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Messages from 12825

Article: 12825
Subject: Re: Design security again - the Actel solution
From: Steve Casselman <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 16:00:38 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

> >   I think antifuses aren't visible optically since a programmed
> >conductive antifuse differs from a non-conductive one only by a small
> >diffusion surface. That might be the advantage of antifuse FPGAs over
> >ASIC ICs.

I would bet you could do something like a CAT or
PET scan -  NMR or something like that. Maybe
using techniques like xray crystallography.

For $350,000,000 I could just about buy

Steve Casselman, President
Virtual Computer Corporation

Article: 12826
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Joseph H Allen)
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 00:19:06 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Ok, here it is- complete except for debugging.  The OrCAD .sch files and
postscript versions of them are on my ftp site.  I'm still writing an
assembler, and the CPU won't be debugged until that's finished.  The design
is close enough to its final form that I'm happy to show it now.

The bad news is that it just doesn't fit in a 5202, instead it uses about
1/2 of a 5204.  I'm working on it :-)

                              Trailing Edge 16
                                  FPGA CPU

- Sources located at

- Fits in a Xilinx 5204.  *Almost* fits in a 5202, I'm working on it.

- *.sch, OrCAD schematics.

- *.ps, Postscript version of schematics.

- te8.bin: Binary bitstream to load into prom.  Not checked.

- te8.rpt: Pin assignment report.  Other te8.* are reports from Xilinx XACT.

- Licensing: The sources are licensed under the Gnu-copyleft (see the file
  copying).  This means that you can use or sell for free, but any
  modifications must also be placed under the Gnu-copyleft and distributed
  for free.


 MSB                         LSB
 15     .   .   .    5 4 3 2 1 0
|                               |     Accumulator
|                              0|     Stack pointer
|                              0|     Program counter
                      |N Z I V C|     Condition flags

N = negative, Z = zero, I = interrupt enable, V = overflow, C = carry

C = 1 for carry after an add, 0 for no carry after an add

C = 0 for borrow after a subtract, 1 for no borrow after subtract

V = overflow: exclusive-or of carry going into and comming out of bit 15.

- Stack pointer and program counter are always even (they only point to

- The stack builds downwards (SP is predecremented for PSH, postincremented
  for POP).  The stack pointer points to the first word on the stack.  The
  first free word is at SP-2.

Memory format:

|   byte 0     LSB | \
+------------------+  word 0
|   byte 1     MSB | /
|   byte 2     LSB | \
+------------------+  word 2
|   byte 3     MSB | /
|                  |
.                  .
.                  .
.                  .
|                  |
|   byte 65534 LSB | \
+------------------+  word 65534
|   byte 65545 MSB | /

- All words must be aligned on even address boundaries.

- The least significant byte within each word is at the lower address
  (except 16-bit immediate values and direct jump addresses, see below).

- Special addresses:

      FC00  -  Reset entry point: PC is initialized to this value on reset
      FD00  -  BRK instruction jumps to this address
      FE00  -  IRQ instruction jumps to this address

Instruction coding:

 - Instructions are either 2 or 4 bytes.
 - Instructions must be begin on even addresses only.

    0       1         2        3
   ---     ---       ---      ---
1mwaaaar rddddddd                    indexed
0mwaaaa1 dddddddd                    stack
011aaaa0 llllllll hhhhhhhh --------  immediate word
010aaaa0 iiiiiiii                    immediate byte
001cccc0 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump on condition (jcc)
00011110 dddddddd                    jump to subroutine indirect (jsr)
00011100 dddddddd                    jump indirect (address on stack)
00011010 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump to subroutine direct (jsr)
00011000 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump direct (jmp)
00010110 -----fpa                    push registers (psh)
00010100 -----fpa                    pop registers (pop)
00010010 --------                    software interrupt (brk)
00010000 --------                    extra op-code space
0000---0 --------                    extra op-code space

Where: m=1: register-memory instructions
       m=0: read-modify-write instructions
       w=1: word operand
       w=0: byte operand
      cccc: condition code
        rr: stack register no. (first four stack words)
   ddddddd: 7-bit unsigned offset
  dddddddd: 8-bit unsigned offset
  iiiiiiii: 8-bit immediate value
  llllllll: Low byte of 16-bit immediate value of direct jump address
  hhhhhhhh: High byte of 16-bit immediate value or direct jump address
     a f p: accumulator, flags, program counter: i.e., which regs to push/pop
      ----: unused
      aaaa: read-modidy-write or register-memory op-code (see below)

read-modify-write op-codes:
0000     sta		store accumulator word
         stab		store accumulator byte
0001     sts            store stack pointer
         stsb           store low byte of stack pointer
0010     lsl            logical shift left word
         lslb           logical shift left byte
0011     rol            rotate left word
         rolb           rotate left byte
0100     lsr            logical shift right word
         lsrb           logical shift right byte
0101     ror            rotate right word
         rorb           rotate right byte
0110     asr            arithmetic shift right word
         asrb           arithmetic shift right byte
0111     com            1's complement word
         comb           1's complement byte
1000     neg            negate word
         negb           negate byte
1001     cng            carry-negate
         cngb           carry-negate byte
1010     dec            decrement word
         decb           decrement byte
1011     csb            subtract carry from word
         csbb           subtract carry from byte
1100     inc            increment word
         incb           increment byte
1101     cad            add carry to word
         cadb           add carry to byte
1110     clr            clear word
         clrb           clear byte
1111     -              extra rmw code

register-memory (and register-immediate) op codes:
0000     nop
0001     tst            test word
         tstbx          test byte sign extended
0010     or             or word
         orb            or byte
0011     xor            xor word
         xorbx          xor byte sign extended
0100     bit            bit-test word
         bitb           bit-test byte
0101     and            and word
         andbx          and byte sign exteneded
0110     add            add word
         addb           add byte
0111     adc            add with carry word
         addbx          add byte sign extend
1000     cmp            compare word
         cmpb           compare byte
1001     cwc            compare word with carry
         cmpbx          compare byte sign extend
1010     sub            subtract word
         subb           subtract byte
1011     sbc            subtract word with carry
         subbx          subtract byte sign extend
1100     lda            load word
         ldab           load byte
1101     lda            load word
         ldabx          load byte sign extend
1110     lds            load stack pointer
         ldsb           load stack pointer from byte
1111     adds           add word to stack pointer
         addsbx         add sign extended byte to stack pointer

condition codes for jcc are as follows:

0000 extra condition code
0001 jeq - jump if zero
0010 jcs/jhs - jump if carry set (jump if higher or same unsigned)
0011 jmi - jump if negative set
0100 jvs - jump if overflow set
0101 jlt - jump if less than (signed)
0110 jle - jump if less than or equal to (signed)
0111 jls - jump if lower or same (unsigned)
1000 extra condition code
1001 jne - jump if not zero
1010 jcc/jlo - jump if carry clear (jump if lower unsigned)
1011 jpl - jump if positive
1100 jvc - jump if overflow clear
1101 jge - jump if greater than or equal (signed)
1110 jgt - jump if greater than (signed)
1111 jhi - jump if higher (unsigned)

Reset conditions:

- AC, SP and all flags are clear.
- PC is loaded with FC00.
- First instruction executed is at FC00.

Software interrupt conditions:

- AC/PC/Flags are pushed.
- PC is loaded with FD00.
- First instruction executed after BRK is at FD00.

Hardware interrupt conditions:

- AC/PC/Flags are pushed.
- PC is loaded with FE00.
- I-flag is cleared.
- First instruction executed after IRQ is at FE00.

Stack after PSH with all registers selected, BRK or IRQ:

|             |
|  MSB of AC  |
|  LSB of AC  |
|  MSB of PC  |
|  LSB of PC  |
|    junk     |
|    Flags    |   <--- SP

- Pushed PC is address of instruction following PSH or BRK, or first
  instruction to execute after a return from interrupt.

Stack after JSR:

|             |
|  MSB of PC  |
|  LSB of PC  |   <--- SP

- Pushed PC is address of instruction following the JSR.

Instruction timing:

misc. instructions (r=read, w=write, d=dead):

jmp direct:		4 (3r, 1d)
jmp indirect:		6 (4r, 2d)
jcc direct:		4 (3r, 1d)
jsr direct:		5 (3r, 2w)
jsr indirect:		7 (4r, 2w, 1d)
push:	(1d+2r+5w)	3+(2 for ac)+(2 for pc)+(1 for flags)	(4 - 8 cycles)
pop:	(1d+7r)		3+(2 for ac)+(2 for pc)+(1 for flags)	(4 - 8 cycles)
brk/irq:		9 (2r, 5w, 2d)

operate instructions:

ac-stack byte:		4 (3r, 1d)
ac-stack word:		5 (4r, 1d)
ac-indexed byte:	7 (5r, 2d)
ac-indexed word:	8 (6r, 2d)
r.m.w. byte stack:	5 (3r, 1w, 1d)
r.m.w. word stack:	7 (4r, 2w, 1d)
r.m.w. byte indexed:	8 (5r, 1w, 2d)
r.m.w. word indexed:	10 (6r, 2w, 2d)
immediate byte:		2 (2r)
immediate word:		3 (3r)

Interrupt latency:

  Worst-case interrupt latency is 17 cycles (the longest instruction is 10
cycles and interrupt servicing takes 9 cycles, but 2 fetch cycles are

Detailed instruction-set summary:

Code                       Mnemonic     Operation                    N Z I V C
------------               --------     ---------                    - - - - -

12 00                      brk          PC=PC+2, @--SP=AC, @--SP=PC, - - - - -
                                        @--SP=FLAGS, PC=FFD0

14 -----fpa                pop ac,pc,cc PC=PC+2, FLAGS=@SP++,        X X X X X
                                        PC=@SP++, AC=@SP++
 - Only registers whoes bits are set are poped.

16 -----fpa                psh ac,pc,cc                              - - - - -
                                        PC=PC+2, @--SP=AC, @--SP=PC,
 - Only registers whoes bits are set are pushed.

18 LL HH 00                jmp label    PC=HHLL                      - - - - -

1A LL HH 00                jsr label    PC=PC+2, @--SP=PC,           - - - - -

1C dd                      jmp [dd]     PC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -

1E dd                      jsr [dd]     PC=PC+2, @--SP=PC,           - - - - -

22 LL HH 00                jeq label    if Z==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

24 LL HH 00                jcs label    if C==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

26 LL HH 00                jmi label    if N==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

28 LL HH 00                jvs label    if V==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2A LL HH 00                jlt label    if (V^N)==1: PC=HHLL         - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2C LL HH 00                jle label    if ((V^N)|Z)==1: PC=HHLL     - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2E LL HH 00                jls label    if (~C | Z)==1: PC=HHLL      - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

32 LL HH 00                jne label    if Z==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

34 LL HH 00                jcc label    if C==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

36 LL HH 00                jpl label    if N==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

38 LL HH 00                jvc label    if V==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3A LL HH 00                jge label    if (V^N)==0: PC=HHLL         - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3C LL HH 00                jgt label    if ((V^N)|Z)==0: PC=HHLL     - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3E LL HH 00                jhi label    if (~C | Z)==0: PC=HHLL      - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

