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Messages from 109675

Article: 109675
Subject: Re: Modules for IO on BSD indi processor ideas?
From: "Antti Lukats" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 08:42:01 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"jacko" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Antti wrote:
>> jacko schrieb:
>> > hi
>> >
>> > IO has been the thoughts of late. As all IO is from or to 1K x 16 bit
>> > words memory mapped buffers certain limits are placed on the devices
>> []
>> > what else would people require in terms of modular cores?
>> >
>> > cheers.
>> you are not doing the things in right order IMHO
>> 1) Arch description
> Read the ISA and look at the circuit this early in the project.

I have.
plenty many unknowns
processor states?
special registers?
addressing ranges for diferent address spaces?

all only open questions!

>> 2) HDL testbench or fixture
> this will be the FORTH ROM and a modified FORTH-83 test suite.

anything that contains 'will be' means nothing.
it either is or is not available.

>> 3) toolchain + assembler compiler tests
> The operation of the base vocabularies will depend quite a lot on the
> utility to which the design will be put.

hm - sorry by toolchain I did mean C compiler of course.
nobofy wants forth unfortunatly.

yes, I have programmed in forth back then when 80286 based machines
did come out. I have even developed a single chip based computer based
on PIC16F84 where forth like interpreter and interactive monitor editor
all was fitted into 512 word ROM.

but - there are plenty of forth FPGA CPU's available, and there seems
to ZERO interest.

now Java VM is actually a forth engine, but guess what? Sun is not
offering forth as front end for their forth enginge, no Java language
is something totally different (the forth VM is hidden from the user)

so unless you have a C compiler front end, there will be equally
zero interest to your processor as it zero interest to other currently
available forth FPGA CPU's.

>> 4) onchip bus infrastructure
> it will be avalon or wishbone, when i end up needing to use the on chip
> bus for a first product development.
>> only when the above is finalized then there the
>> peripherals make sense, unless the cores
>> is working verified and supported by tested
>> software tools, the existance (or lack of)
>> peripherals makes absolutly no difference.
> i like to see where i'm headed, as well as where i am due to the
> direction to head in is controlled by the final destination. the
> pheripheral IO is on the agenda at the moment as this will decide the
> high level structure of the API. I could do things to an order, but i
> see no pink slips paying the bills, so i'll have to run it the way i
> see it in the eye of the mind.
your total earnings from the project are estimated to be <= 100USD
you can take a pink piece of paper and write that number onto it.

> i was thinking of a track loop phosphorus-arsnic NMR factorizer by
> gussian sum, but not now, but it may relate to the HAL generics.

Sorry Jon if I sound like fun-killer to you.
I am just giving my 2 cents.


Article: 109676
Subject: Re: Looking for HDL code for sin( a ) and x ** y Functions
From: "MariuszK" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 00:55:34 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Try this:


Article: 109677
Subject: Virtex 4 Configuration Pins
From: "Anastasios D. Salis" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 03:16:30 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
When designing using a Virtex 4 (VCCO_0 = 3.3V) and a XCF16PV(VCCO=3.3V and VCCJ=3.3V) at MASTER-SERIAL connection the special configuration pins "DONE", "PROG-B" and "INIT" need pull-up resistors. At which voltage rail should they be pulled up to? At 3.3V or 2.5V? When using a THEVENING termination for the CCLK, at which voltage should it be pulled up? In all those cases what value should the resistors have? I have used 100 Ohm for the thevening termination, 330 Ohm for INIT and DONE and 4.7K for PROG-B. In the ML401-2-3 reference schematic 2.5V is used for pull-up but in the Platform Flash Configuration guide (DS123) it says that I should pull the up to VCCO_0 that is 3.3 V in my case and in ML401_2_3 case also.

Please help me, I am cofused.

Thank you in advance, Tasos.

