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Messages from 12975

Article: 12975
Subject: Re: FPGA VGA interface
From: Roman Pollak <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 11:06:35 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Take a look at
They have a board with fpga same ram anf vga connector as well as source
for the programming as a vga controler.

hope it helps.

regards roman

alpha wrote:

> Farhad Abdolian wrote in message
> <>...
> >Hi,
> >Can you be more specific? VGA? it is an analog system, do you want a
> graphic
> >card system? Or do you want a fully compatible VGA system controller
> with
> all of
> >it's registers and parameters?
> What I hope to be able to do is generate VGA color signals with a
> Xilinx
> FPGA so that I can directly drive a VGA monitor. I also want to be
> able to
> add an interface for a mouse so that the Xilinx chip can display the
> mouse
> pointer on the monitor. I will probably need some D/A converters in
> order to
> generate the analog signals for the VGA monitor, but I'm not quite
> sure
> where to start.
> -EKC

Article: 12976
Subject: HELP MAX PLUS v9.01
From: "paval" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 14:12:51 +0300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Help with a example of operator time in MAX PLUS v9.01
< time declaration >::=time < time ns >;


Article: 12977
Subject: design multipier?
From: wpauwels <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 13:18:06 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I like to know how to implement a multiplier in a FPGA (6000 series),
because I have to implement one using Lola en C++ or C.
If possible I would appreciate also some information about the way I
have to address the FPGA through C++ and C.

Thank you

Article: 12978
Subject: Re: Q: 3.3 V regulators suitable for XILINX - ?
From: (Peter)
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 13:33:17 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
My mistake, sorry. I use the Micrel MIC5201-3.3.


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Article: 12979
Subject: Synthsizable processor code
Date: 9 Nov 1998 16:31:25 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I designed two processors for my class which can be synthesizable 
( see for the PARTHENON )
SP/1 is a simple pipeline processor with interlock, branch prediction,
interruptions. It will be about 5000 ASIC gates and will run at 23MHz
when compiled with PARTHENON demo library.
SP/1C is a processor with small data cache, store buffers, hit under
miss, same instructions as SP/1. It will be about 8500 ASIC gates.
If you are interested in these processors, see

The last update date of sp/1 and sp/1c is 09-Nov-1998.

Article: 12980
Subject: Re: help xc3000 series
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 16:56:05 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
John Kennedy <> wrote:

>I recently purchased a couple of tubes of XC3090 -125 and XC3020 -70
>FPGAs $2ea at a electronics swap meet.  I realize that these parts have
>been obsoleted by Xilinx.  But I wondering if they have any value as an
>educational platform for students to learn about FPGAs?  I noticed that
>Foundation 1.5 does not support the old XC3000 series.  Can these chips
>be programed as the XC3000A?  Am I wasting my time and students time
>with these obsolete parts?  Or, did I get a bargain that will allow
>students to use an affordable (free) fpga in their projects?  Any
>information / opinions would be greatly appreciated.

I think they are still usable. That's why I still run the Foundation
v6.0.1 developement system. You should probably be able to do logic
designs for them by specifing the XC3000A, but the simulation will be
wrong. If your developement system is current, you might try talking
to the Xilinx FAE in your area, and ask for a copy of the older
Foundation 6.0.1. This one will definately handle those parts.

Tim Olmstead
email :
Visit the unofficial CP/M web site.
MAIN SITE AT            :
Article: 12981
Subject: Re: FPGA VGA interface
From: (Herbert Kleebauer)
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 08:58:01
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <72586h$> "alpha" <> writes:
>From: "alpha" <>
>Subject: Re: FPGA VGA interface
>Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 18:06:57 -0500

>What I hope to be able to do is generate VGA color signals with a Xilinx
>FPGA so that I can directly drive a VGA monitor. I also want to be able to
>add an interface for a mouse so that the Xilinx chip can display the mouse
>pointer on the monitor. I will probably need some D/A converters in order to
>generate the analog signals for the VGA monitor, but I'm not quite sure
>where to start.

At you can find the documentation of a 
comlete computer built with Xilinx chips only. The graphics card supports
only two colors (selectable from 8 colors) and has a resolution of
Article: 12982
Subject: Xilinx Floorplanner Support for Virtex?
From: "John L. Smith" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 13:01:14 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    Xilinx claims to have fixed their floorplanner in the F1.5
S/W release (I dunno about that, it still crashes Map on me,
waiting for a visit from local fae to find out if I'm doing
something wrong or is it the S/W). But in the documentation,
it states:

Note: ...The Set Floorplan File(s) command is available
for the XC4000 and Spartan device families only.

