| # clock                      |  ---------
| # ----------------------------
| #
| # ----------------
| # ----------------
| # To automatically account for clock delay in your input setup timing
| # specifications, use OFFSET constraints.
| # For an input where the maximum setup time is 25 ns:
| #NET in_net_name OFFSET = IN 25 BEFORE clock_net_name ;
| #
| #      -OR-
| #
| # ------------------
| # ------------------
| #TIMESPEC TSP2F  = FROM : PADS  : TO : FFS   : 25 ns;
| # Note that FROM: PADS : TO: FFS constraints do not take into account any
| # delay for the clock path.  The recommended method to create an input
| # setup time constraint is to use an OFFSET constraint.
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| # Pad to Pad speed specifications - Tpd                    #
| ############################################################
| #
| # ------\         /^^^^^\       -------\
| # |pad   >-------{ LOGIC } -----| pad   >
| # ------/         \vvvvv/       -------/
| #
| # ------------------
| # ------------------
| #TIMESPEC TSP2P  = FROM : PADS  : TO : PADS  : 125 ns;
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| # Other timing specifications                              #
| ############################################################
| #
| # -------------
| # -------------
| # If you can ignore timing of paths, use Timing Ignore (TIG). NOTE: The
| # "*" character is a wild card, which can be used for bus names.  A "?"
| # character can be used to wild-card one character.
| # Ignore timing of net reset_n:
| #NET : reset_n : TIG ;
| #
| # Ignore data_reg(7:0) net in instance mux_mem:
| #NET : mux_mem/data_reg* : TIG ;
| #
| # Ignore data_reg(7:0) net in instance mux_mem as related to a TIMESPEC
| # named TS01 only:
| #NET : mux_mem/data_reg* : TIG = TS01 ;
| #
| # Ignore data1_sig and data2_sig nets:
| #NET : data?_sig : TIG ;
| #
| # ---------------
| # ---------------
| # If your design has outputs that can be slower than others, you can
| # create specific timespecs similar to this example for output nets
| # named out_data(7:0) and irq_n:
| #TIMEGRP slow_outs = PADS(out_data* : irq_n) ;
| #TIMEGRP fast_outs = PADS : EXCEPT : slow_outs ;
| #TIMESPEC TS08 = FROM : FFS : TO : fast_outs : 22 ;
| #TIMESPEC TS09 = FROM : FFS : TO : slow_outs : 75 ;
| #
| # If you have multi-cycle FF to FF paths, you can create a time group
| # using either the TIMEGRP or TNM statements.
| #
| # WARNING:  Many VHDL/Verilog synthesizers do not predictably name flip
| # flop Q output nets.  Most synthesizers do assign predictable instance
| # names to flip flops, however.
| #
| # TIMEGRP example:
| #TIMEGRP slowffs = FFS(inst_path/ff_q_output_net1* :
| #inst_path/ff_q_output_net2*);
| #
| # TNM attached to instance example:
| #INST inst_path/ff_instance_name1_reg* TNM = slowffs ;
| #INST inst_path/ff_instance_name2_reg* TNM = slowffs ;
| #
| # If a FF clock-enable is used on all flip flops of a multi-cycle path,
| # you can attach TNM to the clock enable net.  NOTE:  TNM attached to a
| # net "forward traces" to any FF, LATCH, RAM, or PAD attached to the
| # net.
| #NET ff_clock_enable_net TNM = slowffs ;
| #
| # Example of using "slowffs" timegroup, in a FROM:TO timespec, with
| # either of the three timegroup methods shown above:
| #TIMESPEC TS10 = FROM : slowffs : TO : FFS : 100 ;
| #
| # Constrain the skew or delay associate with a net.
