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Messages from 93125

Article: 93125
Subject: Re: Question about Progamming File generation report
From: "Gabor" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 05:50:43 -0800
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GaLaKtIkUs=99 wrote:
> In my bgn file (report file of the last step: genrate programming file)
> I got the followig warning:
> WARNING:PhysDesignRules:781 - PULLDOWN on an active net. PULLDOWN of
> comp
>    s_o<0>/s_o<0> is set but the tri state is not configured.
> I have the following constaints in my ucf file:
> NET s_o<0>  LOC =3D G5;  #GPLED0
> NET "s_o<*>" PULLDOWN;
> NET "s_o<*>" TIG;
> NET "s_o<*>" SLEW =3D SLOW;
> NET "s_o<*>" DRIVE =3D 2;
> Can anybody help?
> Mehdi

Your problem is in the source code, not your constraints.  It's
that you don't ever tristate the signal, either because your equations
don't have a tristate term or because that term has been optimised away.

Article: 93126
From: "Abbs" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 06:24:22 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
i need immeadite help...
i have to deliver a presentation. suppose i have to verify a D flip
flop, what are the verification stages, how will i proceed with it.
what are the steps to begin till end. its important so can any one out
here just brief it out to me.

thanks a million.


Article: 93127
Subject: Re: Xilinx floating point core 1.0
From: "Robin Bruce" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 06:25:01 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi kl31n,

I'm a little confused about your post. You're saying you thought you
could effectively reduce the latency by having multiple floating-point
units? You could certainly increase the bandwidth by having multiple
units, but the latency will remain 33 cycles. If latency is not a
problem then so long as you meet bandwidth requirements you'll be OK.
With new data appearing at a rate of 5MHz, and being consumed at a rate
of 3.03n Mhz, where n is the number of FPUs, n of 2 should be more than
sufficient. I'm confused by your comment: "I cannot get under 260ns and
this with whatsoever the number of dividers."

If it doesn't work with 2 dividers, then you must have a problem that
simply adding FPUs will never solve.

Sorry if this is exactly what you're saying, but the way you used the
word latency worried me somewhat.

I'm guessing there's no way you could use a speed-optimised divide
core? That way you  could at least issue your inputs every 200ns, then
pick up your outputs on the the other side every 200ns, provided that
the latency of the FPU is acceptable.



Article: 93128
Subject: Simulating CRC32 according to IEEE Std. 802.3
From: "" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 06:35:35 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I have been googling for a while
having noticed that there is no clear answer to my following problem:

The IEEE Std. 802.3 says the following: (section 3.2.8 Frame Check
Sequence field)
>Mathematically,the CRC value corresponding to a given frame is de =EF=AC=
=81ned by the following procedure:
>a)The =EF=AC=81rst 32 bits of the frame are complemented.
>e)The bit sequence is complemented and the result is the CRC.

I use the following CRC32-VHDL module:

-- File:  PCK_CRC32_D8.vhd
-- Purpose: VHDL package containing a synthesizable CRC function
--   * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
--   * data width: 8

-- Info:

Now I want to simulate the CRC according to the IEEE standard. I have a
transmitter including the CRC32
module and a receiver including the CRC32 module.
But I have some doubts on how to perform a conform simulation.

Let's assume that the following bytes are transmitted via Ethernet(one
byte interface), they are fed into the easics- module:
byte0  =3D "00000000" (Integer 0)
byte1  =3D "00000001" (Integer 1)
byte255=3D"11111111" (Integer 255)

Are the following assumptions correct ?

1=2E The CRC has to be initialized to
    NOT ("00000011 00000010 00000001 00000000")

2=2E The calculated CRC has to be inverted and appended in the following
   first byte appendix: NOT CRC(31 DOWNTO 24)
   second byte appendix NOT CRC(23 DOWNTO 16)
   third byte appendix NOT CRC(15 DOWNTO 8)
   fourth byte appendix NOT CRC(7 DOWNTO 0)

3=2E To which value do I have to reset the "remote" CRC module ?

