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Messages from 89725

Article: 89725
Subject: Linux USB XUP board
From: "S.T." <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:35:59 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

After some have reported success with the ise 7.1.04i i tried to get the
impact running. 

The installation was running setup_pcusb editing usb_usermap and replacing
the 7 with the 9 so that fxload was started for the xup board.

I tried Centos 3 (which didn't work at all since impact segfaulted every
time when issuing "setMode -bs")

Debian Sarge with 2.4.6. and WinDriver v6.03 (orig xilinx) or v7.01 gives:

// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port ttyS1 -baud -1
Reusing A1022C81 key.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB22).
Checking cable driver.
File version of /iss/share/linux/xilinx/ise71/bin/lin/xusbdfwu.hex = 101
(dec), 03FA.
File version of /etc/hotplug/usb/xusbdfwu.fw/xusbdfwu.hex = 1018(dec), 03FA.
Cable connection failed.
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port ttyS1 -baud -1
Reusing A1022C81 key.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB22).
Checking cable driver.
File version of /iss/share/linux/xilinx/ise71/bin/lin/xusbdfwu.hex = 101
(dec), 03FA.
File version of /etc/hotplug/usb/xusbdfwu.fw/xusbdfwu.hex = 1018(dec), 03FA.
 Max current requested during enumeration is 150 mA.
 Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
 Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
Cable connection established.
Firmware version = 1018.
CPLD file version = 0006h.
CPLD version = 4311h.
// *** BATCH CMD : Identify
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Identifying chain contents count != nBytes, rc = FFFFFFFF.
read failed FFFFFFFF.
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Unknown
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device UNKNOWN successfully.

Any ideas to resolve this issue are apreciated

Article: 89726
Subject: Re: C-to-gates experiences
From: "JJ" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 09:48:54 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Stephen Craven wrote:
> I stumbled across a presentation at MAPLD regarding various C-to-gates
> tools.  The authors at U of F compared several tools to a pure VHDL
> implementation and discovered that for each application (FIR filtering,
> N-queens, and radix sorting) a particular C-to-gates tool, usually
> Handle-C, beat a hardware designer using VHDL.
> The presentation can be viewed at:
> This goes against my common beliefs regarding hardware designers being
> many times more efficient.
> Does anyone have experiences with C-to-gates tools that would bolster
> or contradict the authors' claims?
> Stephen

At cpa2005 I saw something like MAPD - C-Gates discussion using
simulink as a bridge.

I think most EEs using Verilog or VHDL would think differently. What
HandleC does well is in figuring out possible mappings from C to
hardware but the performance I usually see isn't anything to write home

In FPGAs the fully automatic approach usually peaks at 80MHz while many
EEs routinely work at 150-300MHz. That means about 4x less hardware for
the same job or 4x more performance. If you only want to prototype an
idea in hardware, then HC is probably okay assuming you can eat the
rather stiff license. Most of the applications you mentioned (except
perhaps N Queens) are relatively simple and can be done by EEs in hours
(not secs) and can also be done with free software. EEs also have
available a vast breadth of specialized techniques available that can
be used to further reduce HW or increase speed, I don't believe much of
that knowledge can be encoded into HandelC.

I think the HandelC results will get better by simply absorbing many
more predefined parameterized solutions that have been pre built in HDL
and glued together within the DK framework, atleast thats what I see at
Celoxica shows these days. They have a nice board with lots of standard
I/O ports with ready made IP cores you can glue together within the
tool and use HandelC for whatever else they didn't give you.


at usa dotcom

Article: 89727
Subject: Re: Linux USB XUP board
From: Adrian Knoth <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:49:12 +0000 (UTC)
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
S.T. <> wrote:

> Debian Sarge with 2.4.6. and WinDriver v6.03 (orig xilinx) or v7.01 gives:

Kernel 2.4.6? This is pretty old, albeit the real problem I suggest
you first update your kernel.

> // *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port ttyS1 -baud -1

ttyS1 is a serial (probably rs232) port. I don't own a usb cable,
but even if it emulates a serial port I guess it won't be called ttyS1
(ttyS1 is usually the second serial port, in DOS-speak COM2).

It should also be noted that it is always a good idea to use
up-to-date cable drivers, at least my parallel cable needs
the new windriver (>7.0.0) if I don't want to patch it for
using it with kernels newer than 2.6.11.

mail:	PGP: v2-key via keyserver

Wenn die Kuh am Himmel schwirrt, hat sich die Natur geirrt

Article: 89728
Subject: Re: Synchronizer Flip Flop / Metastability
From: "Symon" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:37:35 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Firstly, congratulations on having parents who can spell. Secondly, you may
be interested in this link:-
Lots of good stuff, complete with a link to this:-
a simple and reliable circuit posted by Rick Collins to transfer a flag from
one domain to another.
Cheers, Symon.

p.s. Isn't Google ads great? At the bottom of the above linked page, I saw
an advertising link for beach footwear! Guess which type....