| #NET any_net_name MAXSKEW = 7 ;
| #NET any_net_name MAXDELAY = 20 ns;
| #
| #
| # Constraint priority in your .ucf file is as follows:
| #
| #    highest 1.  Timing Ignore (TIG)
| #            2.  FROM : THRU : TO specs
| #            3.  FROM : TO specs
| #    lowest  4.  PERIOD specs
| #
| # See the on-line "Library Reference Guide" document for
| # additional timespec features and more information.
| #
| #
| ############################################################
| #
| #         LOCATION and ATTRIBUTE SPECIFICATIONS            #
| #
| ############################################################
| # Pin and CLB location locking constraints                 #
| ############################################################
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Assign an IO pin number
| # -----------------------
| #INST io_buf_instance_name  LOC = P110 ;
| #NET io_net_name  LOC = P111 ;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Assign a signal to a range of I/O pins
| # -----------------------
| #NET "signal_name" LOC=P32, P33, P34;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Place a logic element(called a BEL) in a specific CLB location.
| # BEL = FF, LUT, RAM, etc...
| # -----------------------
| #INST instance_path/BEL_inst_name  LOC = CLB_R17C36 ;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Place CLB in rectangular area from CLB R1C1 to CLB R5C7
| # -----------------------
| #INST /U1/U2/reg<0> LOC=clb_r1c1:clb_r5c7;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Place hierarchical logic block in rectangular area from CLB R1C1 to CLB
| # -----------------------
| #INST /U1* LOC=clb_r1c1:clb_r5c7;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Prohibit IO pin P26 or CLBR5C3 from being used:
| # -----------------------
| # Config Prohibit is very important for forcing the software to not use
| # configuration pins like INIT or DOUT on the FPGA.  The Mode pins and
| # Pins require a special pad so they will not be available to this
| # prohibit all of the config-related pins for now.
| # -----------------------
| # Assign an OBUF to be FAST or SLOW:
| # -----------------------
| #INST obuf_instance_name FAST ;
| #INST obuf_instance_name SLOW ;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # FPGAs only:  IOB input Flip-flop delay specification
| # -----------------------
| # Declare an IOB input FF delay (default = MAXDELAY).
| # NOTE:  MEDDELAY/NODELAY can be attached to a CLB FF that is pushed
| # into an IOB by the "map -pr i" option.
| #INST input_ff_instance_name MEDDELAY ;
| #INST input_ff_instance_name NODELAY ;
| #
| # -----------------------
| # Assign Global Clock Buffers Lower Left Right Side
| # -----------------------
| # INST gbuf1 LOC=SSW
| #Sat Oct 30 10:50:38 1999
| NET "hc11_memoe" LOC = "P39";
| NET "hc11_romcs" LOC = "P38";
| #NET "hc11_fa<1>" LOC = "P46";
| NET "hc11_d<0>" LOC = "P40";
| #NET "hc11_d<1>" LOC = "P44";
| NET "hc11_fa<0>" LOC = "P45";
| NET "hc11_e" LOC = "P10";
| NET "hc11_a<9>" LOC = "P25";
| NET "hc11_a<12>" LOC = "P20";
| NET "hc11_rw" LOC = "P27";
| NET "hc11_as" LOC = "P28";
| NET "hc11_a<15>" LOC = "P14";
| NET "hc11_a<8>" LOC = "P26";
| NET "hc11_a<10>" LOC = "P24";
| NET "hc11_a<11>" LOC = "P23";
| NET "hc11_a<14>" LOC = "P18";
| NET "hc11_a<13>" LOC = "P19";
| #NET "hc11_reset" LOC = "P9";