4=2E Do I have to remove the CRC32 appendix of the Ethernet packets and
    replace the four bytes with "00000000" ?

I would be very thankful if you could shed some light on it.


Article: 93129
Subject: Re: J Tag Protocol
From: "PeteS" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 06:56:43 -0800
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Antti Lukats wrote:
> "ABS" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > hi all
> >
> > has anyone got any documents or refferals for 'J Tag Protocol ' , for
> > reconfigurable hardware.
> I bet almost anyone here has...
> but JTAG primary function is BOUNDARY SCAN and not hardware reconfiguration,
> even though lots (virtually all) current FPGA allow configuration over JTAG
> interface
> > i would appreciate if any tutorials or realted links/documents can b
> > passed on .
> > thanks
> > abhishek
> >

On the grounds I want to find out if the OP is creatively lazy...

The relevant specifications are:

for pure JTAG (testing) IEEE 11.94.1 - (year) [there are a number of
releases. Most devices comply with the 1994 release]
For In System programmable devices using JTAG
IEEE1536. Note that the 'BSDL' files for ISP specify the 1536
compatibility (See Altera or Xilinx docs)

For testing cores with 'standard' interfaces, such as EJTAG (MIPS) or
such as ARM core access, you would need to search for the specific
information. EJTAG and ARM core JTAG access protocols are published,
but not necessarily free.
Both 1194 and 1536 are published, but not free, although there is a
wealth of available information if you want to learn about it.



> it takes a few seconds to find those documents by googling for them, if you
> are too lazy for that there is no one who can help you.
> Antti
> PS I admire 'creative lazyness' but not people who are just lazy.

Article: 93130
Subject: Re: SGMII Interface
From: "PeteS" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 06:58:59 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jeremy Stringer wrote:
> Not quite on topic - but I thought somebody here might know -
> Does anybody know where I can get hold of the SGMII spec (Used on SFP
> modules, esp. 10/100/1000 copper)?
> All I can find in the SFP/PHY datasheets that I've looked at so far is
> references to the data bytes being repeated 10 times (Which doesn't help
> much with autonegotiation).
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

SGMII is part of the IEE 802.x series. To get the spec, you have to
either have a subscription or have access to a company that does ;)



Article: 93131
Subject: Mission critical & low core voltages
From: "Daveb" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 08:32:57 -0800
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We're looking at using an FPGA in a land based mission critical
application (not life critical). The latest generation of devices with
their huge resources are very tempting but the feeling is to stay with
older technology particularly with their larger geometries and higher
core voltages. With regard to the low voltages, a well designed PCB
with clean supplies and a low impedance/inductance ground should reduce
ground bounce, etc. to an acceptable level. Has anyone had bad
experiences or have views regarding the use of these latest FPGA
(and/or MCUs) devices in such applications ? 


Article: 93132
Subject: Re: Mission critical & low core voltages
From: "Peter Alfke" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 09:09:47 -0800
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Daveb, your question indicates your suspicion that modern ICs ( like
FPGAs) offer less reliable system solutions than the older technology.
That suspicion is not shared by the (admittedly biased) IC industry,
nor by the user community which accepts the newer  technologies and
higher capabilities gladly (even while they complain about the usual
teething problems).
You have to put more care (and knowledge) in your pc-board design, you
have to pay more attention to signal integrity between ICs, but you get
so much more capabilities that you can afford to think about
self-checking or redundant designs that increase your reliability.
If your suspicion were justified, it would be the kiss of death for
progress as we are accustomed to expect...
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications

Article: 93133
Subject: Re: xilinx constraint
From: "Monica" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 09:30:45 -0800
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Hello all,

Thank you very much for explaining me everything clearly.The
suggestions and information is highly useful.I think I must more
homework to understand such problems.

Thanks alot,

Article: 93134
Subject: Re: Question about Progamming File generation report
From: "=?iso-8859-1?B?R2FMYUt0SWtVc5k=?=" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 09:33:56 -0800
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but where is the problem? is this can influence the right behaviour of
my design?