42 ii                      tstbx #ii    SX(ii)                       X X - - -
44 ii                      orb #ii      AC=(AC | ii)                 X X - - -
46 ii                      xorbx #ii    AC=(AC ^ SX(ii))             X X - - -
48 ii                      bitb #ii     (AC & ii)                    X X - - -
4A ii                      andbx #ii    AC=(AC & SX(ii))             X X - - -
4C ii                      addb #ii     AC=(AC+ii)                   X X - X X
4E ii                      addbx #ii    AC=(AC+SX(ii))               X X - X X
50 ii                      cmpb #ii     (AC-ii)                      X X - X X
52 ii                      cmpbx #ii    (AC-SX(ii))                  X X - X X
54 ii                      subb #ii     AC=(AC-ii)                   X X - X X
56 ii                      subbx #ii    AC=(AC-SX(ii))               X X - X X
58 ii                      ldab #ii     AC=ii                        - - - - -
5A ii                      ldabx #ii    AC=SX(ii)                    - - - - -
5C ii                      ldsb #ii     SP=ii                        - - - - -
5E ii                      addsbx #ii   SP=SP+SX(ii)                 - - - - -
62 ll hh 00                tst #hhll    (hhll)                       X X - - -
64 ll hh 00                or #hhll     AC=(AC | hhll)               X X - - -
66 ll hh 00                xor #hhll    AC=(AC ^ hhll)               X X - - -
68 ll hh 00                bit #hhll    (AC & hhll)                  X X - - -
6A ll hh 00                and #hhll    AC=(AC & hhll)               X X - - -
6C ll hh 00                add #hhll    AC=(AC+hhll)                 X X - X X
6E ll hh 00                adc #hhll    AC=(AC+hhll)                 X X - X X
70 ll hh 00                cmp #hhll    (AC-hhll)                    X X - X X
72 ll hh 00                cwc #hhll    (AC-hhll-~C)                 X X - X X
74 ll hh 00                sub #hhll    AC=(AC-hhll)                 X X - X X
76 ll hh 00                sbc #hhll    AC=(AC-hhll-~C)              X X - X X
78 ll hh 00                lda #hhll    AC=hhll                      - - - - -
7A ll hh 00                lda #hhll    AC=hhll                      - - - - -
7C ll hh 00                lds #hhll    SP=hhll                      - - - - -
7E ll hh 00                adds #hhll   SP=SP+hhll                   - - - - -
43 dd                      tstbx dd     SX(*(SP+dd))                 X X - - -
45 dd                      orb dd       AC=(AC | *(SP+dd))           X X - - -
47 dd                      xorbx dd     AC=(AC ^ SX(*(SP+dd)))       X X - - -
49 dd                      bitb dd      (AC & *(SP+dd))              X X - - -
4B dd                      andbx dd     AC=(AC & SX(*(SP+dd)))       X X - - -
4D dd                      addb dd      AC=(AC+*(SP+dd))             X X - X X
4F dd                      addbx dd     AC=(AC+SX(*(SP+dd)))         X X - X X
51 dd                      cmpb dd      (AC-*(SP+dd))                X X - X X
53 dd                      cmpbx dd     (AC-SX(*(SP+dd)))            X X - X X
55 dd                      subb dd      AC=(AC-*(SP+dd))             X X - X X
57 dd                      subbx dd     AC=(AC-SX(*(SP+dd)))         X X - X X
59 dd                      ldab dd      AC=*(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
5B dd                      ldabx dd     AC=SX(*(SP+dd))              - - - - -
5D dd                      ldsb dd      SP=*(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
5F dd                      addsbx dd    SP=SP+SX(*(SP+dd))           - - - - -
63 dd                      tst dd       (@(SP+dd))                   X X - - -
65 dd                      or dd        AC=(AC | @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
67 dd                      xor dd       AC=(AC ^ @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
69 dd                      bit dd       (AC & @(SP+dd))              X X - - -
6B dd                      and dd       AC=(AC & @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
6D dd                      add dd       AC=(AC+@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
6F dd                      adc dd       AC=(AC+@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
71 dd                      cmp dd       (AC-@(SP+dd))                X X - X X
73 dd                      cwc dd       (AC-@(SP+dd)-~C)             X X - X X
75 dd                      sub dd       AC=(AC-@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
77 dd                      sbc dd       AC=(AC-@(SP+dd)-~C)          X X - X X
79 dd                      lda dd       AC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7B dd                      lda dd       AC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7D dd                      lds dd       SP=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7F dd                      adds dd      SP=SP+@(SP+dd)               - - - - -
C2 dd                      tstbx dd,r   SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))            X X - - -
C4 dd                      orb dd,r     AC=(AC | *(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
C6 dd                      xorbx dd,r   AC=(AC ^ SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))  X X - - -
C8 dd                      bitb dd,r    (AC & *(@(SP+r)+dd))         X X - - -
CA dd                      andbx dd,r   AC=(AC & SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))  X X - - -
CC dd                      addb dd,r    AC=(AC+*(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
CE dd                      addbx dd,r   AC=(AC+SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))    X X - X X
D0 dd                      cmpb dd,r    (AC-*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
D2 dd                      cmpbx dd,r   (AC-SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))       X X - X X
D4 dd                      subb dd,r    AC=(AC-*(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
D6 dd                      subbx dd,r   AC=(AC-SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))    X X - X X
D8 dd                      ldab dd,r    AC=*(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
DA dd                      ldabx dd,r   AC=SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))         - - - - -
DC dd                      ldsb dd,r    SP=*(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
DE dd                      addsbx dd,r  SP=SP+SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))      - - - - -
E2 dd                      tst dd,r     (@(@(SP+r)+dd))              X X - - -
E4 dd                      or dd,r      AC=(AC | @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
E6 dd                      xor dd,r     AC=(AC ^ @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
E8 dd                      bit dd,r     (AC & @(@(SP+r)+dd))         X X - - -
EA dd                      and dd,r     AC=(AC & @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
EC dd                      add dd,r     AC=(AC+@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
EE dd                      adc dd,r     AC=(AC+@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
F0 dd                      cmp dd,r     (AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
F2 dd                      cwc dd,r     (AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C)        X X - X X
F4 dd                      sub dd,r     AC=(AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
F6 dd                      sbc dd,r     AC=(AC-@(@(SP+dd))-~C)       X X - X X
F8 dd                      lda dd,r     AC=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FA dd                      lda dd,r     AC=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FC dd                      lds dd,r     SP=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FE dd                      adds dd,r    SP=SP+@(@(SP+r)+dd)          - - - - -
01 dd                      stab dd      *(SP+dd)=AC                  - - - - -
03 dd                      stsb dd      *(SP+dd)=SP                  - - - - -
05 dd                      lslb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)<<1)       X X - X X
07 dd                      rolb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)<<1)+C     X X - X X
09 dd                      lsrb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0B dd                      rorb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0D dd                      asrb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0F dd                      comb dd      *(SP+dd)=~(*(SP+dd))         X X - - -
11 dd                      negb dd      *(SP+dd)=-(*(SP+dd))         X X - X X
13 dd                      cngb dd      *(SP+dd)=~(*(SP+dd))+C       X X - X X
15 dd                      decb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)-1          X X - X X
17 dd                      csbb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)-~C         X X - X X
19 dd                      incb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)+1          X X - X X
1B dd                      cadb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)+C          X X - X X
1D dd                      clrb dd      *(SP+dd)=0                   - - - - -
21 dd                      sta dd       @(SP+dd)=AC                  - - - - -
23 dd                      sts dd       @(SP+dd)=SP                  - - - - -
25 dd                      lsl dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)<<1)       X X - X X
27 dd                      rol dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)<<1)+C     X X - X X
29 dd                      lsr dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2B dd                      ror dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2D dd                      asr dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2F dd                      com dd       @(SP+dd)=~(@(SP+dd))         X X - - -
31 dd                      neg dd       @(SP+dd)=-(@(SP+dd))         X X - X X
33 dd                      cng dd       @(SP+dd)=~(@(SP+dd))+C       X X - X X
35 dd                      dec dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)-1          X X - X X
37 dd                      csb dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)-~C         X X - X X
39 dd                      inc dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)+1          X X - X X
3B dd                      cad dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)+C          X X - X X
3D dd                      clr dd       @(SP+dd)=0                   - - - - -
80 dd                      stab dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=AC             - - - - -
82 dd                      stsb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=SP             - - - - -
84 dd                      lslb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
86 dd                      rolb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
88 dd                      lsrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
8A dd                      rorb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
8C dd                      asrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (*(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - X X
8E dd                      comb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - - -
90 dd                      negb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          -(*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
92 dd                      cngb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(*(@(SP+r)+dd))+C         X X - X X
94 dd                      decb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)-1            X X - X X
96 dd                      csbb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)= 
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C           X X - X X
98 dd                      incb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)= 
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)+1            X X - X X
9A dd                      cadb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)+C            X X - X X
9C dd                      clrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=0              - - - - -
A0 dd                      sta dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=AC             - - - - -
A2 dd                      sts dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=SP             - - - - -
A4 dd                      lsl dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)<<1)         X X - X X
A6 dd                      rol dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)<<1)+C       X X - X X
A8 dd                      lsr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AA dd                      ror dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AC dd                      asr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AE dd                      com dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - - -
B0 dd                      neg dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          -(@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
B2 dd                      cng dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(@(@(SP+r)+dd))+C         X X - X X
B4 dd                      dec dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)-1            X X - X X
B6 dd                      csb dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C           X X - X X
B8 dd                      inc dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)+1            X X - X X
BA dd                      cad dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)+C            X X - X X
BC dd                      clr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=0              - - - - -

Notes: SX(n) means that n is a byte which is sign-extended to a word.
       *(n)  means retrieve/store byte from/to address n
       @(n)  means retrieve/store word from/to address n
       X     means flag is affected
       -     means flag is not affected
       --n   means to predecrement n
       n++   means to postincrement n
       r     is two-bit stack-register selector.  It is multiplied by 2
             and added to the stack-pointer value to get the address of
             the stack register.  See the Instruction encoding chart to
             see how this field is encoded.


{ ... } denotes an optional componant.

Jump group
Indirect jmps:
		1.d	ar=[sp+dirbyte]
		2.r	read to dirlo, oddify ar
Direct jmps:
		3.r	read to dirhi, { for jsrs: ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ for jsrs:	4.w	write alu, { direct: dor=[pc+2] },
                        { indirect: dor=[pc] }, oddify ar }
		5.d/w	{ cctrue: ar=pc=[dirword+0] }
			{ ccfalse: { direct: ar=[pc+2] }, { indirect: ar=[pc] },
			{ for jsrs: write dor }
		6.r	read to ir, oddify ar
		7.r	read to disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

jmp direct:	4 cycles
jmp indirect:	6 cycles
jcc direct:	4 cycles
jsr direct:	5 cycles
jsr indirect:	7 cycles

Operate group

		1.d	ar=[rn+sp]
		2.r	read dirlo, oddify ar
		3.r	read dirhi
		4.d	{ stack: ar=[dirbyte+sp] }, { indexed: ar=[dirword+disp] }
		5.r	read dirlo, { word: oddify ar },
			{ byte, no rmw: ar=pc }, { byte rmw: hold ar }
{ word:		6.r	read dirhi, { no rmw: ar=pc }, evenify ar }
{ rmw:		7.w	dor=[operate(dir)], write alu
			{ byte: ar=pc }, { word: oddify ar } }
{ word rmw:	8.w	write dor, ar=pc }
		9.r	read ir, oddify ar, { rm: ac=[operate(ac,dir)] }
		10.r	read disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

rm byte stack: 4 cycles
rm word stack: 5 cycles
rm byte indexed: 7 cycles
rm word indexed: 8 cycles
rmw byte stack: 5 cycles
rmw word stack: 7 cycles
rmw byte indexed: 8 cycles
rmw word indexed: 10 cycles

Immediate group
		1.r	read dirhi, ar=pc=[pc+2]
		2.r	read ir, ac=[operate(ac,dir)], oddify ar
		3.r	read disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

byte immediate: 2 cycles
word immediate: 3 cycles

		1.d	ar=sp=[sp-2]
{ push ac:	2.w	write alu, dor=[ac], oddify ar
		3.w	write dor, ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ push pc:	4.w	write alu, dor=[pc], oddify ar
		5.w	write dor, ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ push flags:	6.w	write alu, dor=[flags], { no brk/irq: ar=pc } }
{ brk/irq:	7.d	ar=pc=[brk/irq address] }
		8.r	read ir, oddify ar
		9.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

cycles = 3 + (2 for ac) + (2 for pc) + (1 for flags)
(4 - 8 cycles).