Article: 19502
Subject: Specifying Virtex CLKDLL CLKDV_DIVIDE property in VHDL
From: "Matt Billenstein" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 05:05:14 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
How does one specify the CLKDLL properties in VHDL?



Matt Billenstein

Article: 19503
Subject: Re: Specifying Virtex CLKDLL CLKDV_DIVIDE property in VHDL
From: "Simon Bacon" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 23:23:55 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Well, I have never tried it, but will this work:

  ClockBlock: block
      attribute CLKDV_DIVIDE: string;
      attribute CLKDV_DIVIDE of InDLL: label is "2.5";
      InDLL:    CLKDLL port map ( CLK0    => ClkIn,
                                  CLK90   => open,
                                  CLK180  => open,
                                  CLK270  => open,
                                  CLK2X   => open,
                                  CLKDV   => FractionalClk,
                                  LOCKED  => ClkInLocked,
                                  CLKIN   => ClkFromPad,
                                  CLKFB   => ClkInBuf,
                                  RST     => '0'          );
  end block ClockBlock;

Matt Billenstein <> wrote in message
> How does one specify the CLKDLL properties in VHDL?

Article: 19504
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
From: (Susan Deike)
Date: 28 Dec 1999 06:26:54 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Matt Billenstein ( wrote:
: You say that the "falling edge should latch the data off the bus..." but
: you're using if rising_edge(hc11_e) then

See the followup I posted a few minutes later.  I'd been messing around
a lot this morning with a lot of things, that included, and sloppily posted
the wrong version of the source.  It should read "falling_edge" and 
indeed still does not work that way.  An unfortunate typo, not the source
of my grief.

: ....  Also, take a look in the FPGA editor and actually follow the signal off
: of the input PAD, through the register, and out onto the output PAD checking
: along the way that you're really registering the data on the proper clock
: edge and that your clock enable looks good and so on and so forth...

It goes everywhere it should.  We even tried synthesizing with both
(foundation's) synopsys and synplicity.  Synopsys puts the register in
the data bus (input) IOB and synplicity uses the latch in the output IOB,
but otherwise they're identical.  The clock is routed properly (we tried
using both primary and secondary clock buffers and it didn't make any
difference).  The clock enable is routed properly.  About the only thing
that looks the slightest bit weird is that there's a connection made from
the register's reset input to the global set/reset bus, and that had us
thinking for a while that the register was being held in the reset state,
but we've been assured by the xilinx factory applications folks that what
we're seeing is normal - it's a default put in place that handles device

Mystery remains.


p.s. Also a mystery why our nntp server plugged Susan's name into the header...

Article: 19505
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
From: Bonio Lopez <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 01:37:25 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi  Jonathan (and Susan ?),
I'm not sure if it is your problem but may be it is so.

I' have connected HC11 core with RAM (in FPGA) by following way

1)  if uc_e = '0' and uc_rxw = '1' then     RAM_noe_sig <= '0';   else
RAM_noe_sig <= '1';
2)  if uc_e = '1' and uc_rxw = '0' then     RAM_nwe_sig <= '0';    else
RAM_nwe_sig <= '1';

I have found out that  by reading from  RAM

RAM set  2 times data value on the bus because the valid address will
be set one noe tact  early.

That's why you must latch the data bus not when valid address is set on
the address bus and noe IS '0'
but when the valid address exists on the address bus at the time, when
noe GOES to '0'.

Hope it helps,
(You can write me if you have not understood, what i mean)

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

Article: 19506
Subject: Re: HDL to graphic conversion
From: Edwin Naroska <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:56:50 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

#YEO WEE KWONG# wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone come across any tools that does the above.

You may take a look at the VHDL FAQ
( Part 3
section 5 lists some VHDL <-> FSM/Schematic


Article: 19507
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 08:52:36 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Jonathan,

The only suggestion I have concerns the VHDL coding of the D flip-flop (and not latch as you mention).

Instead of:

process (flashreg, hc11_d, hc11_e, hc11_reset)
-- latch data lsb into flash address lsb
        if falling_edge(hc11_e) then
                if (flashreg = '1') then
                        hc11_fa(0) <= hc11_d(0);
                end if;
        end if;
end process;

I would use:

process (hc11_e, hc11_reset)
        if hc11_reset='1' then             -- I presume active high reset here
        elsif falling_edge(hc11_e) then
                if (flashreg = '1') then
                        hc11_fa <= hc11_d;
                end if;
        end if;
end process;

This removes a large number of warnings generated by the synthesis tool (Synplicity) concerning unused pin hc11_reset and
unused signal and pin hc11_fa(1). By the way, are you sure you are not looking at hc11_fa(1) instead of hc11_fa(0)?

Otherwise I see no problem with your code - I have extensively used this construct, including in SpartanXL FPGA without
any problem.

Susan Deike wrote:

> I'm working on a design of moderate complexity in 5V Spartan using
> Foundation 2.1i sp3 (yeah, I know.  just let me get over this problem,
> lord, and I'll move to the HP...).

De gustibus et de coloribus... I try to avoid workstations as much as I can.


Catalin Baetoniu

Article: 19508
Subject: VGA controller in FPGA
From: "Larry Edington" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 08:46:50 -0600
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Would anyone know of a VGA controller I could license for a FPGA? Nothing
fancy needed. In fact,
640 x 480 would be fine. DAC of course would be external. Hoping to use
Altera Flex.

Larry E.