Article: 109678
Subject: FPGA power-up and code relocation (basics)
From: "Andrea05" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:02:56 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi everybody,
I'm a Ph.D. student on robotics and i'm *totally* new to the world of
FPGA and i need little help understanding some (i think) standard
I'm using a Xilinx Microblaze (32bit) microcontroller (with EDK) and
i'm triyng to implement a special control algorithm for a robot.
Now the problems.
Since the FPGA are volatile devices, i need a PROM to configure them at
1) how do i fill the PROM? I know there are different section
(configuration, SW, user Data) but how do I fill each such sections
using xilinx tools?
2) since the program and the data are big, how can I relocate them to
an external memory such as a RAM? I know that using an appropriate
linker script I can do that but it's not so clear to me how all works.
(Should the program fit in the internal RAM of FPGA or it can reside
all or in part in external RAM? Using the linker script at start-up the
code is automatically copied in the right portion of RAM?)

As you can see I'm totally new to this world. I've read about this
issues (xapp482, xapp501, ds123,...) but all the documents are too much
specific, what I need now is an idea on how all this stuff works, just
to understand the flow and the tools I need.

I know that this issues are *well* known to most of you and maybe
you'll find boring explain this basic things but I'll appreciate any
hint you can gave me.

Thanks in advance,

Article: 109679
Subject: Re: Looking for HDL code for sin( a ) and x ** y Functions
From: "Derek Simmons" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:21:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
cbr_929rr wrote:
> If link does not work, try

The port number fixed my problems with connecting.


Article: 109680
Subject: Re: Looking for HDL code for sin( a ) and x ** y Functions
From: "Derek Simmons" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:24:06 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Norbert Stuhrmann wrote:
> Hi Derek,
> Derek Simmons wrote:
> > I'm looking for any helpful or constructive suggestions.
> You might have a look at the cordic algorithms.
> Regards,
>   Norbert Stuhrmann

The cordic projects on OpenCores were hits I found searching for
algorithms. Not that I'm able to connect, unless somebody recommends
otherwise I'm going to focus my investigation and research on them.


Article: 109681
Subject: Re: Modules for IO on BSD indi processor ideas?
From: "jacko" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:26:07 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Antti Lukats wrote:
> "jacko" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> >
> > Antti wrote:
> >> jacko schrieb:
> >>
> >> > hi
> >> >
> >> > IO has been the thoughts of late. As all IO is from or to 1K x 16 bit
> >> > words memory mapped buffers certain limits are placed on the devices
> >> []
> >> > what else would people require in terms of modular cores?
> >> >
> >> > cheers.
> >>
> >> you are not doing the things in right order IMHO
> >>
> >> 1) Arch description
> >
> > Read the ISA and look at the circuit this early in the project.
> >
> I have.
> plenty many unknowns
> processor states?

1 pin to select user or super mode registers.

> special registers?

none as yet

> interrupts?

no interrupt controller yet, would be part of the pheriph devices,
which toggles user super register set.

> exceptions?

no none of this either. but may be detected by user logic to toggle
super/user pin.

> addressing ranges for diferent address spaces?

16 bit address (or 32 if two joined, or 64 if 4 joined) and 2 bits to
indicate which address register is used, and a fetch pin to indicate
insruction fetch cycle.

> all only open questions!
> >> 2) HDL testbench or fixture
> >
> > this will be the FORTH ROM and a modified FORTH-83 test suite.
> >
> anything that contains 'will be' means nothing.
> it either is or is not available.

not yet available, wordlist.mdb in the project directory is the current
state of word defininitions and word documentation.

> >> 3) toolchain + assembler compiler tests
> >
> > The operation of the base vocabularies will depend quite a lot on the
> > utility to which the design will be put.
> >
> hm - sorry by toolchain I did mean C compiler of course.
> nobofy wants forth unfortunatly.

no C compiler yet, and java may be more likely. although of course the
full sun library will not be supplied.

> yes, I have programmed in forth back then when 80286 based machines
> did come out. I have even developed a single chip based computer based
> on PIC16F84 where forth like interpreter and interactive monitor editor
> all was fitted into 512 word ROM.


> but - there are plenty of forth FPGA CPU's available, and there seems
> to ZERO interest.

i'm interseted, so i will develop and release things as they become
needed for the first project using the indi.