     I find that the larger a design is, the more
useful floorplanning becomes to getting a high-
performance implementation. Does anyone know if
Xilinx intends to drop floorplanning support for Virtex,
or is it just something that was not completed in time
for the 1.5 release?

Just wondering,
- John

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n:              Smith;John L.
org:            Visicom Imaging Products
adr:            1 Burlington Woods;;;Burlington;MA;01803;USA
title:          Principal Engineer
tel;work:       781-221-6700
tel;fax:        781-221-6777
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Article: 12983
Subject: TE16 ENV1
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 18:22:15 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I have compiled a sample high level program with the
Joe Allen TE16 CPU.  This is my first experience with
this CPU :-) and my first response is that it is actually
nice to work with.  I probably brought a lot of coding
patterns from other experience that is not appropriate to
this architecture, and I invite others to add to this.

; The Serial Port high level software interface.
; Compiled from Serial.Mod using the Graphite-1 (Yellow) TE16 Compiler.
; November 9, 1998
; ----
; A total of 168H (362D) bytes were used to compile this module.
;The compiler occasionally produces errors when dereferencing pointers.
;Please post bug reports to the newsgoup.
; ----
0000  RunTimeSupport:
0000  RTS_MUL:
0000    14 02        pop  p
0002    12 00 00 00  brk  #0      ;debug support
0006  RTS_NEW:
0006    14 02        pop  p
0008    12 00 00 01  brk  #1      ;debug support

000C  Var:
000C    buffs  dfw  0
      ; ----
      ; The stack for Availability is
      return equ 0C
      id  equ 0A
      ch  equ 08
      ret_PC  equ 06
      ;The local variables are
      this   equ 04
      aux   equ 02
      expr  equ 00
      ; ----
000E  Availability:
000E    5E FA        addsbx #-6   ;allocate space on entry.
                            ;compute address buffs[ id, dir ]
0010    7B 0A        lda id
0012    3F 00        sta expr
0014    25 00        lsl 0
0016    25 00        lsl 0				;mul by 4

0018    58 00        ldab #rx
001A    6D 00        add expr     ;add total offsets.
001C    3F 00        sta expr     ;

001E    7A 0C 00 00  lda #buffs   ;Address of pointer.
0022    6D 00        add expr     ;add total offsets.
0024    3F 04        sta this      ;
0026    FA 04        lda 04,0     ;
0028    4C 20        addb #32     ; +Buffsize
002A    F4 04        sub 04,2     ; -this.out
002C    48 1F        bitb #31     ; MOD 32
002E    3F 02        sta aux
0030    58 01        ldab #empty
0032    3F 0C        sta return
0034    32 48 00 00  jeq Return:
0038    58 02        ldab #full
003A    3F 0C        sta return
003C    58 1F        ldab #31
003E    51 02        cmpb aux
0040    32 48 00 00  jeq Return:
0044    58 03        ldab #ok
0046    3F 0C        sta return
0048  Return:
0048    5E 06        addsbx #6    ;deallocate parameters
004A    14 02        pop  p
004C    12 00 00 02  brk  #2      ;debug support

      ; ----
      ; The stack for GetChar is
      id  equ 08
      ch  equ 06
      ret_PC  equ 04
      ;The local variables are
      this   equ 02
      expr  equ 00
      ; ----
0050  GetChar:
0050    5E FC        addsbx #-4   ;allocate space on entry.
                                  ;compute address buffs[ id, dir ]
0052    7B 08        lda id
0054    3F 00        sta expr
0056    25 00        lsl 0
0058    25 00        lsl 0				;mul by 4

005A    58 00        ldab #rx
005C    6D 00        add expr     ;add total offsets.
005E    3F 00        sta expr     ;

0060    7A 0C 00 00  lda #buffs   ;Address of pointer.
0064    6D 00        add expr     ;add total offsets.
0066    3F 02        sta this      ;

0068    FA 02        lda 02,2     ;this.out
006A    25 00        lsl 0
006C    6D 02        add this
006E    3F 00        sta expr     ;has adr(this)+2*this.out
0070    FA 00        lda expr,4   
0072    3F 02        sta ch       ;ch := this.buffer[ this.out ]
0074    B8 02        inc 02,0     ;INC( )
0076    5E 02        addsbx #4    ;deallocate parameters
0078    14 02        pop  p
007A    12 00 00 03  brk  #3     ;debug support