		1.d	ar=[sp]
{ pop flags:	2.r	read dirlo, ar=sp+[sp+2] }
{ pop pc:	3.r	read dirlo, { if pop flags: flags=[dirword] }, oddify ar
		4.r	read dirhi, ar=sp=[sp+2] }
{ pop ac:	5.r	read dirlo, { if pop pc: pc=[dirword] }, oddify ar
		6.r	read dirhi, ar=sp=[sp+2] }
		7.r	read ir, oddify ar, { if pop ac: ac=[dirword] }
		8.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

cycles = 3 + (2 for ac) + (2 for pc) + (1 for flags)
(4 - 8 cycles)

		1.d	ar=pc=[reset address]
		2.r	read ir, oddify ar
		3.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode
/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Article: 12827
Subject: Re: Schematic entry?
From: "Thomas D. Tessier" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 18:48:08 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Rickman wrote:
> Ad Verschueren wrote:
> >
> > "Glenn E. Hunt" <> writes:
> > > Having said that, it also seems to me that what we as hardware designers are
> > > doing is thinking like schematic designers when we write our HDL.  I'm
> > > starting to think this is not the best way to go about writing HDL.  Rather
> > > than focus on tools, maybe we could gain improved clarity by changing the
> > > way we think about the structure or partitioning of designs.  Can we devise
> > > a design analysis/partition/capture technique or method that highlights or
> > > exposes rather than obscures the relationships of HDL hierarchy?
> >
> > IMHO, I think we have got one such method.
> If you have the freedom in speed and density, then you can afford to
> write the HDL as you would a 'C' program. But I have never worked on a
> design where my gate count did not matter and most of my designs need
> some level of performance which is not trivial in the technology which I
> was using.

Well, it seems we are all letting our tools limit our thinking.  I
worked on a very large ASIC project in '94 & '95. We used VHDL, Model
Tech for simulation, Autologic I for synthesis and LSI logic as the
foundry. The ASIC I worked on was ~300K gates. I keep the design
"structure free" by using the VHDL BLOCK Construct. Using this construct
I was able to move functionality freely without breaking the design but
still get the resolution I needed for floor planning. We all was said
and done, I have one top module 6 lower modules and one big hairy math
function library. So you have it right I represented 300K gates in 6
modules and one math library.  Autologic I would synthesis hierarchy
boundaries on the BLOCK statements; I didn't even have to put in the
ports, and it worked great.

Today, can anyone point me to a synthesis tool which supports BLOCKs? I
didn't think so.

More about my approach can be seen at:
Look for the papers section of the home page and find Design Super Con

We are all limited by our tools, but we need to demand that the vendors
don't break things that use to work or could benefit us in the future.

VHDL or Verilog Structure is tough to read, write or understand that is
the reason that the graphical tools are making a comeback. "A picture is
worth a 1000 words", still holds true.

Tom Tessier
+---------------------- ---------------------+
: t2design                                                             :
: 249 Lois Drive                                                       :
: Louisville, CO 80027                                                 :
+------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------+
:   *  (303)665-6402       * Fax: (303)665-6431   :
+------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------+
Article: 12828
Subject: Re: 3.3V PCI to 5V local bus interface?
From: Steve Casselman <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 18:34:41 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
jai kishan wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm thinking of using a Xilinx Spartan XL FPGA to interface a 3.3V PCI
> bus to a 5V local bus using the PCI logicore provided by Xilinx. Problem
> is that once the PCI logicore is used it configures the device to switch
> on diodes on all the I/O's to clamp to the 3.3V supply (as per the PCI
> spec) but this causes the device to loose its 5V tolerance on all the
> I/O's although otherwise the device is 5V tolerant.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jai.

   The 3.3v output from the spartan XL should be enough
to drive your 5V I/Os on the local bus.  Our board (HOT 2)
is bundled with a version of the PCI Logic core. While the
device that comes with the Logic Core is a 5V spartan we
can place a spartan XL on the board which should fit into
a 3.3V PCI (uses a universal PCI edge connector).

Steve Casselman, President
Virtual Computer Corporation

Article: 12829
Subject: Re: Xilinx mode pins.
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 21:42:16 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On spartan, you cain't use dem mode pins for I/O, which is why M1.x
won't let you use them.  There is only one mode pin on Spartan, as it
only supports master serial and slave serial modes.   That mode pin is
about as useful as tits on a bull once the chip is configured.

I haven't tried compiling one of my 4KE designs that use the mode pins
under the M1.x tools.  I already found that PPR in XACT6 does a better
job for the 4KE parts.  M1 doesn't permit certain packing combinations
in the CLBs that are legal.  It wouldn't surprise me if M1 also didn't
support the mode pins  on designs where they are legal.  If this is the
case, it is just one more example of taking away tool functionality we
already had.  I guess they do that to make room for the extra memory the
tools need to run. SIGH.

Steve Casselman wrote:

> Be careful about using M0, M1, or M2 if
> you plan to use the spartan. M1.5 will
> not let you use the mode pins for anything.
> If you have not used init you might think
> about that.
> --
> Steve Casselman, President
> Virtual Computer Corporation

-Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

Article: 12830
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Joseph H Allen)
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 07:36:33 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I've placed rev.2 on my ftp site, which contains fixes and a greatly
enhanced description (including details of how the CPU works).  This will be
the last long post.  Look at the ftp for complete information from now on.

                              Trailing Edge 16
                                  FPGA CPU
                          (c) 1998 Joseph H. Allen


Change log:

 - Improved CPU description
 - Changed OP code for STA/STAB (it's 1111 instead of 0000).
 - RSH was not delayed properly going into carry selector.


 - Finish assembler
 - Maybe move right-shifter after ALU- then we can do RMW insns (except
   for sign-extension) on AC.
 - Maybe merge non-coincident control signals.  Might make control section
   smaller, but will use more flip-flops.
 - Provide schematic for minimal system.


  TE16 is a small free 16-bit CPU designed for Xilinx's low cost XC5200
  series FPGAs.  The minimal system would include an FPGA, a byte-wide ROM
  from which the FPGA loads its bitstream and which contains the CPU's boot
  program, a byte-wide RAM, and an oscillator.  The idea here is to use
  whatever space remains in the FPGA for interesting peripherals, and
  thereby compete with traditional microcontrollers.  The design goals for
  TE16 were low cost, small size and a powerful enough instruction set so
  that programming is straigtforward.

- Sources located at

- Fits in a Xilinx XC5204.  *Almost* fits in a XC5202, I'm working on it.

- Runs at 11MHz for the -5 part.  Currently uses 178 FFs, and 266 FMAPs.
  The XC5202 has 256 FFs and 256 FMAPs.  The XC5204 has 480 FFs and 480

- *.sch, OrCAD schematics.  You need the Xilinx XACT FPGA library to edit

- *.ps, Postscript version of these schematics.

- te16.bin: Binary bitstream to load into prom.  For XC5204 84-pin PLCC.

- te16.rpt: Pin assignment report.  Other te16.* files are other reports from
  Xilinx XACT.

- Licensing: The sources are licensed under the Gnu-copyleft (see the file
  'copying' for the full license).  This means that you may freely use,
  distribute or sell them, but this license must remain intact, so that any
  buyer or recipient may also be able to freely redistribute or sell them. 
  Any modifications must also be placed under the Gnu-copyleft and
  distributed for free.  Of course there is no warranty that these sources
  will be useful or even work, and there will be no liability on my part
  should they cause anybody any problems.

  If you use this in a product, all I ask is that you print in the
  documentation which comes with your product: 'Uses Joe Allen's TE16 CPU'.

External Pins & Signals:

  Internal FPGA point of view:
    i[7..0]  data input bus
    o[7..0]  data output bus
    a[15..0] address bus

    wr  write line- indicates that data on o[7..0] should be written to
                    address a[15..0] at end of current cycle.

    rd  read line-  indicates that data from address a[15..0] should be
                    ready to be captured on i[7..0] by the end of the
                    current cycle.

    irq interrupt request- asynchronous.  IRQ should be held low until
                    the software responds to the source of the interrupt.

    clk - primary clock.

    q - out of phase clock- should be 90 degrees early with respect to
        clk.  This clock used only to prevent contention on the internal
        ALU-B bus.  Bus output enable signals are latched on q, and are
        driven while clk is high.

        q could be eliminated (for an ASIC) by replacing the ALU-B bus with
        a mux.  The select signals for the mux should come from flip-flops
        clocked by clk.

  External to FPGA point of view:
    d[7..0] tri-state data bus
    addr[15..0] address bus
    nwr low going write pulse (ram should save on rising edge)
    nrd low going read pulse (memory should output to bus while low)
    nirq interrupt request- hold low until serviced by software.

    clk and q are used to generate nwr and nrd from wr and rd as shown

         ______      ______      __
clk    __      ______      ______

       _____      ______      _____
  q         ______      ______

 rd    __            ______________

 wr    ______________            __

       _____         ______________
nrd         _________

       _________________      _____
nwr                     ______

addr     | addr n    | addr n+1  |

data   ---------| in |--|   out  |-

          read cycle  write cycle

  Write data occurs from falling edge of q to rising edge of clk.  Nwr
  happens while q is low (nwr should be connected to RAM write enable

  Read data should be driven while nrd is low.  nrd occurs from q falling
  edge to clk rising edge.  NRD should be connected to memory output enable


 MSB                         LSB
 15     .   .   .    5 4 3 2 1 0
|                               |     Accumulator
|                              0|     Stack pointer
|                              0|     Program counter
                      |N Z I V C|     Condition flags

N = negative, Z = zero, I = interrupt enable, V = overflow, C = carry

C = 1 for carry after an add, 0 for no carry after an add

C = 0 for borrow after a subtract, 1 for no borrow after subtract

V = overflow: exclusive-or of carry going into and comming out of bit 15.

- Stack pointer and program counter are always even (they only point to

- The stack builds downwards (SP is predecremented for PSH, postincremented
  for POP).  The stack pointer points to the first word on the stack.  The
  first free word is at SP-2.

Addressing modes:

    Register-memory instructions: Immediate, Stack, Indexed
    Read-modify-write instructions: Stack, Indexed
    Jump instructions: Direct, Indirect

    Immediate: An 8-bit or 16-bit literal operand value follows
               the instruction.

    Stack: The 8-bit or 16-bit data is on the stack.  The address of the
           data is computed by adding an 8-bit unsigned value which is part
           of the instruction to the stack pointer.

    Direct: A 16-bit jump destination address follows the instruction.

    Indirect: A 16-bit jump destination is on the stack.  The address of
              this value is computed by adding an 8-bit unsigned value which
              is part of the instruction to the stack pointer.

    Indexed: The 8-bit or 16-bit data is somewhere in memory.  The address
             of the data is computed by adding a 7-bit unsigned value which
             value which is part of the instruction to one of the first four
             words on the stack (I.E., those words found at SP+0, SP+2, SP+4
             or SP+6).  A two-bit field within the instruction selects which
             of these four words is used.

Memory format:

|   byte 0     LSB | \
+------------------+  word 0
|   byte 1     MSB | /
|   byte 2     LSB | \
+------------------+  word 2
|   byte 3     MSB | /
|                  |
.                  .
.                  .
.                  .
|                  |
|   byte 65534 LSB | \
+------------------+  word 65534
|   byte 65545 MSB | /

- All words must be aligned on even address boundaries.

- The least significant byte within each word is at the lower address
  (except 16-bit immediate values and direct jump addresses, see below).

- Special addresses:

      FC00  -  Reset entry point: PC is initialized to this value on reset
      FD00  -  BRK instruction jumps to this address
      FE00  -  IRQ instruction jumps to this address

Instruction coding:

 - Instructions are either 2 or 4 bytes.
 - Instructions must begin on even addresses only.