Article: 19509
Subject: Re: How can I preset /prereset some Latches
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 16:30:10 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 22:40:36 -0500, Dave Vanden Bout <>

>Have you tried placing the register initialization into the user constraints file?  This is what I put in my .UCF file if I have a register called X in my VHDL that I have to initialize:
>INST X_reg INIT=S;    # this sets the X register to a logic 1
>INST X_reg INIT=R;    # this sets the X register to a logic 0
>Bonio Lopez wrote:
>> Hi friends,
>> I need that after downloading of my program in FPGA some latches will
>> be preseted and some prereseted (without any external reset).
>> I know it is possible but can you say me how?
>> My tools : VHDL, Leonardo, Xilinx Alliance 2.1i, Virtex.
>> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
>> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

there's a simpler way, which is covered here fairly frequently. put an
asynchronous preset or reset in the vhdl code for your register. for
the sake of argument, use a signal called INIT_H. you then have to
make sure that INIT_H uses the GSR net on your device. there are a
number of ways to do this, but the common ones are:

1) make sure that every register with an async preset/reset on your
device uses INIT_H as the preset/reset signal, or

2) instantiate the appropriate STARTUP element for your device, and
connect INIT_H to the GSR pin on this element. this has the advantage
that you don't then have to explicitly code an async preset/reset for
every register on the device. your synth will produce async-reset
elements by default if you don't explicitly code an async preset.


Article: 19510
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
From: "Andy Peters" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:23:45 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Susan Deike wrote in message <8495gu$q0j$>...

>The problem is that I can't get a D register in the device to latch data
>off of my microprocessor's (68HC11) data bus.  My original target is an
>XCS40, but I've built a proto using an XCS10 to try to isolate this

>Both protos exhibit exactly the same behaviour:  The combinatorial logic
>(address decoders) work just fine.  When I probe the clock enable signal
>(flashreg) out it's exactly what and where it should be, valid 50nS before
>and after the system (e) clock, the falling edge of which should latch the
>data off of the bus.  Scope shows the data to be good as well, just never
>appears on the register output

>process (flashreg, hc11_d, hc11_e, hc11_reset)
>-- latch data lsb into flash address lsb
> if rising_edge(hc11_e) then
> if (flashreg = '1') then
> hc11_fa(0) <= hc11_d(0);
> end if;
> end if;
>end process;
>end rtl;

The construct you describe - specifically, the sensitivity list - indicates
that a latch should be built, even though you want to use D flops. The
Spartan architecture doesn't have a latch, so the synthesis tool makes one
out of gates.   That's one of the problems - the other is related.  The
address decode flashreg is combinatorial.  Since the latch is also
combinatorial, the whole latch function might get really big and take much
longer to actually store the data than you might think.  Some things you
should do:

1) make a real flip-flop out of hc11_fa(0) by changing the sensitivity list
to just hc11_e and hc11_reset.

2) make sure the e-clock input uses a global clock buffer (this will happen
automagically iff your e-clock input only goes to flip-flop clock

3) set a period constraint on the e-clock equal to whatever the clock
frequency is.

4) put an offset constraint on the address and data inputs.

have fun.

Andy Peters
Sr Electrical Engineer
National Optical Astronomy Observatories
950 N Cherry Ave
Tucson, AZ 85719
apeters (at) noao \dot\ edu

The secret of Slurm is on a need-to-know basis.

Article: 19511
Subject: Re: VGA controller in FPGA
From: (Joseph H Allen)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:27:16 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <r34a4.968$>,
Larry Edington <> wrote:
>Would anyone know of a VGA controller I could license for a FPGA? Nothing
>fancy needed. In fact, 640 x 480 would be fine. DAC of course would be
>external. Hoping to use Altera Flex.

Try Intrinsix (en engineering consulting company) in Westboro
(508)-836-4100.  A friend of mine used to work there on this very design.

/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Article: 19512
Subject: Re: VGA controller in FPGA
From: (Joseph H Allen)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:28:57 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <r34a4.968$>,
Larry Edington <> wrote:
>Would anyone know of a VGA controller I could license for a FPGA? Nothing
>fancy needed. In fact, 640 x 480 would be fine. DAC of course would be
>external. Hoping to use Altera Flex.

Try Intrinsix (en engineering consulting company) in Westboro, MA
(508)-836-4100.  A friend of mine used to work there on this very design.