      ; ----
      ; The stack for SendChar is
      id  equ 08
      ch  equ 06
      ret_PC  equ 04
      ;The local variables are
      this   equ 02
      expr  equ 00
      ; ----
007E  SendChar:
007E    5E FC        addsbx #-4   ;allocate space on entry.
                                  ;compute address buffs[ id, dir ]
0080    7B 08        lda id
0082    3F 00        sta expr
0084    25 00        lsl 0
0086    25 00        lsl 0				;mul by 4

0088    58 01        ldab #tx
008A    6D 00        add expr      ;add total offsets.
008C    3F 00        sta expr      ;

008E    7A 0C 00 00  lda #buffs   ;Address of pointer.
0092    6D 00        add expr     ;add total offsets.
0094    3F 02        sta this      ;

0096    FA 02        lda 02,0     ;
0098    25 00        lsl 0
009A    6D 02        add this
009C    3F 00        sta expr     ;has adr(this)+2*
009E    FA 02        lda ch       ;
00A0    BE 00        sta expr,4   ;this.buffer[ ] := ch
00A2    B8 02        inc 02,0     ;INC( )
00A4    5E 02        addsbx #4    ;deallocate parameters
00A6    14 02        pop  p
00A8    12 00 00 04  brk  #4      ;debug support

      ; ----
      ; The stack for Initialize is
      id  equ 06
      dir equ 04
      ret_PC  equ 02
      ;The local variables are
      this   equ 00
      ; ----
00AC  Initialize:
00AC    5E FE        addsbx #-2   ;allocate space on entry.
                                  ;compute address buffs[ id, dir ]
00AE    7B 06        lda id
00B0    16 01        psh a
00B2    58 04        ldab #4      ;2*TSIZE( Buff ) 2 pointers
00B4    18 00 00 00  jsr RTS_MUL ;
00B8    5E 02        addsbx #2    ;deallocate parameters
00BA    3F 00        sta this      ;temp variable 'this'

00BC    7B 06        lda dir
00BE    16 01        psh a
00C0    58 02        ldab #2      ;TSIZE( Buff ) a pointer
00C2    18 00 00 00  jsr RTS_MUL ;
00C6    5E 02        addsbx #2    ;deallocate parameters
00C8    6D 00        add this      ;add total offsets.
00CA    3F 00        sta this      ;

00CC    7A 0C 00 00  lda #buffs   ;Address of pointer.
00D0    6D 00        add this      ;add total offsets.
00D2    3F 00        sta this      ;

00D4    BC 00        clr 00,0     ; := 0
00D6    BC 00        clr 02,0     ;this.out := 0
00D8    5E 02        addsbx #2    ;deallocate parameters
00DA    14 02        pop  p
00DC    12 00 00 05  brk  #5      ;debug support

      ; ----
      ; The stack for Init is
      ret_PC  equ 0A
      ;The local variables are
      id    equ 08
      dir   equ 06
      tv1   equ 04	;termination value
      tv2   equ 02	;termination value
      off   equ 00
      ; ----
00E0  Init:
00E0    5E F6        addsbx #-10  ;allocate space on entry.
00E2    58 02        ldab  #2     ;load TSIZE(buffs)
00E4    16 01        psh a
00E6    7A 0C 00 00  lda  #buffs
00EA    16 01        psh a
00EC    1A 06 00 00  jsr RTS_NEW  ;call new
00F0    5E 04        addsb  #4    ;tidy up after call.
00F2  for1:
00F2    58 00        ldab  #0     ;id := 0
00F4    BE 08        sta id
00F6    58 03        ldab  #3     ;TO Uart.Uarts -1 (3)
00F8    BE 04        sta tv1
00FA  fortop1:
00FA    F8 08        lda id
00FC    F0 04        cmp tv1
00FE    3C 50 01 00  jgt forend1

0102  forstmt01:                     ;Execute this each time.
0102  for2:
0102    58 00        ldab  #0     ;FOR dir := rx
0104    BE 06        sta dir
0106    58 03        ldab  #1     ;TO tx 
0108    BE 02        sta tv2
010A  fortop2:
010A    F8 06        lda dir
010C    F0 02        cmp tv2
010E    3C 4C 01 00  jgt forend2

0112  forstmt02:                  ;Execute this each time.
                                  ;compute address buffs[ id, dir ]
0112    7B 08        lda id
0114    16 01        psh a
0116    58 04        ldab #4      ;2*TSIZE( Buff ) 2 pointers
0118    18 00 00 00  jsr RTS_MUL ;
011E    5E 02        addsbx #2    ;deallocate parameters
0120    3F 00        sta off       ;temp variable 'off'