    0       1         2        3
   ---     ---       ---      ---
1mwaaaar rddddddd                    indexed
0mwaaaa1 dddddddd                    stack
011aaaa0 llllllll hhhhhhhh --------  immediate word
010aaaa0 iiiiiiii                    immediate byte
001cccc0 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump on condition (jcc)
00011110 dddddddd                    jump to subroutine indirect (jsr)
00011100 dddddddd                    jump indirect (address on stack)
00011010 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump to subroutine direct (jsr)
00011000 lllllll0 hhhhhhhh --------  jump direct (jmp)
00010110 -----fpa                    push registers (psh)
00010100 -----fpa                    pop registers (pop)
00010010 --------                    software interrupt (brk)
00010000 --------                    extra op-code space
0000---0 --------                    extra op-code space

Where: m=1: register-memory instructions
       m=0: read-modify-write instructions
       w=1: word operand
       w=0: byte operand
      cccc: condition code
        rr: stack register no. (first four stack words)
   ddddddd: 7-bit unsigned offset
  dddddddd: 8-bit unsigned offset
  iiiiiiii: 8-bit immediate value
  llllllll: Low byte of 16-bit immediate value of direct jump address
  hhhhhhhh: High byte of 16-bit immediate value or direct jump address
     a f p: accumulator, flags, program counter: i.e., which regs to push/pop
      ----: unused
      aaaa: read-modidy-write or register-memory op-code (see below)

read-modify-write op-codes:
0001     sts            store stack pointer
         stsb           store low byte of stack pointer
0010     lsl            logical shift left word
         lslb           logical shift left byte
0011     rol            rotate left word
         rolb           rotate left byte
0100     lsr            logical shift right word
         lsrb           logical shift right byte
0101     ror            rotate right word
         rorb           rotate right byte
0110     asr            arithmetic shift right word
         asrb           arithmetic shift right byte
0111     com            1's complement word
         comb           1's complement byte
1000     neg            negate word
         negb           negate byte
1001     cng            carry-negate
         cngb           carry-negate byte
1010     dec            decrement word
         decb           decrement byte
1011     csb            subtract carry from word
         csbb           subtract carry from byte
1100     inc            increment word
         incb           increment byte
1101     cad            add carry to word
         cadb           add carry to byte
1110     clr            clear word
         clrb           clear byte
1111     sta		store accumulator word
         stab		store accumulator byte

register-memory (and register-immediate) op codes:
0001     tst            test word
         tstbx          test byte sign extended
0010     or             or word
         orb            or byte
0011     xor            xor word
         xorbx          xor byte sign extended
0100     bit            bit-test word
         bitb           bit-test byte
0101     and            and word
         andbx          and byte sign exteneded
0110     add            add word
         addb           add byte
0111     adc            add with carry word
         addbx          add byte sign extend
1000     cmp            compare word
         cmpb           compare byte
1001     cwc            compare word with carry
         cmpbx          compare byte sign extend
1010     sub            subtract word
         subb           subtract byte
1011     sbc            subtract word with carry
         subbx          subtract byte sign extend
1100     lda            load word
         ldab           load byte
1101     lda            load word
         ldabx          load byte sign extend
1110     lds            load stack pointer
         ldsb           load stack pointer from byte
1111     adds           add word to stack pointer
         addsbx         add sign extended byte to stack pointer

condition codes for jcc are as follows:

0000 extra condition code
0001 jeq - jump if zero
0010 jcs/jhs - jump if carry set (jump if higher or same unsigned)
0011 jmi - jump if negative set
0100 jvs - jump if overflow set
0101 jlt - jump if less than (signed)
0110 jle - jump if less than or equal to (signed)
0111 jls - jump if lower or same (unsigned)
1000 extra condition code
1001 jne - jump if not zero
1010 jcc/jlo - jump if carry clear (jump if lower unsigned)
1011 jpl - jump if positive
1100 jvc - jump if overflow clear
1101 jge - jump if greater than or equal (signed)
1110 jgt - jump if greater than (signed)
1111 jhi - jump if higher (unsigned)

Reset conditions:

- AC, SP and all flags are clear.
- PC is loaded with FC00.
- First instruction executed is at FC00.

Software interrupt conditions:

- AC/PC/Flags are pushed.
- PC is loaded with FD00.
- First instruction executed after BRK is at FD00.

Hardware interrupt conditions:

- AC/PC/Flags are pushed.
- PC is loaded with FE00.
- I-flag is cleared.
- First instruction executed after IRQ is at FE00.

Stack after PSH with all registers selected, BRK or IRQ:

|             |
|  MSB of AC  |
|  LSB of AC  |
|  MSB of PC  |
|  LSB of PC  |
|    junk     |
|    Flags    |   <--- SP

- Pushed PC is address of instruction following PSH or BRK, or first
  instruction to execute after a return from interrupt.

Stack after JSR:

|             |
|  MSB of PC  |
|  LSB of PC  |   <--- SP

- Pushed PC is address of instruction following the JSR.

Instruction timing:

  misc. instructions (r=read, w=write, d=dead):

    jmp direct:             4 (3r, 1d)
    jmp indirect:           6 (4r, 2d)
    jcc direct:             4 (3r, 1d)
    jsr direct:             5 (3r, 2w)
    jsr indirect:           7 (4r, 2w, 1d)
    push:   (1d+2r+5w)      3+(2 for ac)+(2 for pc)+(1 for flags) (4-8 cycles)
    pop:    (1d+7r)         3+(2 for ac)+(2 for pc)+(1 for flags) (4-8 cycles)
    brk/irq:                9 (2r, 5w, 2d)

  operate instructions:

    ac-stack byte:          4 (3r, 1d)
    ac-stack word:          5 (4r, 1d)
    ac-indexed byte:        7 (5r, 2d)
    ac-indexed word:        8 (6r, 2d)
    r.m.w. byte stack:      5 (3r, 1w, 1d)
    r.m.w. word stack:      7 (4r, 2w, 1d)
    r.m.w. byte indexed:    8 (5r, 1w, 2d)
    r.m.w. word indexed:   10 (6r, 2w, 2d)
    immediate byte:         2 (2r)
    immediate word:         3 (3r)

Interrupt latency:

    Worst-case interrupt latency is 17 cycles (the longest instruction is 10
cycles and interrupt servicing takes 9 cycles, but 2 fetch cycles are

Detailed instruction-set summary:

Code                       Mnemonic     Operation                    N Z I V C
------------               --------     ---------                    - - - - -

12 00                      brk          PC=PC+2, @--SP=AC, @--SP=PC, - - - - -
                                        @--SP=FLAGS, PC=FFD0

14 -----fpa                pop ac,pc,cc PC=PC+2, FLAGS=@SP++,        X X X X X
                                        PC=@SP++, AC=@SP++
 - Only registers whoes bits are set are poped.

16 -----fpa                psh ac,pc,cc                              - - - - -
                                        PC=PC+2, @--SP=AC, @--SP=PC,
 - Only registers whoes bits are set are pushed.

18 LL HH 00                jmp label    PC=HHLL                      - - - - -

1A LL HH 00                jsr label    PC=PC+2, @--SP=PC,           - - - - -

1C dd                      jmp [dd]     PC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -

1E dd                      jsr [dd]     PC=PC+2, @--SP=PC,           - - - - -

22 LL HH 00                jeq label    if Z==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

24 LL HH 00                jcs label    if C==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

26 LL HH 00                jmi label    if N==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

28 LL HH 00                jvs label    if V==1: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2A LL HH 00                jlt label    if (V^N)==1: PC=HHLL         - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2C LL HH 00                jle label    if ((V^N)|Z)==1: PC=HHLL     - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

2E LL HH 00                jls label    if (~C | Z)==1: PC=HHLL      - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

32 LL HH 00                jne label    if Z==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

34 LL HH 00                jcc label    if C==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

36 LL HH 00                jpl label    if N==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

38 LL HH 00                jvc label    if V==0: PC=HHLL             - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3A LL HH 00                jge label    if (V^N)==0: PC=HHLL         - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3C LL HH 00                jgt label    if ((V^N)|Z)==0: PC=HHLL     - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

3E LL HH 00                jhi label    if (~C | Z)==0: PC=HHLL      - - - - -
                                        else: PC=PC+2

42 ii                      tstbx #ii    SX(ii)                       X X - - -
44 ii                      orb #ii      AC=(AC | ii)                 X X - - -
46 ii                      xorbx #ii    AC=(AC ^ SX(ii))             X X - - -
48 ii                      bitb #ii     (AC & ii)                    X X - - -
4A ii                      andbx #ii    AC=(AC & SX(ii))             X X - - -
4C ii                      addb #ii     AC=(AC+ii)                   X X - X X
4E ii                      addbx #ii    AC=(AC+SX(ii))               X X - X X
50 ii                      cmpb #ii     (AC-ii)                      X X - X X
52 ii                      cmpbx #ii    (AC-SX(ii))                  X X - X X
54 ii                      subb #ii     AC=(AC-ii)                   X X - X X
56 ii                      subbx #ii    AC=(AC-SX(ii))               X X - X X
58 ii                      ldab #ii     AC=ii                        - - - - -
5A ii                      ldabx #ii    AC=SX(ii)                    - - - - -
5C ii                      ldsb #ii     SP=ii                        - - - - -
5E ii                      addsbx #ii   SP=SP+SX(ii)                 - - - - -
62 ll hh 00                tst #hhll    (hhll)                       X X - - -
64 ll hh 00                or #hhll     AC=(AC | hhll)               X X - - -
66 ll hh 00                xor #hhll    AC=(AC ^ hhll)               X X - - -
68 ll hh 00                bit #hhll    (AC & hhll)                  X X - - -
6A ll hh 00                and #hhll    AC=(AC & hhll)               X X - - -
6C ll hh 00                add #hhll    AC=(AC+hhll)                 X X - X X
6E ll hh 00                adc #hhll    AC=(AC+hhll)                 X X - X X
70 ll hh 00                cmp #hhll    (AC-hhll)                    X X - X X
72 ll hh 00                cwc #hhll    (AC-hhll-~C)                 X X - X X
74 ll hh 00                sub #hhll    AC=(AC-hhll)                 X X - X X
76 ll hh 00                sbc #hhll    AC=(AC-hhll-~C)              X X - X X
78 ll hh 00                lda #hhll    AC=hhll                      - - - - -
7A ll hh 00                lda #hhll    AC=hhll                      - - - - -
7C ll hh 00                lds #hhll    SP=hhll                      - - - - -
7E ll hh 00                adds #hhll   SP=SP+hhll                   - - - - -
43 dd                      tstbx dd     SX(*(SP+dd))                 X X - - -
45 dd                      orb dd       AC=(AC | *(SP+dd))           X X - - -
47 dd                      xorbx dd     AC=(AC ^ SX(*(SP+dd)))       X X - - -
49 dd                      bitb dd      (AC & *(SP+dd))              X X - - -
4B dd                      andbx dd     AC=(AC & SX(*(SP+dd)))       X X - - -
4D dd                      addb dd      AC=(AC+*(SP+dd))             X X - X X
4F dd                      addbx dd     AC=(AC+SX(*(SP+dd)))         X X - X X
51 dd                      cmpb dd      (AC-*(SP+dd))                X X - X X
53 dd                      cmpbx dd     (AC-SX(*(SP+dd)))            X X - X X
55 dd                      subb dd      AC=(AC-*(SP+dd))             X X - X X
57 dd                      subbx dd     AC=(AC-SX(*(SP+dd)))         X X - X X
59 dd                      ldab dd      AC=*(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
5B dd                      ldabx dd     AC=SX(*(SP+dd))              - - - - -
5D dd                      ldsb dd      SP=*(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
5F dd                      addsbx dd    SP=SP+SX(*(SP+dd))           - - - - -
63 dd                      tst dd       (@(SP+dd))                   X X - - -
65 dd                      or dd        AC=(AC | @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
67 dd                      xor dd       AC=(AC ^ @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
69 dd                      bit dd       (AC & @(SP+dd))              X X - - -
6B dd                      and dd       AC=(AC & @(SP+dd))           X X - - -
6D dd                      add dd       AC=(AC+@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
6F dd                      adc dd       AC=(AC+@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
71 dd                      cmp dd       (AC-@(SP+dd))                X X - X X
73 dd                      cwc dd       (AC-@(SP+dd)-~C)             X X - X X
75 dd                      sub dd       AC=(AC-@(SP+dd))             X X - X X
77 dd                      sbc dd       AC=(AC-@(SP+dd)-~C)          X X - X X
79 dd                      lda dd       AC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7B dd                      lda dd       AC=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7D dd                      lds dd       SP=@(SP+dd)                  - - - - -
7F dd                      adds dd      SP=SP+@(SP+dd)               - - - - -
C2 dd                      tstbx dd,r   SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))            X X - - -
C4 dd                      orb dd,r     AC=(AC | *(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
C6 dd                      xorbx dd,r   AC=(AC ^ SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))  X X - - -
C8 dd                      bitb dd,r    (AC & *(@(SP+r)+dd))         X X - - -
CA dd                      andbx dd,r   AC=(AC & SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))  X X - - -
CC dd                      addb dd,r    AC=(AC+*(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
CE dd                      addbx dd,r   AC=(AC+SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))    X X - X X
D0 dd                      cmpb dd,r    (AC-*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
D2 dd                      cmpbx dd,r   (AC-SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))       X X - X X
D4 dd                      subb dd,r    AC=(AC-*(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
D6 dd                      subbx dd,r   AC=(AC-SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd)))    X X - X X
D8 dd                      ldab dd,r    AC=*(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
DA dd                      ldabx dd,r   AC=SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))         - - - - -
DC dd                      ldsb dd,r    SP=*(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
DE dd                      addsbx dd,r  SP=SP+SX(*(@(SP+r)+dd))      - - - - -
E2 dd                      tst dd,r     (@(@(SP+r)+dd))              X X - - -
E4 dd                      or dd,r      AC=(AC | @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
E6 dd                      xor dd,r     AC=(AC ^ @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
E8 dd                      bit dd,r     (AC & @(@(SP+r)+dd))         X X - - -
EA dd                      and dd,r     AC=(AC & @(@(SP+r)+dd))      X X - - -
EC dd                      add dd,r     AC=(AC+@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
EE dd                      adc dd,r     AC=(AC+@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
F0 dd                      cmp dd,r     (AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
F2 dd                      cwc dd,r     (AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C)        X X - X X
F4 dd                      sub dd,r     AC=(AC-@(@(SP+r)+dd))        X X - X X
F6 dd                      sbc dd,r     AC=(AC-@(@(SP+dd))-~C)       X X - X X
F8 dd                      lda dd,r     AC=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FA dd                      lda dd,r     AC=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FC dd                      lds dd,r     SP=@(@(SP+r)+dd)             - - - - -
FE dd                      adds dd,r    SP=SP+@(@(SP+r)+dd)          - - - - -
03 dd                      stsb dd      *(SP+dd)=SP                  - - - - -
05 dd                      lslb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)<<1)       X X - X X
07 dd                      rolb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)<<1)+C     X X - X X
09 dd                      lsrb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0B dd                      rorb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0D dd                      asrb dd      *(SP+dd)=(*(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
0F dd                      comb dd      *(SP+dd)=~(*(SP+dd))         X X - - -
11 dd                      negb dd      *(SP+dd)=-(*(SP+dd))         X X - X X
13 dd                      cngb dd      *(SP+dd)=~(*(SP+dd))+C       X X - X X
15 dd                      decb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)-1          X X - X X
17 dd                      csbb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)-~C         X X - X X
19 dd                      incb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)+1          X X - X X
1B dd                      cadb dd      *(SP+dd)=*(SP+dd)+C          X X - X X
1D dd                      clrb dd      *(SP+dd)=0                   - - - - -
1F dd                      stab dd      *(SP+dd)=AC                  - - - - -
23 dd                      sts dd       @(SP+dd)=SP                  - - - - -
25 dd                      lsl dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)<<1)       X X - X X
27 dd                      rol dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)<<1)+C     X X - X X
29 dd                      lsr dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2B dd                      ror dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2D dd                      asr dd       @(SP+dd)=(@(SP+dd)>>1)       X X - X X
2F dd                      com dd       @(SP+dd)=~(@(SP+dd))         X X - - -
31 dd                      neg dd       @(SP+dd)=-(@(SP+dd))         X X - X X
33 dd                      cng dd       @(SP+dd)=~(@(SP+dd))+C       X X - X X
35 dd                      dec dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)-1          X X - X X
37 dd                      csb dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)-~C         X X - X X
39 dd                      inc dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)+1          X X - X X
3B dd                      cad dd       @(SP+dd)=@(SP+dd)+C          X X - X X
3D dd                      clr dd       @(SP+dd)=0                   - - - - -
3F dd                      sta dd       @(SP+dd)=AC                  - - - - -
82 dd                      stsb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=SP             - - - - -
84 dd                      lslb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
86 dd                      rolb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
88 dd                      lsrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
8A dd                      rorb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=               X X - X X
8C dd                      asrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (*(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - X X
8E dd                      comb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - - -
90 dd                      negb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          -(*(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
92 dd                      cngb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(*(@(SP+r)+dd))+C         X X - X X
94 dd                      decb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)-1            X X - X X
96 dd                      csbb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)= 
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C           X X - X X
98 dd                      incb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)= 
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)+1            X X - X X
9A dd                      cadb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          *(@(SP+r)+dd)+C            X X - X X
9C dd                      clrb dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=0              - - - - -
9E dd                      stab dd,r    *(@(SP+r)+dd)=AC             - - - - -
A2 dd                      sts dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=SP             - - - - -
A4 dd                      lsl dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)<<1)         X X - X X
A6 dd                      rol dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)<<1)+C       X X - X X
A8 dd                      lsr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AA dd                      ror dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AC dd                      asr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          (@(@(SP+r)+dd)>>1)         X X - 0 X
AE dd                      com dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - - -
B0 dd                      neg dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          -(@(@(SP+r)+dd))           X X - X X
B2 dd                      cng dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          ~(@(@(SP+r)+dd))+C         X X - X X
B4 dd                      dec dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)-1            X X - X X
B6 dd                      csb dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)-~C           X X - X X
B8 dd                      inc dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)+1            X X - X X
BA dd                      cad dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=
                                          @(@(SP+r)+dd)+C            X X - X X
BC dd                      clr dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=0              - - - - -
BE dd                      sta dd,r     @(@(SP+r)+dd)=AC             - - - - -