Article: 93135
Subject: Re: Mission critical & low core voltages
From: "Daveb" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 09:57:46 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I should have made myself clearer. By older technology I meant 'older'
FPGA technology e.g Spartan-II with a 2.5V core voltage. I'm not
suspicous of the newer devices' reliability, just keen to see what the
consensus is regarding the ever reducing core voltage (i.e. reduced
noice margins) & reliability of system implementations.


Article: 93136
Subject: Re: Hello PPl, is there a way of locking a design (NGC) to a particular FPGA board?
From: "JustJohn" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 10:11:19 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>Ray wrote:
>Like you mentioned, these offer close to zero security.  Any yo-yo with
>an ounce of electronics knowledge can obtain the code from it, and it
>doesn't take much more than that to make a circuit that will mimic the
>serial number.

It's not the serial number that offers security, it's the 64-bit key
hidden behind SHA-1. I'm certainly not an expert, but googling turns up
that only recently has SHA-1 been broken:
and it seems to have been around for quite a while. I don't think that
"any yo-yo" could break a system that has resisted attack for (it looks
like at least) 10 years.

Article: 93137
Subject: Re: 3/2 with virtex 300
From: "HB" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 19:14:53 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Ray,

Thanks for your answer. I take an interest in your example. Can you send me
the file.vhd
with the clk rom your project.
My problem is :
I use with success the DLL in my project, but only for a free place and
When I try to write a file.ucf with this dedicated pin "aa4" for my CLK, ISE
stop with error at the mapping.
(need to use IBUF or other...)

I aren't worried about the relative phase of the 32 and 48 Mhz clocks, but I
would like to have
duty cycle around 50% (40/60 max).

Thanks for your help.


"Ray Andraka" <> a écrit dans le message news:
> HB wrote:
> Gee, that sounds a lot like the GV associates board I used for the Radar
> project shown in the gallery page of my website (the one with the CPU
> fans on the FPGAs).  In that case, there was a 48MHz clock for a USB
> interface chip that was also connected to the FPGA, but not through a
> clock pin and we had a separate clock oscillator that came through
> another pin (I think it was 66 MHz).
> If you aren't worried about the relative phase of the 32 and 48 Mhz
> clocks, you can bring the 48 Mhz clock in through the non-clock pin and
> use general routing resources to get it to a DLL.  From there you can do
> the divide by 1.5 to get 32 MHz.
> I'd have to do some digging through the archives to find the clock
> module for that design, but the point is you don't necessarily have to
> bring the clock in on a clock pin if you aren't worried about clock skew.

Article: 93138
Subject: Re: Mission critical & low core voltages
From: "Peter Alfke" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 10:15:57 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Daveb, that's exactly what I was addressing.
If you decouple Vccint well, and use the right multi-layer board for
good Vcc distribution, there should be no FPGA-internal problem. You
can still use 3.3-V I/O, even on the newest devices. We have made sure
that the I/O can be 3.3-V capable and tolerant, even though that has
increased our chip size and thus the cost.
People build extremely reliable complex systems with the modern
We used to point to the Mars Rover, which used the then most-modern
Virtex devices to control its wheel movement (and other functions). If
NASA was willing to use the most modern technology for such a risky and
high-visibilty and publicity project, you might also want to do that...
Peter Alfke

Article: 93139
Subject: Re: Mission critical & low core voltages
From: "Daveb" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 11:03:04 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thanks Peter. I wonder what devices the Mars Beagle2 Lander used :)

Article: 93140
Subject: FPGA-pci communication
From: "Nitesh" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 11:28:43 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I have a virtex II pro fpga pci board. I have to transfer data from
fpga to the host computer over the pci bus.How should I go about it?
I have a external pci bridge on the card between fpga and the pci.Now
the vendor doesnt provide any details. I have a program given by vendor
which can read data from memory on the board but the intitiation has to
be from host i.e by running the program. I have to figure out how can I
send data to host from fpga and how do I confirm that the host has
captured the right data.
Should I start with tweaking pci drivers or is there any other way ?