0122    7B 06        lda dir
0124    16 01        psh a
0126    58 02        ldab #2      ;TSIZE( Buff ) a pointer
0128    18 00 00 00  jsr RTS_MUL ;
012C    5E 02        addsbx #2    ;deallocate parameters
012E    6D 00        add off      ;add total offsets.
0130    3F 00        sta off      ;

0132    7A 0C 00 00  lda #buffs   ;Address of pointer.
0136    6D 00        add off      ;add total offsets.
0138    3F 00        sta off      ;
013A    18 06 00 00  jsr RTS_NEW ;update pointer whose addr is on stack.

013E    7B 08        lda id       ;for id
0140    16 01        psh a
0142    7B 06        lda dir      ;for dir
0144    16 01        push ac
0140    1A AC 00 00  jsr Initialize
0144    5E 04        addsbx #4    ;deallocate parameters
0146  forinc2:
0146    B8 02        inc tv2
0148    18 0A 01 00  jmp #fortop2
014C  forend2:  
014C  forinc1:
014C    B8 04        inc tv1
014E    18 FA 00 00  jmp #fortop1
0150  forend1:  
      ; return  
0150    5E 0A        addsb  #10    ;remove local storage and recover the entry stack pointer
0152    14 02        pop  p
0154    12 00 00 06  brk  #6      ;debug support

0158  body:
      	;at initialize time, the stack contains the address of the
      	;heap.  The heap grows up.
0158  	58 02        ldab #2      ;Reserve 1 global variable.
015A  	6D 00        add 02       ;Add TOS-1 to AC
015C  	3F 02        sta 02       ;store to TOS-1
015E    1A E0 00 00  jsr  Init
0162    14 02        pop  p
0164    12 00 00 07  brk  #7      ;debug support

Article: 12984
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 21:05:13 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

It seems you have a good dialog going on here: I have one question which I am
still searching for an answer to: For what application would you like to
integrate an FPGA type architecture into an ASIC?

Assume that the tools (whether Xilinx, Altera, or another) to support the
configuration of the FPGA architecture were available.

I know that Lucent offer a hybrid FPGA/Gate Array device, but I am struggling
to conceive of an application where it would make sense.

In article <>, wrote:
> (Thomas A. Coonan) wrote:
> > My
> >passing thought was just that if you could define a new set of
> >Synopsys library cells that were the macros, you could actually get
> >Synopsys to "synthesize" the configuration (you would still have to
> >then translate this netlist into the configuration data).  Just a
> >passing thought - I don't really expect this is easy or even doable.
> >We can drop the "synthesis" for FP configuration idea, and instead
> >try to come up with the FP Macros that are reasonable to configure
> >by hand...
> >
> I think you can use any one of the OSS synthesis programs to generate output
> program your FP macros. Berkeley has nice tools.
> >ASIC to this (1-4%).  For example, coming up with an IP (e.g. Internet
> >Protocol not the other IP!) packet filter on a downstream path that is
> >usable by the software people can be a challenging problem.  One can
> >come up with all kinds of ad-hoc circuits that, in the end, prove
> >inadequete.  A filter that's reconfigurable may have a better chance
> >of begin used.
> If you have a well defined application, adding programmability or flexibility
> it is simpler. You can even create a semi-fixed state machine and let the user
> decide on where and on what condition the transitions will be. A generic FP
> might be an over kill for your specific app and it also might be too
difficult to
> use.
> muzo
> WDM & NT Kernel Driver Development Consulting <>

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Article: 12985
Subject: Re: Q: 3.3 V regulators suitable for XILINX - ?
From: Brian Boorman <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:09:30 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
We have successfully used the Linear Tech LT1129IQ-3.3 surface mount
parts for regulating 3.3V from 6.5 (and or 5). They are an 8-Pin D-Pack
and our application was a Xilinx XC4028XL part.

Article: 12986
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
From: jerry english <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:33:13 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> It seems you have a good dialog going on here: I have one question which I am
> still searching for an answer to: For what application would you like to
> integrate an FPGA type architecture into an ASIC?
> Assume that the tools (whether Xilinx, Altera, or another) to support the
> configuration of the FPGA architecture were available.
> I know that Lucent offer a hybrid FPGA/Gate Array device, but I am struggling
> to conceive of an application where it would make sense.