Notes: SX(n) means that n is a byte which is sign-extended to a word.
       *(n)  means retrieve/store byte from/to address n
       @(n)  means retrieve/store word from/to address n
       X     means flag is affected
       -     means flag is not affected
       --n   means to predecrement n
       n++   means to postincrement n
       r     is two-bit stack-register selector.  It is multiplied by 2
             and added to the stack-pointer value to get the address of
             the stack register.  See the Instruction encoding chart to
             see how this field is encoded.

                                Cpu Structure

Data paths:

  The CPU has the following structures.  The source and control signals for
  each structure are indicated.

    DIR - 16-bit data input register
      Fed by: 8-bit data bus.  Both halves of the DIR are fed by the bus.
      Signals: cedir - captures the lower half at the end of current cycle.
               hi - captures the upper half at end of current cycle.

    IR - 8-bit instruction register
      Fed by: 8-bit data input bus
      Signals: ceir - captures the data bus at end of current cycle.
    DISP - 7-bit displacement register
      Fed by: 8-bit data bus.  Uppermost bit is always zero.
      Signals: ceir - captures the data bus at end of next cycle.
               busdisp - DISP drives ALU B bus during next cycle.

    CONST - 16-bit constant generator
      Signals: buszero - Drive 0 on ALU B bus during next cycle.
               busbrk - Drive BRK address on ALU B bus during next cycle.
               busirq - Drive IRQ address on ALU B bus during next cycle.
               busrst - Drive RESET address on ALU B bus during next cycle.

    SEX - Sign extender
      Fed by: DIR, IR (for rn field)
      Signals: word - pass 16-bit word next cycle.
               byte - pass 8-bit byte next cycle.
               sx - sign extend- only valid if byte is set.  sign-extend
                    next cycle.
               two - output the value of 2 next cycle.
               rn - output 'rr' field times 2 next cycle.
               (default) - output zero next cycle.

    RSHIFT - Right shifter
      Fed by: SEX, Carry
      Signals: rsh - right shift next cycle
               com - complement next cycle
               (default) - pass unchanged next cycle
               ror - enable carry for next cycle (only cares if rsh set)
               asr - sign extend next cycle (only cares if rsh set)
               word - if not set, right shift byte next cycle (only cares if
                      rsh set).

    ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
      Fed by: A-side from RSHIFT, B-side from ALU B BUS, Carry
      Signals: These signals control what the ALU does next cycle:
               Choose one of:
                lsh - left-shift
                rsb - reverse-subtract (A-B-~C)
                and - logical and
                or - logical or
                xor - exclusive or
                (default) - add (A+B+C)
                cen - enable carry input (it's zero otherwise)
                cinv - invert carry input (if cen is low, carry is taken
                       as 1 if this is set).

    Flags - Flag bits
      Fed by: ALU, RSHIFT (getting carry from RSH), SEQ (for clearing I-flag)
      Signals: ceflags - flags loaded from ALU output at end of this cycle.
               busflags - flags drive ALU-B BUS next cycle
               cv - Carry/Overflow flags affected by ALU result this cycle
                    If rsh is high, C comes from right shifter instead of
               zn - Zero/Negative flags affected by ALU result this cycle
               cli - Clear interrupt enable flag at end of this cycle

    AC - Accumulator
      Fed by: ALU
      Signals: ceac - save alu result at end of current cycle
               busac - AC drives ALU-B bus next cycle

    SP - Stack pointer (15-bit, LSB is always 0)
      Fed by: ALU
      Signals: cesp - save alu result at end of current cycle
               bussp - SP drives ALU-B bus next cycle

    PC - Program counter (15-bit, LSB is always 0)
      Fed by: ALU
      Signals: cepc - save alu result at end of current cycle
               buspc - PC drive ALU-B bus next cycle

    AR - Address output register (16-bit)
      Fed by: ALU, PC
      Signals: cear - capture ALU result or PC at end of current cycle
               arpc - selects PC instead of ALU result
               arodd - cause AR to become odd at end of current cycle.
                       it then becomes even on the cycle which follows.

    DOR - Data output register (8-bit)
      Fed by: ALU
      Signals: cedor - capture upper half of ALU result at end of current
               odd - Data output bus is driven from DOR.  If low, output bus
                     is driven from lower half of ALU result directly.

    WR - Write line (indicates a write cycle to external memory)
      Signals: cedor, arodd
        Cedor causes write to go high this cycle and next cycle too if
        arodd is also set.
    RD - Read line (indicates a read cycle to external memory)
      Signals: cedir, ceir, arodd
        Cedir and ceir cause read to go high this cycle and next cycle too
        if arodd is also set.

Conrol section:

  These data path structures give rise to the following 39 control signals:

    cepc, ceir, cedir, cedor, cear, ceflags, ceac, cesp, buspc, bussp,
    busdisp, busac, busflags, buszero, busreset, busirq, busbrk, arpc, two,
    rn, cli, hi, arodd, and, or, xor, rsb, lsh, cen, cinv, rsh, ror, asr,
    com, word, byte, sx, zn, cv.

  Note that the control signals do not all have meaning for the same cycle. 
  The follow signals must be asserted one cycle early to coincide with the
  remaining signals:

    buspc, bussp, busdisp, busac, busflags, buszero, busreset, busirq,
    busbrk, two, rn, arodd, and, or xor, rsb, lsh, cen, cinv, rsh, ror, asr,
    com, word, byte, sx.

  So to add 2 to the PC, the following sequence is needed:

    cycle 1: buspc, two
    cycle 2: cepc       - Operation actually occurs during this cycle.

  This adds complexity (and size) to the microsequencer, so I may add
  flip-flops to all the lines so that they all coincide.

  The microsequencer (SEQ) is actually 7 one-hot bit state machines.  Each
  state machine handles a group of common instructions.  Any control signal
  which originates from more than one state machine must OR together each
  source.  These OR gates can use quite a lot of FMAPs, so it is
  advantageous to have fewer complex state machines, than a larger number
  of simple state machines.

  There is also an operation code decoder, which selects which of the RMW
  and RM operation is to be performed, and what the source and destination
  of the operation is.  This decoder is active during the appropriate cycle
  as indicated by the 'rm' and 'rmw' signals.  Note that the decoder is
  structures to efficiently use 4-bit FMAPs.

{ ... } denotes an optional componant (dependant on which instruction
is given).
[ ] indicates a componant which must be asserted one cycle early.