> now Java VM is actually a forth engine, but guess what? Sun is not
> offering forth as front end for their forth enginge, no Java language
> is something totally different (the forth VM is hidden from the user)

makes a good native language for java if you ask me, but then people
love the C code base. although c to forth translator does exist.

> so unless you have a C compiler front end, there will be equally
> zero interest to your processor as it zero interest to other currently
> available forth FPGA CPU's.

the cpu is not necessarily forth, i'm just doing forth. it's a flat
address space cpu which runs a machine code with 4 (source and dest =
2-operand) instructions.

> >> 4) onchip bus infrastructure
> >
> > it will be avalon or wishbone, when i end up needing to use the on chip
> > bus for a first product development.
> >
> >>
> >
> your total earnings from the project are estimated to be <= 100USD
> you can take a pink piece of paper and write that number onto it.

i think i will have to design my own project first. on which i aim to
make mony, after first product design, much more will be available for
a user base.

> > i was thinking of a track loop phosphorus-arsnic NMR factorizer by
> > gussian sum, but not now, but it may relate to the HAL generics.
> >
> ?!

and NMR needs odd number of protons.

> Sorry Jon if I sound like fun-killer to you.
> I am just giving my 2 cents.

ok. i can take constructive critisism, and i am sure C will be done by
someone some day, as the instruction set is very simple to emulate. but
it wont be me today, as i have other things in the pipeline, and out of
order execution is not yet available within the indi design.

biggest selling point is arround 700 LEs and uses no BRAM or other
resources for microcode and the like. to use it as a 16 bit just join
the caryy out to the carry in, and connect your own level based
interrupt source to the super/user pin. user the address and data bus
to connect to 64K x16 bit words of RAM.


Article: 109682
Subject: Re: Looking for HDL code for sin( a ) and x ** y Functions
From: "Derek Simmons" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:28:15 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Andrew FPGA wrote:
> > >What I'm looking for is a resource like, if it existed, Numerical
> > >Receipes in HDL (VHDL/Verilog).
> Elementary Functions, Algorithms and Implementation by Jean-Michel
> Muller.
> No HDL code but the algorithms are there.

I found a couple of people have recommended this book and when I did a
quick search on Amazon it came highly recommended. I'm looking into
getting a copy.


Article: 109683
Subject: Re: Virtex 4 Configuration Pins
From: "" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 05:34:45 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Anastasios D. Salis napisal(a):
> When designing using a Virtex 4 (VCCO_0 = 3.3V) and a XCF16PV(VCCO=3.3V and VCCJ=3.3V) at MASTER-SERIAL connection the special configuration pins "DONE", "PROG-B" and "INIT" need pull-up resistors. At which voltage rail should they be pulled up to? At 3.3V or 2.5V? When using a THEVENING termination for the CCLK, at which voltage should it be pulled up? In all those cases what value should the resistors have? I have used 100 Ohm for the thevening termination, 330 Ohm for INIT and DONE and 4.7K for PROG-B. In the ML401-2-3 reference schematic 2.5V is used for pull-up but in the Platform Flash Configuration guide (DS123) it says that I should pull the up to VCCO_0 that is 3.3 V in my case and in ML401_2_3 case also.

I've got the similar issue, but Slave SelectMAP32 from microprocessor,
Vcco = 3,3V. I haven't found special solution for this configuration in
V4, so I use configuration from Spartan3 user guide (ds099.pdf
3.3V-Tolerant Configuration Interface).

> Please help me, I am cofused.

I'm confused too :)


Jerzy Gbur

Article: 109684
Subject: Re: Looking for HDL code for sin( a ) and x ** y Functions
From: "Derek Simmons" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 06:05:15 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
> It really depends on your precision and accuracy requirements.  For
> arbitrarily high precision, CORDIC is the way to go for sin provided you
> can live with the latency.  The other end of the spectrum is a look-up
> table.  There are intermediate solutions which are generally a
> combination of angular reductions and interpolation that will get you a
> reasonably high resolution without a huge look-up table.  Linear
> interpolation perhaps the easiest, and can be done with relatively
> little hardware.  A parabolic fit interpolation will get you
> considerably smaller errors between table entries allowing a finer
> resolution, and can be done with relatively low hardware complexity.