  We have an application right now. The ASIC is a big data engine. We
have an FPGA that implements the state machine that controls the data
flow to the DSPs depending on several factors, history included. I guess
we just didn't have enought guts to put the state machine into the ASIC
knowing that as soon as we hard coded the algorithms our chief engineer would
"enhance" the product.
I have been in another situation where the customer
changed his mind so many times I felt that hard coding the control
would be a BIG risk so I inserted a ram controlled sequencer. Work out
pretty well. Had some limitations but it did work.

just my 2 cents


Article: 12987
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
From: (Thomas A. Coonan)
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 23:10:54 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>It seems you have a good dialog going on here: I have one question which I am
>still searching for an answer to: For what application would you like to
>integrate an FPGA type architecture into an ASIC?
A stream of framed packet bytes (e.g. MPEG stream).  Pretty high-speed
- probably too fast for a completely general purpose processor.  Want
to filter out some packets based on various fields, etc.  Trivial
example is filtering out IP packets that don't match various
addresses.  A more elaborate filtering scenario would go into the IP
packet's payload to match and compare against other fields; maybe even
state-based.  Actual filtering requirements often surface down the
road once software people are faced with new unanticipated protocols
(and ASIC is already done!)  If hardware filters can't handle a
particular new scenario, then burden is placed on software and all is
not lost, but processor burden increases.

A RAM-based microsequencer, 2910-style architecture *can* solve this
problem (several folks suggested this approach), but the thought was
that reconfigurable logic approach might be a nicer, more streamlined
alternative.. Maybe not.

Article: 12988
Subject: Re: Free I2C model
From: Brian Boorman <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 18:20:34 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
What kind of model do you need?? I have a model for an Atmel 24C164 I
would be willing to give you. Note that it is simulation model, not
synthesizable. Company rules would prohibit me giving you our synthesis
code. The model is test for that.

G Henry Yogendran wrote:

> Hi:
> Please somebody tell me, where I can get free I2C model?
> -- Henry

Brian C. Boorman
Harris RF Communications
Rochester, NY 14610
<Remove the XYZ. for valid address>

Article: 12989
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Xilinx's simulator work?
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 19:40:31 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
That's why I use viewlogic.

Speaking of foundation, has anyone been able to sucessfully import a viewlogic
hierarchical schematic that has elements from more than one library
(non-megafile library that is)?  I have a customer that wants the design in
foundation format.

Joel Kolstad wrote:

> Well, it's probably me... but damn it... I'm running Foundation 1.5 here,
> and getting the schematic capture portion of the package to talk to the
> simulator is nearly impossible.  I'll tell it to simulate a macro, it'll
> open up the simulator, and then I'll start adding probe points.  The
> simulator COMPLETELY IGNORES the probe points I'm clicking on, when it
> should be adding them to its own list.  I'll click over on the simulator and
> add some signals, and schematic captures completely ignores what's been
> added!  Better still, sometimes schematic capture won't even let me add any
> probe points at all, just completely ignoring mouse clicks!
> You go ahead and step time in the simulator, and the signals listed do
> reasonable things, but schematic just sits there with its probe points
> displaying nothing at all.
> !@$!@#%^^#$
> OK, this doesn't happen 100% of the time.  On VERY RARE occasion it actually
> works the way it should.  I can't believe this happens to all you other
> people on a daily basis, or there'd be an angry mob outside of Xilinx HQ
> threatening to burn the place down.  So what am I doing wrong?  The concept
> seems really simple -- add a probe in schematic, and the simulator picks it
> up, add a signal in simulator, and schematic should pick it up... right?
> ---Joel Kolstad

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

Article: 12990
Subject: Re: placement&routing problems
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 19:47:29 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Use the floorplanner.  The RAM should be a regular structure, but the M1
PAR is not smart enough to do it well.  The floorplanner is a bit
painful to use for synthesized designs, but it is still better than
nothing.  This is a case where a schematic entry would have been a
better entry method, as it would have allowed you to easily build the
structure hierarchically, complete with relative placement.