"Simon Heinzle" <> wrote in message
> To exchange flags (1 bit signals) between two unrelated clocks, a single
> synchronizer flip flop to clock that signal is used normally. However,
> violations of setup/hold times of the flip flop, metastability can occur.
> On a Virtex2 Pro, does metastability occur often? Does adding a second (or
> even third) flip flop after the synchronizer flip flop help or is that
> overcautious?
> Best Regards,
> Simon Heinzle

Article: 89729
Subject: Re: Synchronizer Flip Flop / Metastability
From: "Peter Alfke" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 11:07:35 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
metastability is a problem that cannot be "solved", we can only reduce
the probability of errors due to metastability. The extra delay at the
Q output of a flip-flop (or latch) with undefined timing relationship
between D and Clk is theoretically unbounded.
This can be a surprise to digital designers who are accustomed to
deterministic behavior. Metastability is not deterministic, it is a
statistical phenomenon.
The good news is that modern CMOS flip-flops and latches recover very
fast, within a few ns, as shown in the Xilinx app note XAPP094, which
is based on actual measurements, not on theory.

In many cases you will find that the mean-time-betwen-failure is
millions or billions of years.
Just make sure that the data path from the metastable-going flip-flop
to the (single!) next synchronizing flip-flop is as fast as possible.
No extra logic, absolutely minimal routing delays.
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications

Article: 89730
Subject: Re: Xilinx ModelSim VHDL Running Two Models
From: "Andy Peters" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 11:35:18 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Brad Smallridge wrote:
> Well, maybe you can show me an example, because I simply
> don't get it.  You say you instantiate the CPU, memory, etc,
> but how does the simulator know what is connected to what?
> Perhaps you can snip out one of your test-benches designs with
> bidirectional signals for me and the group?

Here's a rough skeleton.  Assume your FPGA's top-level entity is called
mychip, and the SRAM entity is called sram.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164;

entity mychip_tb is
    generic (
        CLKPER    : time := 10 ns;
        RESETTIME : time = 123 ns);
end entity mychip_tb;

architecture testbench of mychip_tb is

    -- globals:
    signal SysClk  : std_logic;
    signal Reset_l : std_logic;

    -- SRAM interface:
    signal RamAddr : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
    signal RamData : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal RamCs_l : std_logic;
    signal RamWe_l : std_logic;
    signal RamOe_l : std_logic;

begin -- architecture testbench

    u_dut : entity work.mychip
        port map (
            SysClk  => SysClk,   -- global clock
            Reset_l => Reset_l,  -- global reset
            RamAddr => RamAddr,  -- SRAM address bus
            RamData => RamData,  -- SRAM data bus
            RamCs_l => RamCs_l,  -- SRAM chip select
            RamWe_l => RamWe_l,  -- SRAM write enable
            RamOe_l => RamOe_l); -- SRAM read enable

    u_sram : entity work.sram
        port map (
            addr => RamAddr,     -- SRAM address bus
            dq   => RamData,     -- SRAM data bus
            cs_l => RamCs_l,     -- SRAM chip select
            we_l => RamWe_l,     -- SRAM write enable
            oe_l => RamOe_l);    -- SRAM output enable

    ClkGen : process is
        SysClk <= '1';
        wait for CLKPER;
        SysClk <= '0';
        wait for CLKPER;
    end process ClkGen;

    ResetGen : process is
        Reset_l <= '0';
        wait for RESETTIME;
        Reset_l <= '1';
    end process ResetGen;

end architecture testbench;

Article: 89731
Subject: ML403 dcm phase shift reference design... anyone has a copy ?
From: "Antonio Pasini" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:40:54 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I'm trying to play with the OPB MCH DDR controller (multichannel ddr 
controller) on Microblaze platform, on S3.

Unfortunately, I have no example to start with. Even on Xilinx site I found 
not so much help.

I saw on the ML403 user guide that with that board comes an example:


that seems to fit.  Even if the ML403 is Virtex 4-FX based, this design uses 
a Microblaze.

I don't really know if asking for a copy of this to some kind people is a 
copyright violation; I own a full license of EDK, ISE, and a Memec demo 
board, but no really useful examples to start.  I'm just asking for a little 
help to make me purchase more chips, sooner :-)

I would prefer not to have to purchase the V4-FX board, because my design 
will be S3 based, and my board already has DDR.

Can anyone help ?