/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Article: 19513
Subject: Re: status during ISP
From: Bibico Cando <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 19:02:17 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
For CPLDs of  XC9500 series it is weak pulled up if in ISP mode (programming)

David Geng wrote:

> Hi, there,
> can any one tell me what's the status(high, low or float) of the I/O pins
> when a EPLD or FPGA in ISP procedure?
> Thanks a lot
> David

Article: 19514
Subject: Re: VGA controller in FPGA
From: Dave Vanden Bout <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:17:22 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

There is a VHDL and ABEL description of a VGA generator and output circuit for an FPGA at

Larry Edington wrote:

> Would anyone know of a VGA controller I could license for a FPGA? Nothing
> fancy needed. In fact,
> 640 x 480 would be fine. DAC of course would be external. Hoping to use
> Altera Flex.
> thanks,
> Larry E.

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Dave Vanden Bout
Content-Disposition: attachment;

n:Vanden Bout;David
tel;fax:(919) 387-1302
tel;work:(919) 387-0076
org:XESS Corp.
adr:;;2608 Sweetgum Drive;Apex;NC;27502;USA
title:FPGA Product Manager
fn:Dave Vanden Bout


Article: 19515
Subject: Re: VGA controller in FPGA
From: Dave Vanden Bout <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:17:22 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

------ =_NextPart_000_01BF51D9.7EC9ACC6
Content-Type: text/plain

There is a VHDL and ABEL description of a VGA generator and output
circuit for an FPGA at

Larry Edington wrote:

> Would anyone know of a VGA controller I could license for a FPGA?
> fancy needed. In fact,
> 640 x 480 would be fine. DAC of course would be external. Hoping to
> Altera Flex.
> thanks,
> Larry E.

------ =_NextPart_000_01BF51D9.7EC9ACC6
Content-Type: text/x-vcard;
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Description: Card for Dave Vanden Bout

n:Vanden Bout;David
tel;fax:(919) 387-1302
tel;work:(919) 387-0076
org:XESS Corp.
adr:;;2608 Sweetgum Drive;Apex;NC;27502;USA
title:FPGA Product Manager
fn:Dave Vanden Bout

------ =_NextPart_000_01BF51D9.7EC9ACC6--

Article: 19516
Subject: Re: xilinx help *desperately* needed
From: "Matt Billenstein" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 20:27:12 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Why not actually use a D register with feedback instead of a latch since the
spartan architecture doesn't have them anywho?  Thus, define the ELSE:

process (flashreg, hc11_d, hc11_e, hc11_reset)
-- latch data lsb into flash address lsb
if rising_edge(hc11_e) then
  if (flashreg = '1') then
    hc11_fa(0) <= hc11_d(0);
    hc11_fa(0) <= hc11fa(0);
  end if;
end if;
end process;


Matt Billenstein

<> wrote in message
| Hi Jonathan,
| The only suggestion I have concerns the VHDL coding of the D flip-flop
(and not latch as you mention).
| Instead of:
| process (flashreg, hc11_d, hc11_e, hc11_reset)
| begin
| -- latch data lsb into flash address lsb
|         if falling_edge(hc11_e) then
|                 if (flashreg = '1') then
|                         hc11_fa(0) <= hc11_d(0);
|                 end if;
|         end if;
| end process;
| I would use:
| process (hc11_e, hc11_reset)
| begin
|         if hc11_reset='1' then             -- I presume active high reset
|            hc11_fa<=(others=>'0');
|         elsif falling_edge(hc11_e) then
|                 if (flashreg = '1') then
|                         hc11_fa <= hc11_d;
|                 end if;
|         end if;
| end process;
| This removes a large number of warnings generated by the synthesis tool
(Synplicity) concerning unused pin hc11_reset and
| unused signal and pin hc11_fa(1). By the way, are you sure you are not
looking at hc11_fa(1) instead of hc11_fa(0)?
| Otherwise I see no problem with your code - I have extensively used this
construct, including in SpartanXL FPGA without
| any problem.
| Susan Deike wrote:
| > I'm working on a design of moderate complexity in 5V Spartan using
| > Foundation 2.1i sp3 (yeah, I know.  just let me get over this problem,
| > lord, and I'll move to the HP...).
| De gustibus et de coloribus... I try to avoid workstations as much as I
| Regards,
| Catalin Baetoniu

Article: 19517
Subject: Re: status during ISP
From: steve (Steve Rencontre)
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 03:00 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>, 
(David Geng) wrote:

> Hi, there,
> can any one tell me what's the status(high, low or float) of the I/O 
> pins
> when a EPLD or FPGA in ISP procedure?