Utku Ozcan wrote:

> Design entry: Verilog-XL.
> Synthesis: Synplify 5.0.7
> Placement&Routing: Design Manager 1.5
> We have just finished our last project. Our aim was to target
> the chip to XC4062XL/-3, because the resource calculations seemed
> to fit this device. Synplify gives ca. 600-650 CLB's for logic
> and black-boxed internal RAM's consume less than 1200 CLB's.
> We have to use some internal RAM to improve chip performance.
> However, when we give the chip to Design Manager, it comes out
> more than 1600 CLB's. The Map expands internal resources to ca.
> 2500-2600 CLB's, which exceeds XC4062XL. So, we have chosen
> XC4085XLA/-1, which is pin-to-pin compatible to the smaller device.
> So, it seems that the core consumes 80% of the XC4085XLA resources.
> Firstly we meet x4kma errors, which solutions are suggested by
> Xilinx folks. Two solutions are:
> 1. map -ir
> 2. INST XXX USE_RLOC = FALSE; (recently recommended)
> We have used first solution till now, but we always had unrouted
> which change from 2 till 2000. So, we have never come to end and
> Design Manager always aborts. (We don't know how to use RLOC, so
> would please give us some advice?
> So, as it seems, we have a core half of which is internal RAM's.
> As each P&R effort takes at least 2 days on Ultra-10 / 128 MB,
> we don't have enough time to try perfectionist solutions.
> Do unrouted regions have a great effect on these results? Does
> the change of internal RAM organization (such as to organize it
> with smaller RAM's generated by RAM compilers -LogiBLOX-) have
> a real positive effect on resource sharing on FPGA?
> Utku
> PS:
> Synplify:
> Chip has 4 external clocks and 4 generated from one clock.
> Internal clock generators have been implemented by counters.
> We don't know how to assign those internal clocks to clock networks
> on Xilinx XC4085XLA. Synplify warns that we don't use syn_clock.
> But we haven't found syn_clock in Synplify Manuals. We have defined
> external clocks and internal clock in *.sdc file but in speed grade
> of -1 we have never met good delays. We have always got slacks. So
> we have increased frequency rates of external clocks. Results fit
> but there are slacks for higher frequences. We have tried constraint
> commands on *.sdc file to improve the slacks but synthesizer has a
> big "inertia", but unfortunately no improvements observed.
> Design Manager:
> We don't know how to define internal clocks in UCF file. We are
> told to remove *.NCF, to have better results.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

Article: 12991
Subject: Re: design multipier?
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 19:56:22 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
There are many ways to build a multiplier, as you might have already
discovered.  The specific architecture that is best for your application
depends on many factors, not the least of which are the desired
performance, size and whether you can pipeline it.  I have a brief
discussion on multiplication in FPGAs on my website.  I invite you to
take a look.  The 6200 is significantly handicapped for arithmetic
functions since it does not possess an optimized carry chain (in fact the
cell architecture is also very awkward for adders).  Without knowing more
about your requirements, I can't make specific recommendations.

wpauwels wrote:

> I like to know how to implement a multiplier in a FPGA (6000 series),
> because I have to implement one using Lola en C++ or C.
> If possible I would appreciate also some information about the way I
> have to address the FPGA through C++ and C.
> Thank you

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

Article: 12992
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 19:58:43 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
How about reconfigurable computing, providing flexibility for product upgrades, or
extending product life (by permitting future circuit changes) for starters? wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> It seems you have a good dialog going on here: I have one question which I am
> still searching for an answer to: For what application would you like to
> integrate an FPGA type architecture into an ASIC?
> Assume that the tools (whether Xilinx, Altera, or another) to support the
> configuration of the FPGA architecture were available.
> I know that Lucent offer a hybrid FPGA/Gate Array device, but I am struggling
> to conceive of an application where it would make sense.
> In article <>,
> wrote:
> > (Thomas A. Coonan) wrote:
> > > My
> > >passing thought was just that if you could define a new set of
> > >Synopsys library cells that were the macros, you could actually get
> > >Synopsys to "synthesize" the configuration (you would still have to
> > >then translate this netlist into the configuration data).  Just a
> > >passing thought - I don't really expect this is easy or even doable.
> > >We can drop the "synthesis" for FP configuration idea, and instead
> > >try to come up with the FP Macros that are reasonable to configure
> > >by hand...
> > >
> > I think you can use any one of the OSS synthesis programs to generate output
> to
> > program your FP macros. Berkeley has nice tools.
> >
> > >ASIC to this (1-4%).  For example, coming up with an IP (e.g. Internet
> > >Protocol not the other IP!) packet filter on a downstream path that is
> > >usable by the software people can be a challenging problem.  One can
> > >come up with all kinds of ad-hoc circuits that, in the end, prove
> > >inadequete.  A filter that's reconfigurable may have a better chance
> > >of begin used.
> >
> > If you have a well defined application, adding programmability or flexibility
> to
> > it is simpler. You can even create a semi-fixed state machine and let the user
> > decide on where and on what condition the transitions will be. A generic FP
> macro
> > might be an over kill for your specific app and it also might be too
> difficult to
> > use.
> >
> > muzo
> >
> > WDM & NT Kernel Driver Development Consulting <>
> >
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