I can live with the latency because the math unit I'm designing is
pipelined. As long as I organize the operations putting the ones with
longest latency first and at the cost of a multiplier or adder I should
keep a couple of parallel tracks busy.

> For X**Y, it is easiest to work with normalized floating point as an
> input, and then using interpolated LUTs.  Normalizing limits the range
> of the tables.  For a general purpose trancendental function calculator,
> your best bet might be a CORDIC-like iterative engine, as CORDIC and
> CORDIC-like structures can handle trig, hyperbolic trig, logs and
> exponents, and multiply and divide.

I'm comparing the trade off for using a lookup table to using an
iterative process. I have designed a general purpose rasterizer. I can
feed it a canned list of triangles in screen coordinates and it can
render them shaded. I'm working my way backwards up the pipeline to
design the geometry engine stage. Given the parameters for viewing
transformations I'm adding the functionality to build the viewing
transforms, using the object space coordinates calculate the world
space coordinates and from the worldspace coordinates calculate the
screen coordinates for the rasterizer.

Right now I'm doing this with the attitude of a hobby but I would like
to roll it over into something professional. Much of what I'm doing is
iterative, it never amazes me when QuartusII finds a flaw in one of my
state machines and decides to flatten it.


Article: 109685
Subject: JTAG cable @ 2.5 V - where?
From: Markus Zingg <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:13:32 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi group

I'm a newbee, so please bear with me if this does not make sense. 

I got a AVNet (MEMEC) Virtex 4 based developper kit based on the
Virtex-4 FX12 Mini Module whoes baseboard JTAG port is documented as
"a 2.5V compatible JTAG chain header". The pinout is identical to what
Xilinx seems to use (14 pins etc.). The docs seem to asume that one
must use the Xilinx parallel cable IV which from what I understand
seems to automatically sense the voltage needs of the target and is
having other nice to have features. However, due to several reasons
which are beond the scope of this post, I can't simply pick up the
phone and order one from a supplier last not least also because I
don't know any that would carry this item here in Switzerland.

The net seems to be full of homebrew JTAG cable websites giving
instructions to build you own. The question is can I use one of those?
I'm a bit afraid that this will not work cause from what I understand
they seem to be designed for 5V or 5V tolerant devices. What other
options do I have? Any links to a schema of the Xilinx paralell cable
IV or such to build my own JTAG cable running at 2.5V?

I would also not mind to shell out the needed $$$ to get that original
cable if I could easily purchase it somewhere online using paypal or a
credit card and get it deliverd quickly. Any ideas?



Article: 109686
Subject: Re: FPGA power-up and code relocation (basics)
From: "Ben Jones" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:36:10 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Andrea,

> I'm a Ph.D. student on robotics and i'm *totally* new to the world of

Welcome to the world of FPGA! Don't panic, you are very close to getting 
where you want to go. All the questions you have asked are valid and 

> and i need little help understanding some (i think)
> standard procedures.

In fact, as you no doubt suspected all along, there aren't really any 
hard-and-fast "standard procedures" for what you're interested in doing. 
There are various standard techniques and approaches, but no One Right Way. 
The specifics really vary from project to project.

You have correctly identified that the FPGA needs to be configured somehow - 
this can be from a special PROM, or some other method, but ultimately the 
FPGA image must be stored in non-volatile memory somewhere. Note that this 
might be - but certainly doesn't have to be - the same non-volatile memory 
that contains the application program code for your control algorithm.

> 1) how do i fill the PROM?

This will depend quite a lot on your board. Are you using a standard 
development board (i.e. off-the-shelf from Xilinx, Avnet etc) or is it a 
custom-built piece of robotics kit? Generally speaking the process of 
formatting and downloading the PROM image will differ quite a lot from board 
to board.

> 2) since the program and the data are big, how can I relocate them to
> an external memory such as a RAM?