Jump group
Indirect jmps:
		1.d	ar=[sp+dirbyte]
		2.r	read to dirlo, oddify ar
Direct jmps:
		3.r	read to dirhi, { for jsrs: ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ for jsrs:	4.w	write alu, { direct: dor=[pc+2] },
                        { indirect: dor=[pc] }, oddify ar }
		5.d/w	{ cctrue: ar=pc=[dirword+0] }
			{ ccfalse: { direct: ar=[pc+2] }, { indirect: ar=[pc] },
			{ for jsrs: write dor }
		6.r	read to ir, oddify ar
		7.r	read to disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

jmp direct:	4 cycles
jmp indirect:	6 cycles
jcc direct:	4 cycles
jsr direct:	5 cycles
jsr indirect:	7 cycles

Operate group

		1.d	ar=[rn+sp]
		2.r	read dirlo, oddify ar
		3.r	read dirhi
		4.d	{ stack: ar=[dirbyte+sp] }, { indexed: ar=[dirword+disp] }
		5.r	read dirlo, { word: oddify ar },
			{ byte, no rmw: ar=pc }, { byte rmw: hold ar }
{ word:		6.r	read dirhi, { no rmw: ar=pc }, evenify ar }
{ rmw:		7.w	dor=[operate(dir)], write alu
			{ byte: ar=pc }, { word: oddify ar } }
{ word rmw:	8.w	write dor, ar=pc }
		9.r	read ir, oddify ar, { rm: ac=[operate(ac,dir)] }
		10.r	read disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

rm byte stack: 4 cycles
rm word stack: 5 cycles
rm byte indexed: 7 cycles
rm word indexed: 8 cycles
rmw byte stack: 5 cycles
rmw word stack: 7 cycles
rmw byte indexed: 8 cycles
rmw word indexed: 10 cycles

Immediate group
		1.r	read dirhi, ar=pc=[pc+2]
		2.r	read ir, ac=[operate(ac,dir)], oddify ar
		3.r	read disp and dirlo, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

byte immediate: 2 cycles
word immediate: 3 cycles

		1.d	ar=sp=[sp-2]
{ push ac:	2.w	write alu, dor=[ac], oddify ar
		3.w	write dor, ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ push pc:	4.w	write alu, dor=[pc], oddify ar
		5.w	write dor, ar=sp=[sp-2] }
{ push flags:	6.w	write alu, dor=[flags], { no brk/irq: ar=pc } }
{ brk/irq:	7.d	ar=pc=[brk/irq address] }
		8.r	read ir, oddify ar
		9.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

cycles = 3 + (2 for ac) + (2 for pc) + (1 for flags)
(4 - 8 cycles).

		1.d	ar=[sp]
{ pop flags:	2.r	read dirlo, ar=sp+[sp+2] }
{ pop pc:	3.r	read dirlo, { if pop flags: flags=[dirword] }, oddify ar
		4.r	read dirhi, ar=sp=[sp+2] }
{ pop ac:	5.r	read dirlo, { if pop pc: pc=[dirword] }, oddify ar
		6.r	read dirhi, ar=sp=[sp+2] }
		7.r	read ir, oddify ar, { if pop ac: ac=[dirword] }
		8.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

cycles = 3 + (2 for ac) + (2 for pc) + (1 for flags)
(4 - 8 cycles)

		1.d	ar=pc=[reset address]
		2.r	read ir, oddify ar
		3.r	read dirlo and disp, ar=pc=[pc+2], decode

                              Operation Decode
Register-Memory Codes:

---- ---  ---- ----- ---- -- ---- --- ---
0000 nop  -    -     -    -  pass add 0
0001 tst  -    ZN    -    X  pass add 0
0010 or   ac   ZN    ac   -  pass or  0
0011 xor  ac   ZN    ac   X  pass xor 0
0100 bit  ac   ZN    -    -  pass and 0
0101 and  ac   ZN    ac   X  pass and 0
0110 add  ac   ZNCV  ac   -  pass add 0
0111 adc  ac   ZNCV  ac   X  pass add 0 for byte, C for word
1000 cmp  ac   ZNCV  -    -  com  add 1
1001 cwc  ac   ZNCV  -    X  com  add 1 for byte, C for word
1010 sub  ac   ZNCV  ac   -  com  add 1
1011 sbc  ac   ZNCV  ac   X  com  add 1 for byte, C for word
1100 lda  -    -     ac   -  pass add 0
1101 lda  -    -     ac   X  pass add 0
1110 lds  -    -     sp   -  pass add 0
1111 adds sp   -     sp   X  pass add 0                       

Read-modify-write Codes:

---- ---  ---- --- ------ ---- ------ -----
0000 nop  -    add 0      0    -      -
0001 sts  SP   add 0      0    -      -
0010 lsl  -    lsh 0      pass -      CVZN
0011 rol  -    lsh C      pass -      CVZN
0100 lsr  -    add 0      rsh  0      CVZN
0101 ror  -    add 0      rsh  C      CVZN
0110 asr  -    add 0      rsh  asr    CVZN
0111 com  -    add 0      com  -      ZN
1000 neg  -    add 1      com  -      CVZN
1001 cng  -    add C      com  -      CVZN
1010 dec  -    rsb 0      pass -      CVZN
1011 csb  -    rsb C      pass -      CVZN
1100 inc  -    add 1      pass -      CVZN
1101 cad  -    add C      pass -      CVZN
1110 clr  -    add 0      0    -      -
1111 sta  AC   add 0      0    -      -
/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Article: 12831
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Bruce Hoult)
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 22:48:24 +1300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> (Mike McCarty) writes:
> )Hope this helps!
> No, it didn't. If you look, you'll see that I work for a major
> manufacturer of telephony equipment. So I fully understand the use of
> specialty little CPUs made from programmable logic, having used them a
> few times myself.

Ah!  A man with interesting knowledge!

> I wanted to know about *this* device. It doesn't seem to excel at
> anything, so I don't see the particular advantage to it, and it isn't
> cheap (for the hobbiest types).

OK, so you know of simple CPUs that can be made from programmable logic
and that *do* excel at something.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to present your favourite design, or
provide public pointers to it?

-- Bruce

'We have no intention of shipping another bloated operating system and 
forcing that down the throats of our Windows customers'
  -- Paul Maritz, Microsoft Group Vice President
Article: 12832
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Peter da Silva)
Date: 31 Oct 1998 11:17:45 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>,
Joseph H Allen <> wrote:
> - Changed OP code for STA/STAB (it's 1111 instead of 0000).

IMHO, opcode 1111 and opcode 0000 should be designed to do something
critical that will lead to an immediate trap or observable and trappable
mode change, so if you jump to uninitialized ROM or RAM you know THEN.

One of the nice things about the PDP-11 is that 0 is HALT. One of the
annoying things baout the 1802 is that FF is Subtract Memory Immediate.

As an aside, your license seems to be a combination of the GPL and the
Berkeley "attribution" copyright. You might want to pick one or the
other, or even the LGPL.

In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <>
 `-_-'   "Heb jij vandaag je wolf al geaaid?"
         "Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"
Article: 12833
Subject: Re: Schematic entry?
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 18:45:03 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Sun, 1 Nov 1998 00:32:50 +0000, Edward Moore
<> wrote:

>Exemplar Leonardo supports blocks, and a whole lot of other stuff too.
>The only thing it objects to that I would find useful is a declarative
>region inside a GENERATE statement (VHDL'93 only), so you don't need to
>        block_name : BLOCK
>                SIGNAL local_signal : STD_LOGIC;
>        BEGIN
>                generate_name : IF condition THEN GENERATE
>                        -- code
>                END GENERATE;
>        END BLOCK;
>but could just do:
>        generate_name : IF condition THEN GENERATE
>                SIGNAL local_signal : STD_LOGIC;
>                -- code
>        END GENERATE;

i just tried this on leo 4.1.3 without problems - i presume that your
'THEN' is a typo, and not the cause of the original problem?

exemplar does have a problem with attribute declarations in a generate
declarative region (they're only evaluated once, instead of on every
iteration), but that's another story.


Article: 12834
Subject: Re: 3.3V PCI to 5V local bus interface?
From: jai kishan <>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 14:37:43 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Steve Casselman wrote:
> jai kishan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm thinking of using a Xilinx Spartan XL FPGA to interface a 3.3V PCI
> > bus to a 5V local bus using the PCI logicore provided by Xilinx. Problem
> > is that once the PCI logicore is used it configures the device to switch
> > on diodes on all the I/O's to clamp to the 3.3V supply (as per the PCI
> > spec) but this causes the device to loose its 5V tolerance on all the
> > I/O's although otherwise the device is 5V tolerant.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jai.
>    The 3.3v output from the spartan XL should be enough
> to drive your 5V I/Os on the local bus.  Our board (HOT 2)
> is bundled with a version of the PCI Logic core. While the
> device that comes with the Logic Core is a 5V spartan we
> can place a spartan XL on the board which should fit into
> a 3.3V PCI (uses a universal PCI edge connector).
> xapp080.
> --
> Steve Casselman, President
> Virtual Computer Corporation

But still the XL devices with the clamping diodes would harm the 5V
drivers on the local side and now I can't have a 2.5V supply for the
Virtex series. I was thinking that leaving the clamping diodes
unconnected would not make any difference to the PCI signal integrity.
My worst case PCI system would be 1>host-PCI bridge, 2> XLfpga used for
target interface between PCI and local processor and 3>an unpopulated
PCI connector.(Other case would be a populated connector with a PCI
device which does have the clamping diodes)
Any comments?
Article: 12835
Subject: Re: Musical Chairs (Disti troubles)
From: Nick Hartl <"nhartl[no_spam]">
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 18:06:14 -0600
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Don't know what to tell you.  For you I am sure it is troubling,  for me it is a

Have FUN!!
(Formally X FAE for Marshall)

JPIQ wrote:

> I just lost my source for Xilinx, Marshall.  I hear Lattice dropped Insight.
> It seems as if the industry in playing musical chairs with their resellers.  So
> why the big shake up and when will it stop?  I do not want to start a project
> with one reseller and have to finish it with another and explain what I am
> doing all over again.
> Any clues?
> Jim

Article: 12836
Subject: Re: Schematic entry?
From: Edward Moore <>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 00:32:50 +0000
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>, "Thomas D. Tessier"
<> writes

>Today, can anyone point me to a synthesis tool which supports BLOCKs? I
>didn't think so.
>More about my approach can be seen at:
>Look for the papers section of the home page and find Design Super Con
>We are all limited by our tools, but we need to demand that the vendors
>don't break things that use to work or could benefit us in the future.
>VHDL or Verilog Structure is tough to read, write or understand that is
>the reason that the graphical tools are making a comeback. "A picture is
>worth a 1000 words", still holds true.
>Tom Tessier

Exemplar Leonardo supports blocks, and a whole lot of other stuff too.
The only thing it objects to that I would find useful is a declarative
region inside a GENERATE statement (VHDL'93 only), so you don't need to
        block_name : BLOCK
                SIGNAL local_signal : STD_LOGIC;
                generate_name : IF condition THEN GENERATE
                        -- code
                END GENERATE;
        END BLOCK;

but could just do:

        generate_name : IF condition THEN GENERATE
                SIGNAL local_signal : STD_LOGIC;
                -- code

Edward Moore
Snell & Willcox Ltd
Essex U.K
Article: 12837
Subject: Re: New Evolutionary Electronics Book
From: (John F. Eldredge)
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 02:02:33 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Steve Casselman <> wrote:

>Mark Zenier wrote:
>> >>It's not working as a digital circuit.  There's no clock provided to
>> >>the FPGA.  Operation depends on circuit strays, and will only work
>> >>in a 10 degree C temperature range.
>>   But you can't make any claims about efficiency when you have an
>> unanalyzable, and therefore unreliable random hack.  (I'm just going
>> by the New Scientist article, maybe their book covers that).
>> But then it would evolve in a slower, less entertaining way.
>> Mark Zenier  Washington State resident
>I have seen two basic types of FPGA based evolvable hardware
>strategies (both based on the xc6200).  Number one is the random
>method. This method produces a result that works over a small
>temperature range and is nearly impossible to reverse engineer.
>These circuits are the most life like. They die when they get too
>hot or too cold and nobody knows how they really work.  They
>do things that you wouldn't think could be done with the
>materials at hand kind of like saying "and you got a human
>out of that little strand of DNA?".
>Yet another method involves selecting a set of primitives (like
>switching networks) look for
>then search for 6216.

The primary question that I have about the latter technique is how do
you go about selecting the initial primitives?  I am new to genetic
algorithms, but they seem to require that the person setting up the
problem already have a good idea of which primitive actions to start
John F. Eldredge --
PGP key available from
"There must be, not a balance of power, but a community of power;
not organized rivalries, but an organized common peace." - Woodrow Wilson

Article: 12838
Subject: Re: New Evolutionary Electronics Book
From: (shadows)
Date: 1 Nov 1998 08:35:52 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
John F. Eldredge wrote:

>The primary question that I have about the latter technique is how do
>you go about selecting the initial primitives?  I am new to genetic
>algorithms, but they seem to require that the person setting up the
>problem already have a good idea of which primitive actions to start

Using an educated guess usually allows the algorithm to work faster.
However, it is not dependant. There are some cases where it helps
tremendously. For example -- a GA that's writing a program. (see Koza 1992)

Thamer Al-Herbish                          <URL>
[    The Raw IP Networking FAQ <URL >      ]
Article: 12839
Subject: Q: 3.3 V regulators suitable for XILINX - ?
From: Alexander Sherstuk <>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 15:16:21 +0300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi All,
   I would appreciate very much, if somebody would share
his experience: 
   What types of step-down voltage regulators can be used
to convert 5 Volts to 3.3 (2.5) Volts to power XILINX chips?
What are part numbers of the suitable voltage regulators?