Article: 12993
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
From: null@I.Hate.Spam
Date: 10 Nov 1998 03:05:52 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>It seems you have a good dialog going on here: I have one question which I
>am still searching for an answer to: For what application would you like to
>integrate an FPGA type architecture into an ASIC?
>Assume that the tools (whether Xilinx, Altera, or another) to support the
>configuration of the FPGA architecture were available.
>I know that Lucent offer a hybrid FPGA/Gate Array device, but I am
>struggling to conceive of an application where it would make sense.

Considering that many uC applications end up using programmible logic 'glue'
to interface the CPU to whatever it's supposed to be controlling, a
combination CPU/FPGA would seem ideal for a wide variety of embedded
Article: 12994
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: "Steven K. Knapp" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 19:09:44 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Maxim Golov <> wrote in message
>what surprises me a bit is that we do not see around processors with
>embedded FPGA (m.b. small one) on the chip. Or did I miss something?

Actually, there is something close to your requirements.

The Triscend E5 configurable processor family is based around the
industry-standard 8032 microcontroller and is fully code- and
instruction-set compatible with the 8051/8052, uses the same
compilers/assemblers, etc.

While the E5 does not contain FPGA logic, it does contain something that
we call "Configurable System Logic" or CSL for short.  The big
difference between FPGAs/CPLDs and CSL is that the CSL functions are
tightly integrated with the processor's internal system bus.  The CSL
matrix is ideal for creating custom "soft" peripherals such as
additional timers, pulse-width modulators, FIFOs, filters, serial ports,
or just about any other digital function with between 5,000 and 50,000
programmable logic "gates".

The CSL logic connects to the system bus via the "Configurable System
Interconnect" or CSI bus.  A CSI bus socket provides the processor's
address and data bus plus the socket has built-in address decoding.
The address decoders allow you to decode a range of addresses from a
signle byte up to a 16M region.  You can also further specify wether the
address space resides in code space, data space, or as one of the 8032's
internal registers, called Special Function Registers (SFRs).  The CSI
bus socket provides a nice synchronous interface into the CSL logic.
Your peripheral receives address, data, and the address decode signal
all on the same clock edge.  Your function then has a complete bus cycle
(25 ns on the 40 MHz part) to respond--either with data or by inserting
a wait-state.

Some general features of the Triscend E5 family include:

*  Embedded, performance-enhanced, industry-standard 8032
   -  40 MHz operation
   -  4 clock cycles per instruction cycle (up to 10 MIPS performance)
   -  Similar to the Dallas 80C320 microcontroller
   -  Uses third-party assembers, compilers, debuggers

*  Configurable System Logic Matrix
   -  Up to 3,200 Configurable System Logic Cells
   -  Each cell supports a four- to nine-input logic function,
      flip-flop, memory, and bussing
   -  Build "soft" peripherals to create your own 8032 microcontroller

*  Integrated high-peformance system bus
   -  Configurable System Interconnect (CSI) bus
   -  40 Mbyte/sec data transfers
   -  Read/write data, address
   -  Built-in address decoding (up to 200 address selectors
      per device)
   -  Wait-state support
   -  DMA request/acknowledge steering to/from peripherals
   -  Hardware breakpoint monitor/trigger

*  2-Channel DMA Controller
   -  40 Mbytes/sec transfer rate
   -  Works with other system peripherals and CSL functions

*  Embedded system SRAM
   -  Up to 40 Kbytes
   -  Independent of RAM available in CSL matrix

*  Programmable I/O pins
   -  Up to 315 per device
   -  Input, Output, or Bidirectional
   -  Work in conjuction with processor or independently

*  Memory Interface Unit
   -  Flexible memory control timing on WE-, CE-, and OE-
   -  Programmable timing on setup, strobe width, and hold time
   -  Glueless support for 256Kx8 FLASH

There is additional information available on-line at the following

Web-Based Configurable Processor Learning Center:

Triscend E5 Configurable Processor Data Sheet:

Preview Version of Triscend FastChip Development Software:

      /\    Steven K. Knapp
   /\/  \   Triscend Corp.          Tel: 650-968-8668 ext. 166
/\/ /    \  301 N. Whisman Rd.      FAX: 650-934-9393
 / /      \  Mountain View, CA 94043 Web:

Article: 12995
Subject: Re: Why doesn't Xilinx's simulator work?
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:58:54 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Joel, Are you doing a functional or a timing simulation in Foundation 1.5? 
The behaviour you are describing is to be expected at times when running a
timing simulation.  The reason is that many of the nodes in the schematic get
absorbed into look-up-tables in the Xilinx CLBs.  So... when you place a
probe on such a net, the simulator cannot find that node in it's netlist
(which is a back-annotated timing netlist from the Xilinx tool).  Follow the
net back to a flop or pad (or forward to a flop or pad), and see if placing a
probe at those points work better.