I'd be surprised if there are any that don't go hi-Z during ISP, but 
it's not my board that'll smoke if I'm mistaken :-)

Try reading the data sheet or app notes for your particular device!

Steve Rencontre, Design Consultant
Article: 19518
Subject: Re: HDL to graphic conversion
From: "peter dudley" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 20:13:00 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
There is an tool set called Summit that convertes graphical entry to HDL and
can go the other way. The company was recently bought by Viewlogic and I
think the Summit tools are about $20K/seat.

Also the Symplify synthesis tool creates a pretty nice block diagram from
the structural parts of an HDL design. I've used it and it is super easy but
again it is not inexpensive.

Pete Dudley

Arroyo Grande Systems Incorporated

#YEO WEE KWONG# <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Anyone come across any tools that does the above. By the way, does
> xilinx foundation s/w provide the above avenue.
> Thanks.

Article: 19519
Subject: Re: Dumb question springing from a discussion about chess on a chip...
From: (Keith R. Williams)
Date: 29 Dec 1999 03:21:44 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Sat, 25 Dec 1999 01:59:12, Dave Vanden Bout <> 

> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
> this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Then *DON'T* post it to a USENET text only newsgroup!!! ...and it
has *nothing* to do with a mail reader (this is the USENET, 
dimwit).  If it is anything other than text it has no business 
being here!!!  Sheesh, kids...

Learn the medium and abide by its rules.


Article: 19520
Subject: USB2 core call for Volunteers
From: Jamil Khaib <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 11:34:12 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
me as a memeber of  the OpenIPCore project are trying to develope a USB
2.0 core.
We need some designers to help us in this project you are welcome to
join us.

we need also a PCI 2.2 core, and any kind of contribution you can made
is more than welcomed

OpenIP Organization
OpenIPCore Project
OpenCores Project

Article: 19521
Subject: OpenIPCore call for examples
From: Jamil Khaib <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 12:23:05 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

We are in OpenIPCore and OpenCores projects are trying to increase the
popularity of free open hardware designs and free EDA tools.
For this reason we would like to ask from each EDA tool developer a
small contribution to our project by putting one of their examples in
OpenCores CVS "which is distributed by the tool" that shows the power
and the usfulness of the tool.
As a result we will put a link to your project and mark it with special

you can visit the Tool.html page to see some links

To send your design please email me at

You are welcome to join us

OpenIP Organization
OpenIPCore Project
OpenCores Project

Article: 19522
Subject: sim error & webfitter
From: Jamil Khaib <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 12:49:35 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I synthesized the attached files with the webfitter and tried to
simulate it but I got different results that what I got before
Data out and Flages do not change in the normal operation "other than

The attached ps file shows the results of simulation before synthesis

Can you help me?


OpenIP Organization
OpenIPCore Project
OpenCores Project

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

-- Copyright Jamil Khatib 1999
-- This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it and/or implement it under the terms of the Openip General Public
-- License as it is going to be published by the OpenIP Organization and any
-- coming versions of this license.
-- You can check the draft license at
-- Creator : Jamil Khatib
-- Date 10/10/99
-- version 0.19991226
-- This file was tested on the ModelSim 5.2EE
-- The test vecors for model sim is included in file
-- This VHDL design file is proved through simulation but not verified on Silicon

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_signed.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL;

entity FIFO is
    generic (WIDTH : integer := 8;  	-- FIFO word width
	     ADD_WIDTH : integer := 3); -- Address Width

    port (Data_in : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);  -- Input data
	  Data_out : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);  -- Out put data
	  clk : in std_logic;  		-- System Clock
	  Reset : in std_logic;  	-- System global Reset
	  RE : in std_logic;  		-- Read Enable
	  WE : in std_logic;  		-- Write Enable
	  Full : buffer std_logic;  	-- Full Flag
	  Half_full : out std_logic;  	-- Half Full Flag
	  Empty : buffer std_logic); 	-- Empty Flag

end FIFO;