   Alex Sherstuk

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
<META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
<TITLE>Q: 3.3 V regulators suitable for XILINX - ?</TITLE>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Hi All,</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">&nbsp;&nbsp; I would appreciate very =
much, if somebody would share</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">his experience:</FONT>=20
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial CYR">&nbsp;&nbsp; What types of =
step-down voltage regulators can be used</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial CYR">to convert 5 Volts to =
3</FONT><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">.3 (2.5)</FONT><FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Arial CYR"> Volts to power XILINX chips?</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial CYR">What are part numbers of the =
suitable voltage regulators?</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial CYR">Thanks,</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial CYR">&nbsp;&nbsp; Alex Sherstuk</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =</FONT>


Article: 12840
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: ()
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 13:24:54 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
How does it compare with the MicroChip PIC devices. My personal suspicion is
that the PIC devices are smaller (probably), cheaper (certainly), faster
(probably), more peripherals such as timers/adc/dac/etc (certainly),
more software support (certainly).

Any corrections to the above suspicions would be welcome.

Joseph H Allen ( wrote:
|Remember the last comp.arch discussion about minimalist CPUs about six months
|ago?  It started, as usual, with the discussion about 1-instruction CPUs and
|the like, but it ended with a discussion about the best CPU you could fit in
|a small FPGA?

|Well XACT just finished the first successful place&route of my new small
|CPU so I should be ready to put it up on the net in the next few days. I'm
|pretty sure that I'm going to release it as copylefted freeware.  Before I
|make this first release I thought I'd get one cycle of comments on it,
|before the instruction set is cast in stone.

|The original goal was to make the best possible CPU in the limited resources
|available in the cheapest Xilinx FPGA.  This is what I've come up with:

|- Fits in Xilinx XC5202 FPGA.  This is Xilinx's cheapest FPGA: DIGIKEY sells
|  them for $10.15 in single quantities or $7.40 in hundreds for the 84-pin
|  PLCC version.  It has 64 CLBs, each with four FFs and four 4-input FMAPs.

|- The design is in Xilinx XACT in OrCAD schematics.  I'll release the
|  OrCAD source, postscript printouts of the schematics and a Xilinx macro
|  of the CPU.

|- It uses 143 FFs and 192 FMAPs and runs at 9MHz in the -5 part.  I should
|  be able to get this a bit faster.  It would almost certainly nearly double
|  in speed if I use 40 more FFs for a decode pipeline register, but I think
|  the extra space is more valuable for peripherals.  I'll use the remaining
|  space for a timer, a serial port and parallel ports.  The minimal computer
|  will be this FPGA, a byte-wide ram and rom, and an oscillator.  The FPGA
|  loads itself from the ROM, which then also contains the boot code.  I'm
|  hoping that it will compete with microcontrollers.  The extra space in the
|  FPGA could be used with a huge variety of possible peripherals (PLL, LCD
|  interface, IDE-interface, floppy interface, printer interface, keyboard,
|  video, who knows what else?).  I want to collect a library of these on
|  my ftp site.

|- It is not compatible with anything.  I was originally considering making
|  a 6502 clone, but this is smaller and better (and I didn't want to
|  implement decimal mode).  I'll write an assembler for it, hopefully for
|  this first release (I need to write one to test it anyway).

|- Unlike the 6502, no operations occur in sequence with memory accesses. 
|  I.E., the ALU operation time does not detract from the memory performance.
|  However, I do ALU operations on writes, but this is less of a problem than
|  reads or address calculation.

|- The CPU has the following programmable registers: 16-bit accumulator,
|  16-bit program counter, 16-bit stack pointer, and 5-condition flag bits
|  (the usual carry, overflow, negative, zero and interrupt enable).

|- It can operate on 16-bit words, unsigned bytes and signed bytes.

|- It has the following addressing modes: immediate, stack (stack-pointer
|  plus 8-bit offset), and indexed (pick one of the first four words on the
|  stack and add a 7-bit offset).  Note that it does not have direct
|  addressing- you have to put the address on the stack first.  I chose to
|  make it powerful enough to use data structures easily above the
|  convenience of direct addressing.

|- It is by no means a RISC processor; instead it more like a classic 8-bit
|  CPU.  Instructions take 2-9 cycles to execute, where one cycle equals one
|  memory access.  Yes, the hard-coded schematic instruction sequencer was a
|  big pain.

|- It has interrupts.  When there's an interrupt, all of the registers are
|  pushed on the stack.  To return from the interrupt, pop all of the registers
|  off of the stack using the 'pop' instruction.  'pop' is also used for
|  subroutine returns.

|- Unconditional and conditional jumps take a 16-bit destination address.  I
|  would have done the usual pc-relative branches, but this saves space
|  instruction sequencer space.

|- Instructions are either 2 or 4 bytes and are encoded as follows:

|1 m w a a a a r   r d d d d d d d           indexed
|0 m w a a a a 1   d d d d d d d d           stack
|0 1 w a a a a 0   i i i i i i i i           immediate
|0 0 1 c c c c 0   - - - - - - - -           jump on condition (jcc)
|0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0   d d d d d d d d           jump to subroutine indirect (jsr)
|0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0   d d d d d d d d           jump indirect (address on stack)
|0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0   - - - - - - - -           jump to subroutine direct (jsr)
|0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0   - - - - - - - -           jump direct (jmp)
|0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0   - - - - - a f p           push registers (psh)
|0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0   - - - - - a f p           pop registers (pop)
|0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0   v v v v v v v 0           software interrupt (brk)
|0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0   - - - - - - - -           extra op-code space
|0 0 0 0 - - - -   - - - - - - - -           extra op-code space

|Where: m=1: register/memory instructions
|       m=0: read-modify-write instructions
|      cccc: condition code
|        rr: base address no. (first four stack words)
|   ddddddd: 7-bit offset
|  dddddddd: 8-bit offset
|  iiiiiiii: 8-bit immediate value.  16-bit immediate values appear in the
|            following word.
|     a f p: accumulator, flags, program counter: i.e., which regs to push/pop
|   vvvvvvv: software interrupt vector no.
|      aaaa: op-code
|      ----: unused

|read-modify-write op codes:
|0000     sta		store accumulator word
|         stab		store accumulator byte
|0001     sts            store stack pointer
|0010     lsl            logical shift left word
|         lslb           logical shift left byte
|0011     rol            rotate left word
|         rolb           rotate left byte
|0100     lsr            logical shift right word
|         lsrb           logical shift right byte
|0101     ror            rotate right word
|         rorb           rotate right byte
|0110     asr            arithmetic shift right word
|         asrb           arithmetic shift right byte
|0111     com            1's complement word
|         comb           1's complement byte
|1000     neg            negate word
|         negb           negate byte
|1001     cng            carry-negate
|         cngb           carry-negate byte
|1010     dec            decrement word
|         decb           decrement byte
|1011     csb            subtract carry from word
|         csbb           subtract carry from byte
|1100     inc            increment word
|         incb           increment byte
|1101     cad            add carry to word
|         cadb           add carry to byte
|1110     clr            clear word
|         clrb           clear byte
|1111     -              extra rmw code

|register-memory (and register-immediate) op codes:
|0000     nop
|0001     tst            test word
|         tstbx          test byte sign extended
|0010     or             or word
|         orb            or byte
|0011     xor            xor word
|         xorbx          xor byte sign extended
|0100     bit            bit-test word
|         bitb           bit-test byte
|0101     and            and word
|         andbx          and byte sign exteneded
|0110     add            add word
|         addb           add byte
|0111     adc            add with carry word
|         addbx          add byte sign extend
|1000     cmp            compare word
|         cmpb           compare byte
|1001     cwc            compare word with carry
|         cmpbx          compare byte sign extend
|1010     sub            subtract word
|         subb           subtract byte
|1011     sbc            subtract word with carry
|         subbx          subtract byte sign extend
|1100     lda            load word
|         ldab           load byte
|1101     lda            load word
|         ldabx          load byte sign extend
|1110     lds            load stack pointer
|         ldsb           load stack pointer from byte
|1111     adds           add word to stack pointer
|         addsbx         add sign extended byte to stack pointer

|- loads, stores and add to stack pointer do not affect the flags, everything
|  else does (except that logical instructions do not affect carry or
|  overflow).

|- I haven't decided where the reset or interrupt vectors or addresses are
|  going to be yet.

|- It uses a two-phase clock system for controlling the internal tri-state
|  ALU B-side bus.  Basically the oscillator needs to be double the clock
|  frequency.

|Anyway, that's it.  Let me know what you think.
|/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
|int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
|]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}

            The above are my own views, not the views of HP
  Tom Gardner               Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Filton Rd,	    Stoke Gifford, Bristol, Avon, BS34 8QZ, ENGLAND.
  Fax: +44 117 9228924      Tel: +44 117 92 29 29 1

Article: 12841
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Joseph H Allen)
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 16:35:17 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>,  <> wrote:
>How does it compare with the MicroChip PIC devices. My personal suspicion is
>that the PIC devices are smaller (probably), cheaper (certainly), faster
>(probably), more peripherals such as timers/adc/dac/etc (certainly),
>more software support (certainly).

They are smaller and cheaper, but they are slow and difficult to program. 
Although it is true that their simple harvard architecture design gives them
5MHz single cycle (20MHz clock, 4 clocks per cycle) instructions (except for
branches), the instruction set is very week and there is basically no
comparison between it and TE16 (or any real microprocessor).  Keep in mind
that PICs:

- Can only directly address 32-128 bytes, depending on the model
- Require bank switching to directly access the rest of RAM (no more than
  256 bytes total).
- Have only one indirect address register- all complicated addressing modes
  require explicit address calculation
- Can not access seperate program ROM except through immediate instructions
  (this is PICs biggest weekness, and is week even by microcontroller
- Can not jump to computed addresses (only direct addresses).
- 2-8 level subroutine stack.
- Subroutines can only exist in certain memory areas because the call insn,
  has fewer direct address bits than the goto insn.

The only thing that's nice about them is their small physical size and low
cost.  You can get PICs in 8-pin dips, which is pretty cool.

Did you now that the PIC architecture is very old?  It's been around since
before 1979 and was known as the General Instrument 1650 series (not to be
confused with GI's CP1600, which was perhaps the first 16-bit
microprocessor).  My 1981 Osborne 4&8-bit Microprocessor Handbook has a
chapter on them.  I think they only became really popular when Microchip
came out with EPROM versions and Parallax came out with their Basic stamp

The TE16 is one step higher, and is perhaps useful where a more powerful CPU
is needed.  For example, lots of modems and hard drives still use 6502s. 
Certainly there are many out of hand software projects due to the 8051
being the wrong choice for a large assembly language program.

I think the biggest problem with the TE16 (and all 8-bits) is its limited
64K address range.  In fact the TE16 is a cut down version of the 24-bit CPU
that I was originally thinking of (think of the exact the same design but
all regs are 24-bits- notice that there is space for 24-bit immediate data
and direct addresses in the instructions).  I did the cut down version
because the instruction sequences were getting pretty long and I was really
wanting to fit it in the XC5202.  Perhaps I'll make the 24-bit version in
the future.
/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Article: 12842
Subject: Re: Q: Configure FPGA from an ISA bus?
From: (Farhad Abdolian)
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 18:06:31 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much for your help. I have received a lot of interesting replies
to may question, many of them where really usefull.

I am going to use some of the ideas in my small design but I am still not sure
about the "paralell" slave mode in Xilinx, but it seems that the serial mode is
much easier to implement, and I can use the source code from the Xilinx web site
for it. 

If you are interested in the result of this, please send me a note, and I will
send you the Gerber file when it is ready.