So, if your application can be made to fit entirely within the block RAM 
resources inside the FPGA, then there is no need for any separate external 
application code: the FPGA will start running your program as soon as it's 
configured. If it's bigger than that, then some sort of "bootloader" program 
is required. This will sit in a lump of BRAM and will be run as soon as the 
FPGA has configured. In the simplest case it would just jump directly to the 
location where the program is stored in external non-volatile memory; 
however, this is often quite slow. If there is SRAM or DRAM available, the 
bootloader can copy the program from non-volatile storage into faster 
volatile memory, and then execute it from there. It might also do some other 
things like clearing some region of memory, for example.

Of course, if your program is bigger than your non-volatile storage, then 
you can't really do much other than download it manually into SRAM/DRAM each 
time. Or get your bootloader to download the application over ethernet or 
something complicated like that.

Last time I did anything like this (which was a while ago), I had to write 
the bootloader myself. It's not very hard, and there is usually an existing 
reference point to start from. For some common cases and on "supported" 
development boards, the EDK may now automate this (perhaps someone more 
familiar with that side of things can fill in the blanks here).

The linker script merely tells the linker what memory address each section 
of the compiled program should live in. This information is propagated into 
the .elf file and can be used by bootloader-type applications, but the 
linker script itself doesn't really play a part in the bootloading process.

Hope something in all this waffle is useful. I'm sure you will find plenty 
of people on this newsgroup with helpful advice. You might also try 
comp.arch.embedded for any issues that are more processor-related than 

Good luck!



Article: 109687
Subject: Re: JTAG cable @ 2.5 V - where?
From: "John Adair" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:41:27 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Our Prog2 cable(ask for narrow head version) is available in the standard 14 
way 2mm connector. Cost GBP£10. It is a Cable III look-alike as most third 
party cables are. Schematics for Cable IV are generally not in public domain 
and generally not replicated by anyone as far as I know.

The only advantage of the Cable IV is the download speed.

Our shop website has those listed under programming solutions for an easy 
order solution.

John Adair
Enterpoint Ltd. - Home of Broaddown2. The Ultimate Spartan3 Development 

"Markus Zingg" <> wrote in message
> Hi group
> I'm a newbee, so please bear with me if this does not make sense.
> I got a AVNet (MEMEC) Virtex 4 based developper kit based on the
> Virtex-4 FX12 Mini Module whoes baseboard JTAG port is documented as
> "a 2.5V compatible JTAG chain header". The pinout is identical to what
> Xilinx seems to use (14 pins etc.). The docs seem to asume that one
> must use the Xilinx parallel cable IV which from what I understand
> seems to automatically sense the voltage needs of the target and is
> having other nice to have features. However, due to several reasons
> which are beond the scope of this post, I can't simply pick up the
> phone and order one from a supplier last not least also because I
> don't know any that would carry this item here in Switzerland.
> The net seems to be full of homebrew JTAG cable websites giving
> instructions to build you own. The question is can I use one of those?
> I'm a bit afraid that this will not work cause from what I understand
> they seem to be designed for 5V or 5V tolerant devices. What other
> options do I have? Any links to a schema of the Xilinx paralell cable
> IV or such to build my own JTAG cable running at 2.5V?
> I would also not mind to shell out the needed $$$ to get that original
> cable if I could easily purchase it somewhere online using paypal or a
> credit card and get it deliverd quickly. Any ideas?
> Markus

Article: 109688
Subject: Re: JTAG cable @ 2.5 V - where?
From: John_H <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 14:07:37 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I don't see where the "Parallel Cable III look-alike" PROG2 is 2.5V 
compliant since the Parallel Cable III doesn't work so well from 2.5V.

I think I've gotten the III to work with a 3.3V supply for 2.5V JTAG but 
the IV or USB versions of the cable are certainly more robust.

Perhaps the Xilinx online store could ship to Switzerland with a simple 
credit card purchase.

The Parallel Cable IV doesn't include schematics but it does show what 
the input and output stages look like, easily replacing the simple 
buffers in the Parallel Cable III which does have full schematics.