Article: 93141
Subject: Re: FPGA-pci communication
From: "John Adair" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 19:46:33 -0000
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

The group may give more information if tell us what your development board 
is. Assuming that your development boards supports Initiator functions then 
you should be able to implement a DMA function across the PCI bus to your 
destination. You will need information from the O/S or drivers in the system 
such that you know where to write to as PCI based memory spaces are 
allocated normally at boot and hence not necessarily a fixed value.

John Adair
Enterpoint Ltd. - Home of Raggedstone1. The Low Cost Spartan3 PCI 
Development Board.

"Nitesh" <> wrote in message
>I have a virtex II pro fpga pci board. I have to transfer data from
> fpga to the host computer over the pci bus.How should I go about it?
> I have a external pci bridge on the card between fpga and the pci.Now
> the vendor doesnt provide any details. I have a program given by vendor
> which can read data from memory on the board but the intitiation has to
> be from host i.e by running the program. I have to figure out how can I
> send data to host from fpga and how do I confirm that the host has
> captured the right data.
> Should I start with tweaking pci drivers or is there any other way ?
> -Nitesh

Article: 93142
Subject: Re: 3/2 with virtex 300
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:50:11 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I don't have the vhdl handy at the moment.  You need to change your 
input buffer from an IBUFG to an IBUF to be able to place it on an 
arbitrary pin.  You probably don't need to place anything else, nor do 
anything else special.

Article: 93143
Subject: Re: Mean value filter
Date: 14 Dec 2005 11:58:12 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi John,
I have read the paper and I think it is an excellent paper.

What I want to know is how many products and applications will use it
or have been using it?

Thank you.


Article: 93144
Subject: Re: Hello PPl, is there a way of locking a design (NGC) to a particular
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 15:02:49 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
JustJohn wrote:

>>Ray wrote:
>>Like you mentioned, these offer close to zero security.  Any yo-yo with
>>an ounce of electronics knowledge can obtain the code from it, and it
>>doesn't take much more than that to make a circuit that will mimic the
>>serial number.
> It's not the serial number that offers security, it's the 64-bit key
> hidden behind SHA-1. I'm certainly not an expert, but googling turns up
> that only recently has SHA-1 been broken:
> and it seems to have been around for quite a while. I don't think that
> "any yo-yo" could break a system that has resisted attack for (it looks
> like at least) 10 years.
  Maybe I'm missing something here, but with a 1 wire device providing 
the key that lets the FPGA function, all you need to do is monitor the 
bits that are read out of the device, and then duplicate that bit 
pattern to enable the FPGA.  Unless the query is different every time 
the FPGA starts up (which would either require different bitstreams or 
different external stimulus to the FPGA), you just play back the 
bitstream you recorded off a known good product.  The FPGA itself is 
deterministic, and other than the battery backed encryption in V2, there 
is no key kept in the FPGA that isn't part of the device configuration.

Article: 93145
Subject: Incremental Compilation in Quartus 5.1?
From: "" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 12:25:40 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could comment on using Incremental
Compilation in Quartus 5.1? Is there any problems partitioning your
design? I just want to know if it is worth using it? 


Article: 93146
Subject: Re: Hello PPl, is there a way of locking a design (NGC) to a particular FPGA board?
From: "Antti Lukats" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 21:31:40 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Ray Andraka" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> JustJohn wrote:
>>>Ray wrote:
>>>Like you mentioned, these offer close to zero security.  Any yo-yo with
>>>an ounce of electronics knowledge can obtain the code from it, and it
>>>doesn't take much more than that to make a circuit that will mimic the
>>>serial number.
>> It's not the serial number that offers security, it's the 64-bit key
>> hidden behind SHA-1. I'm certainly not an expert, but googling turns up
>> that only recently has SHA-1 been broken:
>> and it seems to have been around for quite a while. I don't think that
>> "any yo-yo" could break a system that has resisted attack for (it looks
>> like at least) 10 years.
>  Maybe I'm missing something here, but with a 1 wire device providing the 
> key that lets the FPGA function, all you need to do is monitor the bits 
> that are read out of the device, and then duplicate that bit pattern to 
> enable the FPGA.  Unless the query is different every time the FPGA starts 
> up (which would either require different bitstreams or different external 
> stimulus to the FPGA), you just play back the bitstream you recorded off a 
> known good product.  The FPGA itself is deterministic, and other than the 
> battery backed encryption in V2, there is no key kept in the FPGA that 
> isn't part of the device configuration.