If you need to do a functional simulation, and you haven't edited (saved) the
top level of the schematic since the last place and route, you will probably
have to manually load the .alb netlist in the simulator.

Good luck,
John DeHaven
Insight Electronics
Xilinx-Dedicated Senior FAE
PH: (503)644-3300

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    
Article: 12996
Subject: Re: FPGA VGA interface
From: Jonathan Bromley <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 11:52:26 +0000
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
alpha wrote:

> What I hope to be able to do is generate VGA color signals with a Xilinx
> FPGA so that I can directly drive a VGA monitor. I also want to be able to
> add an interface for a mouse so that the Xilinx chip can display the mouse
> pointer on the monitor. I will probably need some D/A converters in order to
> generate the analog signals for the VGA monitor, but I'm not quite sure
> where to start.

This has been done (amongst others, no doubt) by Embedded Solutions Ltd
as part of some demonstrators for their Handel-C high-level HDL.  But
they made a bit of a pig's ear of generating the analog signals.
Try for info.

It's actually fairly simple.  You need to generate TTL vertical sync, 
horizontal sync and three colour analog video signals.  There is a good
deal of coming and going about the polarity and timing of the syncs but
there are two bits of good news: (1) most modern monitors will lock on
to just about anything sensible, and (2) user manuals for VGA monitors
often have some info. on the sync timing, to a good enough level of
detail to allow you to fake up the signals.  A quick peep with a scope
on the outputs of your PC's video connector will help no end, too.

The analog stuff is easier than it sounds unless you are looking for 
rather good quality.  You can of course use a video DAC if you wish,
but the CMOS outputs on FPGAs swing rail-to-rail and if you are 
happy with fewer than 8 bits of precision on each of the three 
colours you can build a R-2R ladder for a few cents:

*   |          FPGA OUTPUTS      |
*   |______q0____q1____q2____q3__|
*           |     |     |     |
*           |     |     |     |
*           R     R     R     R
*           |     |     |     |
*   0V __R__|__r__|__r__|__r__|____ output

where the resistors labelled R are exactly twice the value of the
resistors labelled r.  If you choose r=300, R=600 ohm then the output
will divide itself down to exactly the required 1V swing when loaded
by the 75 ohm inputs of the monitor.  You can go on adding ladder
stages as long as you want, but the precision of such "digital DACs"
is a bit rough (the 5V supply inside the FPGA may be a bit ropey)
and it probably isn't worth going beyond 6 bits.


Jonathan Bromley
(no connection with Embedded Solutions Ltd, just a fan)
Article: 12997
Subject: Reporting asynchronous loops in Foundation?
From: thor@sm.luth.se_SPAM_ME_NOT (Jonas Thor)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 12:07:06 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Is there a simple way to identify a an asynch feedback loop with
Xilinx Foundation 1,4 software? I have a few loops in a design as
reported by trace, but the problem is that I would like to know what
nets are in the loop path. 


Jonas Thor
Article: 12998
Subject: Re: FPGA VGA interface
From: Matthias Sauer <>
Date: 10 Nov 1998 13:48:36 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
You might want to take a look at Oxford Universities Hardware
Compilation Group pages. They did a few examples driving VGA monitors
(more or less directly, modulo some resistors to do the D-to-A
conversion). They use a C-like programming language to develop the
FPGA netlist, which makes it very straight forward to get a VGA driver
up and running.  

The URLs are:



Article: 12999
Subject: Re: FPGA on ASIC (Was: Re: New free FPGA CPU)
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:37:17 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
take a look at the new offering by Triscend.  They've got an 8032 type
microcontroller with some FPGA fabric on it to do exactly that.

null@I.Hate.Spam wrote:

> Considering that many uC applications end up using programmible logic 'glue'
> to interface the CPU to whatever it's supposed to be controlling, a
> combination CPU/FPGA would seem ideal for a wide variety of embedded
> controllers.

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

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