Farhad A.

Article: 12843
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
From: (Peter)
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 18:22:44 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

It is probably impossible to build a general purpose CPU in an FPGA,
such that it is *cheaper* than a standalone CPU. This is simply
because an FPGA is a very cost-inefficient way of building logic,
compared to a custom LSI, or even compared to an ASIC.

However, if you need only something fairly simple, but that something
has to run fast, then you have a chance with this design, because a
fast standalone CPU is going to be expensive. One could clock a FPGA
design at maybe 50MHz, and how much is a 50MHz CPU going to cost? You
are probably looking at a fairly expensive DSP.

I know you can buy a 40MHz "8051", in fact most modems use those, but
how many clocks does an 8051 need to do something?

Other cases I can think of are:

For an ASIC. This is a really good application, because CPU cores are
normally quite expensive. And with external EPROM for the code, you
get better design security because disassembly of the code won't get
anyone very far. And some of the "best" ASIC vendors don't offer CPU
cores at all; I recently did a *very* low power ASIC design and none
of the vendors who could do it could offer a CPU core. So you are
looking either at a DIY design, or a purchase of a commercial core and
those ain't cheap. Also, in an ASIC you can get really high speeds.

For minimal PCB space, eliminating a separate CPU chip. This is valid
for both an FPGA and an ASIC.

For better design security generally.

>How does it compare with the MicroChip PIC devices. My personal suspicion is
>that the PIC devices are smaller (probably), cheaper (certainly), faster
>(probably), more peripherals such as timers/adc/dac/etc (certainly),
>more software support (certainly).


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Article: 12844
Subject: ASIC/FPGA designers for US/Canada+work visa
From: (Garynlang)
Date: 1 Nov 1998 18:25:37 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Large Chip maker company is looking for
ASIC designers, EDA SW and HW people
in Phoenix, Arizona and Ontario, Canada.
We provide work visas if needed.
Req: university diploma 2+ years experience

Pls. send your TXT only resume to us.
Gary Lang
Gary N. Lang
Vice President of ACD,Inc.
Article: 12845
Subject: Re: New free FPGA CPU
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 19:17:04 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Replacing the CPU is the first step. The gains come with a slight
additional effort to replace peripheral chips.

Or adding that special instruction to the CPU that increases speed by
a factor of 5.

Or using a custom assembly language for security.

Processors alone won't do it.

They are a required first step.

======================================================= (Peter) wrote:

>It is probably impossible to build a general purpose CPU in an FPGA,
>such that it is *cheaper* than a standalone CPU. This is simply
>because an FPGA is a very cost-inefficient way of building logic,
>compared to a custom LSI, or even compared to an ASIC.
>However, if you need only something fairly simple, but that something
>has to run fast, then you have a chance with this design, because a
>fast standalone CPU is going to be expensive. One could clock a FPGA
>design at maybe 50MHz, and how much is a 50MHz CPU going to cost? You
>are probably looking at a fairly expensive DSP.
>I know you can buy a 40MHz "8051", in fact most modems use those, but
>how many clocks does an 8051 need to do something?
>Other cases I can think of are:
>For an ASIC. This is a really good application, because CPU cores are
>normally quite expensive. And with external EPROM for the code, you
>get better design security because disassembly of the code won't get
>anyone very far. And some of the "best" ASIC vendors don't offer CPU
>cores at all; I recently did a *very* low power ASIC design and none
>of the vendors who could do it could offer a CPU core. So you are
>looking either at a DIY design, or a purchase of a commercial core and
>those ain't cheap. Also, in an ASIC you can get really high speeds.
>For minimal PCB space, eliminating a separate CPU chip. This is valid
>for both an FPGA and an ASIC.
>For better design security generally.
>>How does it compare with the MicroChip PIC devices. My personal suspicion is
>>that the PIC devices are smaller (probably), cheaper (certainly), faster
>>(probably), more peripherals such as timers/adc/dac/etc (certainly),
>>more software support (certainly).
>Return address is invalid to help stop junk mail.
>E-mail replies to but
>remove the X and the Y.

Design Your Own MicroProcessor(tm)
Article: 12846
Subject: New Online Seminar in the Qualis Library: "A Strategic Process for System-Level Verification"
From: (Michael T. Horne)
Date: 1 Nov 1998 22:22:27 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

With the complexity of systems and SoC accelerating, system-level verification
is quickly becoming the bulk of the design effort (many wise sources state
that verification has exceeded 50% of total design effort, and we agree).
Janick Bergeron, our VP of Technical Wisdom, shares some insight into
system-level verification issues in a new Online Seminar in the Qualis Library.
This seminar was originally presented at the 1998 Mentor Graphics Users Group
(MUG) conference in Portland, Oregon. The abstract has been included below. 

To attend the Online Seminar, pull up your web browser and jump to:

There is no charge to attend this Online Seminar, but you do need to be a
registered user of the Qualis Library.  Registration is simple and quick.
Really.  To find out more about the Qualis Library, go to the home page of
the Library at .

The elusive "system-level" verification can no longer be considered a
nice-to-have activity, only to be done as time allows in the schedule.
No design is an island: they have to eventually work within a system and
function with other design components. Today's market pressures not only
require first-pass success on silicon but first-pass success on the
entire system. System-level verification can follow a well defined process
to ensure first-time success. 

System-level verification differs from component or block-level verification
in two important aspects: visibility and complexity. The lack of visibility
into major components is what defines the "system" level: the design is
primarily composed of large blocks of functionality that were engineered
elsewhere: chipsets in board designs or IP blocks in ASICs. Complexity is the
by-product of the design: the combination of possible states of the system
grows exponentially with each additional component. 

Characteristics of a proven system-level process are presented. They include
planning, documentation, impact on design, scheduling, staffing, execution,
and management. Issues such as tool requirements, design methodology, and
design culture are also addressed. Throughout the presentation, examples from
real-life system-level verification accomplishments will be used.



Article: 12847
Subject: Re: Schematic entry?
From: Ad Verschueren <>
Date: 02 Nov 1998 10:10:33 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> writes:

> Ad Verschueren <> wrote:
> > Hierarchy and stucture can (someone correct me if i'm wrong :-)
> > *only* be represented with entities and components - whereas (the
> > more complex) behaviour is captured in processes. Processes are
> > 'flat' pieces of procedural code - although they can (and should) be
> > structured, that is not the structure we are looking for...
> Actually, you can also use block statements.
> Paul

Thanx, I stand corrected. When we created our VHDL generating rulebase,
we looked very briefly into the use of blocks for internal structure.
We found entities and components a better match for the re-use of
RTL entities in our tool. Also, IIRC, the Compass tools we were writing
the rulebase for did not support blocks.

Grin, another line of followups to the original message also indicates
that blocks (if they were supported by more tools) would be much used.


--( Ad (A.C.)
  Eindhoven University of Technology -- Information and Communication Systems
  Smail: Room EH 9.27 ----- P.O. Box 513 ---- 5600 MB  Eindhoven, Netherlands
  Voice: +31-40-2473397  FAX: +31-40-2433066  [corner for rent, apply within]
Article: 12848
Subject: Re: Q: 3.3 V regulators suitable for XILINX - ?
From: Jan Coombs <>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 10:36:12 +0000
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
> Alexander Sherstuk wrote:
> Hi All,
>    I would appreciate very much, if somebody would share
> his experience:
>    What types of step-down voltage regulators can be used
> to convert 5 Volts to 3.3 (2.5) Volts to power XILINX
> chips?

For prototyping you might use a linear reg (with heatsink!?)
- see general electronic parts catalogue.

For production the solution would likely want a switching
converter for reasonable efficiency & small size. It would
likely comprise of at least an 8 pin chip, fast diode,
inductor, and some low-esr capacitors. Suggest looking at
data-books or design guides from Maxim, Linear Tech, Mitel,
National Semiconductors,etc

> What are part numbers of the suitable voltage regulators?
This will depend on your overall power requirement, and
possibly on whether you optimise for efficiency or size.

Let me know more & I'll be specific!

Article: 12849
Subject: [CFP] The Seventh Japanese FPGA/PLD Conf. & Exhibit (July 7-9, 1999)
From: (Tetsuo HIRONAKA)
Date: 2 Nov 1998 11:13:32 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
                           Call for Papers

            The Seventh Japanese FPGA/PLD Conf. & Exhibit
         Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, JAPAN, July 7 - 9, 1999
   Deadline for submission of abstracts:    Feb. 5, 1999
   Notification of acceptance:              Mar.19, 1999
   Deadline for camera-ready papers:        May 14, 1999


        The "Japanese FPGA/PLD Design Conference & Exhibit" is a
        conference and exhibit, which provides a forum to exchange
        ideas and promote research on the fields of device technology, design
        technology, EDA support tools, and applications for FPGA/PLD.

        At the seventh conference and exhibit, we are planning to introduce more
        practically technical information and leading edge technology trends
        on "Devices, Designs, EDA tools, and Application for FPGA/PLD";
        especially on the FPGA/PLD in the 21st century. To make more intensive
        discussion possible on the current studies and the sprouting ideas,
        the next conference will expand the number of papers at the
        paper presentation session and tutorial sessions. For example subjects
        handled on these session is such as FPGA/PLD device which enables
        entirely new functions, developing "System on Chip" using IP, new design
        methodologies for FPGA/PLD toward the 21st century, and killer applications
        for FPGA/PLD.

        We invite papers on the following topics and also welcome papers on
        related fields, such as system LSI design, development, and
        application. Papers on case studies of design or application
        from industries are most welcome. But we do not welcome papers
        which have the same content, with the paper already published
        or planed to be published in the near future. In the conference the
        official language will be Japanese and English.
        We are looking forward to your papers.

        Original papers on, but not limited to, the following areas are

        a) Device architectures
        b) Circuit design technology
        c) CAD/DA technology
        d) Development support technology with FPGA/PLD-compatible IP
        e) Developing System on Chip using IP or VSI
        f) Compiler technology for embedded systems
        g) Emulation technology and rapid prototyping
        h) Hardware/Software codesign
        i) Reconfigurable computing
        j) Usage of FPGA/PLD with embedded core
        k) Evolving hardwares
        l) All kinds of application using FPGA/PLD
        m) Other topics related to FPGA/PLD


        Please send six (6) copies of extended abstract and the completed
        application form to the address below. Your papers will be reviewed by
        the program committee for selection. Besides technical contents, your
        extended abstract is expected to contain a presentation outline
        describing the background, goal, approaches, importance, and
        originality. The extended abstract may not exceed four pages of A4
        size papers, including the title, figures, and tables. Abstracts
        exceeding four pages will not be accepted. Selected papers
        will have a chance to present there paper in the conference,
        either by lecture style or poster session style. In addition,
        all applicants will receive a three-day conference tickets for


        Fill in the application form with the title of the paper, name of
        author(s), author(s) affiliation, abstract(about 100 words), and three
        or less keywords, with the contact address of the
        corresponding author; name, affiliation, postal code and address,
        telephone number, FAX number, and E-mail address. We welcome
        applications by E-mail or postal mail.  Ask for application
        forms(template) to the address below.

        Excellent papers will be awarded based on the decision made by the
        program committee. The authors of excellent papers will be awarded at
        the conference, and will be asked to give presentations at the special
        session. Supplementary prizes will be also provided to the awarded
        authors respectively.

   Deadline for submission of abstracts:    Feb. 5, 1999
   Notification of acceptance:              Mar.19, 1999
   Deadline for camera-ready papers:        May 14, 1999

        Send abstract/application forms or inquires to:

        Hideharu Amano
        Keio University
        3-14-1, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan
        TEL:+81-45-560-1063  FAX:+81-45-560-1064

                Steering Committee of
                        The Seventh Japanese FPGA/PLD Design Conference & Exhibit
            Embassy of the United States of America (pending)
                        Semiconductor Industry Association (pending)
            Distributors Association of Foreign Semiconductors (pending)
            International Semiconductor Cooperation Center (pending)
    In Cooperation with:
                The Institute of Electronics, Information and
                                Communication Engineers of Japan (pending)
                Information Processing Society of Japan (pending)

Faculty of Computer Sciences	Tel   : +81-82-830-1566
Hiroshima City University	Fax   : +81-82-830-1792
Hiroshima, 731-31, JAPAN	E-mail:

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