- John Handwork

John Adair wrote:
> Markus
> Our Prog2 cable(ask for narrow head version) is available in the standard 14 
> way 2mm connector. Cost GBP£10. It is a Cable III look-alike as most third 
> party cables are. Schematics for Cable IV are generally not in public domain 
> and generally not replicated by anyone as far as I know.
> The only advantage of the Cable IV is the download speed.
> Our shop website has those listed under programming solutions for an easy 
> order solution.
> John Adair
> Enterpoint Ltd. - Home of Broaddown2. The Ultimate Spartan3 Development 
> Board.
> "Markus Zingg" <> wrote in message 
>> Hi group
>> I'm a newbee, so please bear with me if this does not make sense.
>> I got a AVNet (MEMEC) Virtex 4 based developper kit based on the
>> Virtex-4 FX12 Mini Module whoes baseboard JTAG port is documented as
>> "a 2.5V compatible JTAG chain header". The pinout is identical to what
>> Xilinx seems to use (14 pins etc.). The docs seem to asume that one
>> must use the Xilinx parallel cable IV which from what I understand
>> seems to automatically sense the voltage needs of the target and is
>> having other nice to have features. However, due to several reasons
>> which are beond the scope of this post, I can't simply pick up the
>> phone and order one from a supplier last not least also because I
>> don't know any that would carry this item here in Switzerland.
>> The net seems to be full of homebrew JTAG cable websites giving
>> instructions to build you own. The question is can I use one of those?
>> I'm a bit afraid that this will not work cause from what I understand
>> they seem to be designed for 5V or 5V tolerant devices. What other
>> options do I have? Any links to a schema of the Xilinx paralell cable
>> IV or such to build my own JTAG cable running at 2.5V?
>> I would also not mind to shell out the needed $$$ to get that original
>> cable if I could easily purchase it somewhere online using paypal or a
>> credit card and get it deliverd quickly. Any ideas?
>> TIA
>> Markus

Article: 109689
Subject: Re: PLB-IPIF and user IP interface problem
From: "Ashish" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 07:24:08 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Any body has updates on this????

Ashish wrote:
> I have a problem in initiating a PLB _IPIF back to back transactions.
> I have integrated my IP backend with PLB-IPIF.
> My IP is User master while initiating transaction and then completes
> the transaction as slave, on IPIF side.
> Once I am done with Write transaction initiated on PLB bus from IP
> Master interface(through IPIF)  and after receiving last_ack, I am
> initiating another write transaction, but its fails to respond!
> The status after 1st write transaction is that Bus2IP_BE shows 80h and
> Bus2IP_CE shows IP master chp enable asserted. What does it mean?
> I found nothing related to this in PLB_IPIF_V2_01.pdf
> Can anybody help me out in understanding the disconnects?

Article: 109690
Subject: Re: LatticeMico32 extremly poor performance without caches
From: "Antti" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 07:28:15 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jon Beniston schrieb:

> Hal Murray wrote:
> > >on LM32 all memories are on Wishbone bus making the access to BRAM
> > >based memory block slower than the access to external memory (assuming
> > >cache hit).
> >
> > Can you cheat and build a system with cache and no memory, then
> > preload the cache with the data you want?
> As far as I can see, I don't think this is supported via the GUI yet,
> but would of course be possible if you hacked the RTL to change the
> cache memories and tags to be initialised with the correct data, which
> should be fairly straightforward to do.
> However, this would not be as efficient as using the instruction ROM
> and data RAM that are in the RTL, as you end up wasting resources on
> memories for the cache tag RAMs which aren't needed, and all of the
> cache refill logic etc..
> Cheers,
> Jon

hm, I guess the LM32_RAM that is included when JTAG debugger is enabled
is direct processor connected block RAM. as I had JTAG configured off
this module was also out, so I only had wishbone block RAMs left in the
system. For the custom instruction support there is anyway an update
needed so I guess the access to direct CPU connected on chip memories
will also be available then.