XAPP780 uses 2 unrelated on-chip ring oscillators to provide true random
tokens for the security challenge.

those ringoscillators use directed routing constraints and fail to 
synthesize :)


Article: 93147
Subject: Re: Hello PPl, is there a way of locking a design (NGC) to a particular FPGA board?
Date: 14 Dec 2005 12:34:54 -0800
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Actually I believe that the stream is different everytime the design
needs to authenticate. The protection ip contains some pseudo random
number gen and with this, has the ability to generate unique stream. It
would be too obvious to record and playback the same stream.

Ray Andraka wrote:
> JustJohn wrote:
> >>Ray wrote:
> >>Like you mentioned, these offer close to zero security.  Any yo-yo with
> >>an ounce of electronics knowledge can obtain the code from it, and it
> >>doesn't take much more than that to make a circuit that will mimic the
> >>serial number.
> >
> >
> > It's not the serial number that offers security, it's the 64-bit key
> > hidden behind SHA-1. I'm certainly not an expert, but googling turns up
> > that only recently has SHA-1 been broken:
> >
> > and it seems to have been around for quite a while. I don't think that
> > "any yo-yo" could break a system that has resisted attack for (it looks
> > like at least) 10 years.
> >
>   Maybe I'm missing something here, but with a 1 wire device providing
> the key that lets the FPGA function, all you need to do is monitor the
> bits that are read out of the device, and then duplicate that bit
> pattern to enable the FPGA.  Unless the query is different every time
> the FPGA starts up (which would either require different bitstreams or
> different external stimulus to the FPGA), you just play back the
> bitstream you recorded off a known good product.  The FPGA itself is
> deterministic, and other than the battery backed encryption in V2, there
> is no key kept in the FPGA that isn't part of the device configuration.

Article: 93148
Subject: Re: SGMII Interface
From: Jeremy Stringer <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 09:58:15 +1300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
PeteS wrote:
> Jeremy Stringer wrote:
>> Not quite on topic - but I thought somebody here might know -
>> Does anybody know where I can get hold of the SGMII spec (Used on SFP
>> modules, esp. 10/100/1000 copper)?
>> All I can find in the SFP/PHY datasheets that I've looked at so far is
>> references to the data bytes being repeated 10 times (Which doesn't help
>> much with autonegotiation).
> SGMII is part of the IEE 802.x series. To get the spec, you have to
> either have a subscription or have access to a company that does ;)

I do have the 802.3 documents - They quite clearly define MII 
(25MHz/4bit) and GMII (125MHz/8bit), but not (As far as I could tell) 
SGMII (625MHz DDR/1 bit, GE signalling, modified autonegotiation 
sequences, repeated payload bytes for 10/100).


Article: 93149
Subject: Custom data rates with Virtex 2 Pro-X MGTs
From: "jeffcannon" <>
Date: 14 Dec 2005 13:02:29 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Has anyone had any experience using Xilinx RocketIO MGTs at data rates
other than the PMA rates that are explicitly defined in the datasheet?
I've had a fair amount of success with it, but functionality such as
clock-data recovery has been troublesome for me.  Because the
predefined attributes for all 120 bits of the PMA configuration
register seem to be geared for certain serial rates, and the
documentation is vague at best in UG035, I'm pretty much left to guess
and check whether or not changing any of these parameters (RXLOOPFILTER
CAP, RES, for instance) might help me out.



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