Meanwhile, I'll ask my FAE, but with the Memec / Avnet fusion still to 
settle, now it's not a good period to ask for help...

Article: 89732
Subject: Re: opb ip master/slave...arbiter problems
From: "Mohammed Elbadri" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:54:49 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Does anyone know of another forum or website where I can get an answer to my question?

Thanks. Peace, Moh

Article: 89733
Subject: Re: Modelsim XE, what's the latest version?
From: "raul" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 12:00:33 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I strongly recommend Veritak:

it works for me for 100K+ designs and the GUI is friendly and very

Veritak is $50 and right now it is 1/2 the speed of ModelSim PE (their
entry-level paid version).  You can try Veritak for free for two weeks
and after that you need to buy the license.

Article: 89734
Subject: Re: OPB bus communication
From: Sylvain Munaut <com.246tNt@tnt>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 21:00:41 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Nitesh wrote:
> Hello Moh,
> I have only one master  So there is no problem of arbitration I guess.
>  The problem is that the M_request remains constant at '0'. with no
> change even when I try to request a master write operation in my
> user_logic.vhd
> I enable my IP2bus_wrreq high place a valid address and data on the
> IP2bus_addr,IP2bus_data,
> IP2Bus_Retry <='0';
>     IP2Bus_Error  <='0';
>     IP2Bus_ToutSup <='0';
>     IP2Bus_RdAck  <='0';
>     IP2Bus_WrAck <='0';
> My only doubt is what address should we assign to  IP2IP_addr.
> I think thta is the one which gives the problem.

IP2IP_addr must be the address inside your ip address range where you
want the data to be 'written' (or read).
So if you ask for a master read from 0x10000000 (IP2Bus_addr) to
0x20000000 (IP2IP_addr) (with 0x2000000 being in the address range
assigned to your IP), your slave interface will see signals as if
someone was trying to write to 0x2000000 from the exterior.

Not sure i'm very clear ...


Article: 89735
Subject: Re: Modelsim XE, what's the latest version?
From: "raul" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 12:02:36 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
You are right, you have to pay all of $50 for a very good GUI:

Veritak 1.75a


Article: 89736
Subject: Re: ISE 7.1i incremental synthesis
From: "" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 12:10:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thanks.   Your comment forced me to closely examine my XCF file.  It
turned out to be pilot error - I was missing a semicolon at the end of
line.  Doh!  

Now it's working.


Article: 89737
Subject: Re: Power Management for Xilinx and Altera FPGAs
From: "Teo" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 12:45:26 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
shorty wrote:
> Was just told about this site at National Semiconductor. Great idea.
> Means I no longer need to worry too much about my power management
> for all my Altera FPGA designs - they support Xilinx too ! Check it
> out at

The best device for power management IMHO is the power manager from
What I like best about these devices is that they are programmable and
don't need any discretes to monitor from 1v to 5.75v.  Since I'm using
fpgas, why shouldn't power sequencing be programmable too!  The
software is simple GUI based and the reprogrammability has saved my
bacon on more than one occasion.

Article: 89738
Subject: Re: downlaoding bit files to Xilinx FPGA
From: "Anuja" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 13:09:19 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
can u get these drivers online or do u have to create one?

Article: 89739
Subject: 802.11g solution usable for FPGA design
From: Alexey Kulentsov <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 23:15:17 +0300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi all!

  I need to make wireless device using 802.11g or something else. I 
check some chips but here is PCI or USB interface. Both are too complex 
for my purposes, and PCI have big problem - amount of wires. That can 
you recommend for this case? Is here solution with easy host interface 
usable for microcontroller or FPGA?

Article: 89740
Subject: I need an Altera Excalib EPXA10 DDR Dev Board...anybody got one?
From: "MikeD'" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 16:08:10 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Although I know that modern development has long since bypassed the
Excalibur for processor+FPGA design, it happens to be the perfect
vehicle for my prototype.  If someone has one they'd like to part with,
I'd like to talk.  Thanks.

Article: 89741
Subject: Re: OPB bus communication
From: "Nitesh" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 16:19:21 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I got that part.I have a user space of 256 bytes with 4 bytes per
block.So the ip2ip_addr address which I am assigning is also correct
but still I cannot get any change on M_request signal.
I have gone through the opb manual and also the opb ipif signals manual
but I still cannot figure out the solution.

Article: 89742
Subject: 10G serial port with no FEC?
Date: 23 Sep 2005 17:24:40 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

 Recently I noticed that Xilinx FPGA has RocketPHY 10Gbps
serial interfaces using 64B66B encoding. However, it seems
to have no FEC built in the hardware. Is this a problem?
At 10Gbps, the channel won't be clean. There has to be some
FEC one way or the other.