PS for those who want to play with LatticeMico32 on Xilinx platform I
uploaded the ISE project navigator project that I used for testing, its
rather minimal LM32 system tested to work in Virtex-4, available
@ , download area...

Article: 109691
Subject: logarithm look-up table
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Johan_Bernsp=E5ng?= <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:12:41 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi all,

I'm about to convert the amplitude output from a Cordic to dB, 
20*log(amp) that is. The output from the Cordic is 24 bits wide, the 
maximum value would thus be approximately 144.5 dB. It is sufficient 
with 12 bits resolution on the logarithm, 8 integer bits and 4 
fractional bits.

My idea is to create a look-up table out of BRAM in the FPGA, and since 
I want 12 bits resolution the size should not be larger than 2312 words 
(the largest value is 10010000.0111 which is equal to 2311 if the binary 
point is removed) each 12 bits wide. The problem has proved to be to 
create a clever address function though.

Any thoughts or ideas I have forseen? I'm sure this has been done 
before, but some Googling didn't really help me in the right direction.

Johan Bernspång,
Research engineer

Swedish Defence Research Agency - FOI
Division of Command & Control Systems
Department of Electronic Warfare Systems

Please remove the x's in the email address if
replying to me personally.

Article: 109692
Subject: Re: FPGA power-up and code relocation (basics)
From: "Andrea05" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 09:40:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thank you Ben!

now I've a little clearer vision on how the things works, I found
useful your answer to point two.

Just few things are still not clear.

Herein I'll refer to the Xilinx world: EDK, Microblaze as
microprocessor, XC2v1000 as FPGA and XC18V04 as ISP PROM.

Using EDK everything is easy because only pressing a button on the GUI
it's possible to syshthetize the design, place&route, ... , download
(using iImpact?) in the PROM. Then only pressing a button on the board,
the FPGA is configured and everything works fine.

Thinking on the section on a PROM (configuration, SW, User Data), I
wonder how these sections are filled.
The definition of the "HW" (microprocessor + peripherals) is in the
configuration section?
The program that I coded in C is in the SW section?
The variables/constants I declared in the code are in the User Data

I think not... There is a way to exploit these sections (and an
external volatile memory) to reduce the size of the FPGA I need for my
I believe there is a way to use the FPGA resource almost only for the
"HW" and to use other external devices for storing data/program.

I'm still a little bit confused...

Do you know some good site/book/document that can help me?



Article: 109693
Subject: Re: logarithm look-up table
From: "John_H" <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 17:50:43 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Isn't the largest (scaled) value 1.111111111111?

Logs are typically performed first with a shift until the MSbit of the 
scaled value is 1.  The amount of shift is the log2 integer portion.  The 
remaining bits are then used for the lookup to produce the fractional 
portion of the log2.  If you need log10 or ln, you can multiply the complete 
log2 result (integer plus fractional) by 1/log2(10) or 1/log2(e), 

- John_H

"Johan Bernspång" <> wrote in message 
> Hi all,
> I'm about to convert the amplitude output from a Cordic to dB, 20*log(amp) 
> that is. The output from the Cordic is 24 bits wide, the maximum value 
> would thus be approximately 144.5 dB. It is sufficient with 12 bits 
> resolution on the logarithm, 8 integer bits and 4 fractional bits.
> My idea is to create a look-up table out of BRAM in the FPGA, and since I 
> want 12 bits resolution the size should not be larger than 2312 words (the 
> largest value is 10010000.0111 which is equal to 2311 if the binary point 
> is removed) each 12 bits wide. The problem has proved to be to create a 
> clever address function though.
> Any thoughts or ideas I have forseen? I'm sure this has been done before, 
> but some Googling didn't really help me in the right direction.
> Regards
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------
> Johan Bernspång,
> Research engineer
> Swedish Defence Research Agency - FOI
> Division of Command & Control Systems
> Department of Electronic Warfare Systems
> Please remove the x's in the email address if
> replying to me personally.
> ----------------------------------------------- 

Article: 109694
Subject: How to create a library for a Xilinx project
From: "Weng Tianxiang" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 10:57:05 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I have a project that have many files generated by Xilinx

Now I put all those vhdl files generated by Xilinx CoreGenerator into
my project.