-- synthesized using webfitter
-- Input data is _NOT_ latched
-- The same as fifo_v3 but without the use of the variables in add_gen process
-- else case in add_gen "RE and WE" was removed

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--use ieee.numeric_std.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_signed.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL;

-- purpose: FIFO Architecture
architecture FIFO_v5 of FIFO is

-- constant values
	constant MAX_ADDR:std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH -1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
	constant MIN_ADDR:std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH -1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
	constant HALF_ADDR:std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH -1 downto 0) :="011";--(ADD_WIDTH -1 downto ADD_WIDTH -1 => '0' ,others => '1');

    signal R_ADD   : std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);  -- Read Address
    signal W_ADD   : std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);  -- Write Address
	signal D_ADD   : std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);  -- Diff Address

    signal REN_INT : std_logic;  		-- Internal Read Enable
    signal WEN_INT : std_logic;  		-- Internal Write Enable

	component dpmem
	    generic (ADD_WIDTH : integer := 3;
	   			 WIDTH : integer := 8 );

    	port (clk : in std_logic;
	    reset : in std_logic;
	  	w_add : in std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH - 1  downto 0 );
	    r_add : in std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 );
	    data_in : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
	    data_out : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0 );
	    WR  : in std_logic;
	    RE  : in std_logic);
	end component;

begin  -- FIFO_v5


memcore: dpmem 
generic map (WIDTH => 8,
				ADD_WIDTH =>3)
	port map (clk => clk,
			 reset => reset,
			 w_add => w_add,
			 r_add => r_add,
			 Data_in => data_in,
			 data_out => data_out,
			 wr => wen_int,
			 re => ren_int);


wen_int <= '1' when (WE = '1' and ( FULL = '0')) else '0';

ren_int <= '1' when RE = '1' and ( EMPTY = '0') else '0';


Add_gen: process(clk,reset)    

   begin  -- process ADD_gen

       -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
       if reset = '0' then
	   		W_ADD <= (others =>'0');
	   		R_ADD <= (others =>'0');
	   		D_ADD <= (others =>'0');
       -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
       elsif clk'event and clk = '1'  then
		if WE = '1' and ( FULL = '0') then
	   		W_ADD <= W_ADD + 1;
			D_ADD <= D_ADD +1;
--        else
--	   		W_ADD <= W_ADD;
--			D_ADD <= D_ADD;

	    end if;

		if RE = '1' and ( EMPTY = '0') then
	   		R_ADD <= R_ADD + 1;
			D_ADD <= D_ADD -1;
--        else
--	   		R_ADD <= R_ADD;
--			D_ADD <= D_ADD;
	    end if;
       end if;
--	    R_ADD  <= q2;
--		W_ADD  <= q1;
--		D_ADD  <= q3;

   end process ADD_gen;


	FULL      <=  '1'when (D_ADD(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) = MAX_ADDR) else '0';
	EMPTY     <=  '1'when (D_ADD(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) =  MIN_ADDR) else '0';
	HALF_FULL <=  '1'when (D_ADD(ADD_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) >  HALF_ADDR) else '0';


end FIFO_v5;


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

-- Copyright Jamil Khatib 1999
-- This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it and/or implement it under the terms of the Openip General Public
-- License as it is going to be published by the OpenIP Organization and any
-- coming versions of this license.
-- You can check the draft license at
-- Creator : Jamil Khatib
-- Date 10/10/99
-- version 0.19991226
-- This file was tested on the ModelSim 5.2EE
-- The test vecors for model sim is included in file
-- This VHDL design file is proved through simulation but not verified on Silicon

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

USE ieee.std_logic_signed.ALL;

-- Dual port Memory core

generic ( ADD_WIDTH: integer := 3 ;
		 WIDTH : integer := 8);
  PORT (
    clk      : IN  std_logic;                                -- write clock
    reset    : IN  std_logic;                                -- System Reset
    W_add    : IN  std_logic_vector(add_width -1 downto 0);  -- Write Address
    R_add    : IN  std_logic_vector(add_width -1 downto 0);  -- Read Address
    Data_In  : IN  std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1  DOWNTO 0);    -- input data
    Data_Out : OUT std_logic_vector(WIDTH -1   DOWNTO 0);    -- output Data
    WR       : IN  std_logic;                                -- Write Enable
    RE       : IN  std_logic);                               -- Read Enable
END dpmem;


ARCHITECTURE dpmem_v1 OF dpmem IS

  TYPE data_array IS ARRAY (integer range <>) OF std_logic_vector(WIDTH -1  DOWNTO 0);
                                        -- Memory Type
  SIGNAL data : data_array(0 to (2** add_width) );  -- Local data

  procedure init_mem(signal memory_cell : inout data_array ) is

    for i in 0 to (2** add_width) loop
      memory_cell(i) <= (others => '0');
    end loop;

  end init_mem;

BEGIN  -- dpmem_v1

  PROCESS (clk, reset)


    -- activities triggered by asynchronous reset (active low)
    IF reset = '0' THEN
      data_out <= (OTHERS => 'Z');
      init_mem ( data);

      -- activities triggered by rising edge of clock
    ELSIF clk'event AND clk = '1' THEN
      IF RE = '1' THEN
        data_out <= data(conv_integer(R_add));
        data_out <= (OTHERS => 'Z');    -- Defualt value
      END IF;

      IF WR = '1' THEN
        data(conv_integeR(W_add)) <= Data_In;
      END IF;
    END IF;


END dpmem_v1;


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/left_change {
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	{  % if there is room for ramp
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		ramp neg z_ht neg rlineto
		ramp z_ht neg rlineto
	{  % else just draw vertical line
		oldx base moveto
		0 one_ht rlineto
} def

/right_change {
	newx oldx sub ramp ge
	{	% if there is room for ramp
		/newx newx ramp sub def
		newx base one_ht add moveto
		ramp z_ht neg rlineto
		ramp neg z_ht neg rlineto
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	{	% else just draw vertical line
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} def

/init_x2 {
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} def

/vglitch {
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	0 one_ht rlineto
} def

/analog_backstep {
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	/x2 where {pop} {init_x2} ifelse
	x2 y lineto		% old x, old y, to old x, new y 
	/x2 x def
	x2 y lineto		% old x, new y, to new x, new y
	x2 y moveto
	t_to_x pop
} def

/analog_interp {
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	t_to_x y lineto		% old x, old y, to new x, new y
	x y moveto
} def

/analog {
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	x y lineto
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Article: 19523
Subject: Re: USB2 core call for Volunteers
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 11:42:37 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Sounds interesting.
Will the core based on an existing CPU/MCU or
will it be a USB interface for typicl CPU?
I have heard of USB 2, but no about USB 2.2.
What is new in this version?


In article <>,
  Jamil Khaib <> wrote:
> Hi
> me as a memeber of  the OpenIPCore project are trying to develope a
> 2.0 core.
> We need some designers to help us in this project you are welcome to
> join us.
> we need also a PCI 2.2 core, and any kind of contribution you can made
> is more than welcomed
> Thanks
> OpenIP Organization
> OpenIPCore Project
> OpenCores Project

Sent via
Before you buy.
Article: 19524
Subject: Re: USB2 core call for Volunteers
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 11:53:57 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Ooops, sorry, I misread PCI2.2 as USB2.2
(In a flu at this moment.Not very awake.)

Anyway, USB 2.0 sounds interesting.
But Intel is now try to boost new USB speed
to 400Mbps (not very sure about this.)

For PCI core, now the market is moving
to PCI-133. But prototyping (for testing)
can be a big problem. Most FPGAs/CPLDs only
support up to PCI 66.  In addition, I think
that we need to "buy" PCI specification
document. Is it still true?


In article <84crif$jo9$>, wrote:
> Hi!
> Sounds interesting.
> Will the core based on an existing CPU/MCU or
> will it be a USB interface for typicl CPU?
> I have heard of USB 2, but no about USB 2.2.
> What is new in this version?
> from
> Joe
> In article <>,
>   Jamil Khaib <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > me as a memeber of  the OpenIPCore project are trying to develope a
> > 2.0 core.
> > We need some designers to help us in this project you are welcome to
> > join us.
> >
> > we need also a PCI 2.2 core, and any kind of contribution you can
> > is more than welcomed
> >
> > Thanks
> > OpenIP Organization
> > OpenIPCore Project
> > OpenCores Project
> >
> >
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.

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