I want to put those files that never change into a library monitored by
ModelSim software.

I don't  know how to create a ModelSim library.

Please help.

Thank you.


Article: 109695
Subject: Re: LatticeMico32 extremly poor performance without caches
From: "Antti" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 11:14:54 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thomas Entner schrieb:

> Hi Antti,
> have you any idea why it is that slow? Branch penalty? Or is the write that
> slow? Does the performance improve with caches on? (I have not looked
> closely at Mico32 yet, maybe it is intended to only be used with caches?)
> Regarding the GPL: I think it is sufficient if they clearly say that the
> softare is GPL-licensed and if they provide you the source-code on request.
> So they would be only violating the license if you ask them to provide you
> the source-code and they say "No". Once you have the source-code, you are
> free to publish it yourself on a web side (I am sure, you will ;-)
> Thomas

LatticeMico32 GPL sources no need to ask, just get it.


Article: 109696
Subject: unexpected Xilinx TNM constraint behaviour
From: "johnp" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 11:16:21 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I'm seeing some unexpected behavior when using the Xilinx TNM
constraint in a ucf file.  I'm using the 8.2.03 version of the s/w.

I have several groups of signals that cross clock domains.  Normally,
I've used the following and it works OK:
TIMESPEC "ts_os_x3a"     = FROM FFS(u_os_if/rd_burst) to
FFS(upo_joey_if/xmit_data<*>)  = 12;
TIMESPEC "ts_os_x3b"     = FROM FFS(u_fx2if/reg_brst_rd) to
FFS(upo_joey_if/xmit_data<*>)  = 12;

I then tried:
NET "u_os_if/rd_burst"                  TNM = x_rio_tx;
NET "u_fx2if/reg_brst_rd"               TNM = x_rio_tx;
TIMESPEC "ts_os_x3"     = FROM x_rio_tx to
FFS(upo_joey_if/xmit_data<*>)  = 12;

and I was VERY surprised at the result.  Instead of applying the
from the rd_burst and reg_brst_rd signals to the xmit_data<*> signals,
instead constrained a path from xmit_data<8> to xmit_data<15>.

Is this yet another Xilinx bug or am I mis-using the TNM constraint?


John Providenza

Article: 109697
Subject: Re: How to create a library for a Xilinx project
Date: 3 Oct 2006 11:28:01 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
You have a 'gmail' address; surely you have heard of Google?

Google search for "modelsim create library".  The link you want is the
2nd one.

Article: 109698
Subject: Re: How to create a library for a Xilinx project
From: "Jim Wu" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 11:31:53 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
vlib my_cores
vlog -work my_cores core0.v


Weng Tianxiang wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a project that have many files generated by Xilinx
> CoreGenerator.
> Now I put all those vhdl files generated by Xilinx CoreGenerator into
> my project.
> I want to put those files that never change into a library monitored by
> ModelSim software.
> I don't  know how to create a ModelSim library.
> Please help.
> Thank you.
> Weng

Article: 109699
Subject: Re: Modules for IO on BSD indi processor ideas?
From: "jacko" <>
Date: 3 Oct 2006 11:43:06 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
jacko wrote:
> ok. i can take constructive critisism, and i am sure C will be done by
> someone some day, as the instruction set is very simple to emulate. but
> it wont be me today, as i have other things in the pipeline, and out of
> order execution is not yet available within the indi design.
> biggest selling point is arround 700 LEs and uses no BRAM or other
> resources for microcode and the like. to use it as a 16 bit just join
> the caryy out to the carry in, and connect your own level based
> interrupt source to the super/user pin. user the address and data bus
> to connect to 64K x16 bit words of RAM.

and also the CAIN has to be connect to vcc to make address generation
post pre inc/dec work, and the CAOUT can be chained to multiple indi16s
to get 32 48 and 64 bit.

when using 32, 48 or 64 the fetch signal can be used to direct the
program opcode into all indi16 cpu units. any questions??

> cheers

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