 Can we really let go FEC at 10Gbps (e.g. relying on DFE) ?
Or perhaps user needs to build their own FEC in the FPGA to
use it along? Anyone had experience on this?

 In addition, any other FPGA vendor having 10Gbps serial port
FPGA chips?



Article: 89743
Subject: Re: 10G serial port with no FEC?
From: "Marc Randolph" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 19:49:12 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Recently I noticed that Xilinx FPGA has RocketPHY 10Gbps
> serial interfaces using 64B66B encoding. However, it seems
> to have no FEC built in the hardware. Is this a problem?
> At 10Gbps, the channel won't be clean.
> There has to be some FEC one way or the other.

Howdy Francis,

Why won't it be clean, and why do you feel there must be FEC?  While
OC-192 has the option for FEC, it isn't required.  Same for 10 Gbps

>  Can we really let go FEC at 10Gbps (e.g. relying on DFE) ?

Yes - many applications do so.  I assume DFE stands for decision
feedback equalizer?  If so, I think it's a safe bet that many (most?
or possibly all?) 10 Gbps receivers have some sort of equalization.

> Or perhaps user needs to build their own FEC in the FPGA to
> use it along? Anyone had experience on this?

I'm certain it could be done, if your application needed the extra
coding gain.

>  In addition, any other FPGA vendor having 10Gbps serial port
> FPGA chips?

No, not yet.  Several others provide bonding of four 3.125 Gbps
channels to get you the effective rate in excess of 10 Gbps.

Have fun,


Article: 89744
Subject: Re: downlaoding bit files to Xilinx FPGA
From: Philip Freidin <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 03:04:07 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On 23 Sep 2005 06:51:59 -0700, "Anuja" <> wrote:
>i dont want to use Impact.. the project requires me to write APIs in C
>code such that i can download the bit file w/out using any special

Well, even the code you write is "special"  :-)

You may find the following helpful:

Basically, you need some type of interface from your software to
the FPGA hardware for configuration, JTAG is an example, and
the Xilinx Serial Slave mode is another. The serial slave mode
is the simplest. you need a clocl line, a data line, a program line,
and a way to read back done and init. With software you shift the
data out 1 bit at a time to the data pin, and you make the clock
signal go high and low with software too. This is how the old
Xilinx parallel download cable works (for both serial slave and
JTAG modes).

You should be totally confused by now. Let me try and help:

The parallel download cable is called parallel because it
uses the parallel port of the PC. BUT it is used to send
data serially (one bit at a time) by directly controlling
turning various bits of the parallel data on and off. One
of these bit is used as the serial slave clock, and another
is used for serial slave data.

Have a look here at what Xilinx has inside their cable:

Once you understand this, everything else is easy   :-)


Philip Freidin

Article: 89745
Subject: Question on Metastability
From: "GPE" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 22:13:19 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Using a VirtexE part.  I have two banks of registers.  One is actually a 
32-bit counter running real slow at 1KHz (1mS time tag).  The other is a set 
of data registers that run anywhere from 100Hz to 100MHz.  I need to 
register the time tag set of registers into the variable frequency registers 
at predetermined... but variable intervals.  I can't do a majority vote with 
either clock because I don't know which will be running faster and I only 
have a couple clock periods to live with as far as delay.  I draw a blank on 
this one, does anybody have any ideas to this predicament?

I tried doing this with simple registering from one set to the other... And, 
as expected, I run into metastability problems several times per second.


Article: 89746
Subject: Re: Question on Metastability
From: "Peter Alfke" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 22:27:12 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
If I understand you right, you need to copy the 32-bit counter ontent
(which changes very slowly) into a fast-changing (fast-clocked)
register at asynchronous times.
I am sure that your problem is not metastability, but rather timing
uncertainty between the 32 register bits. My suggestion is to run the
32-bit counter as a Gray counter. Since only one bit changes at any
time, a not-totally-synchronous transfer never results in a serious
error. Afterwards, you can convertthe gray code back to binary.
Binary-to-Gray conversion uses one XOR per bit, and is very fast.
Gray-to-binary involves a ripple chain, and may be more challenging at
100 MHz, but I suppose you can do it off-line. Or you pipeline the

As is often the case,,mtastabilty gets blamed here for a completely
different (and more solvable) problem.
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications

Article: 89747
Subject: jbits
From: "=?iso-8859-1?B?R2FMYUt0SWtVc5k=?=" <>
Date: 23 Sep 2005 22:57:05 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Can somebody give me some advices about jbits.
I want to use it in reconfigurable computing. What are its limits. Is
it useful?
Some one already told me "Jbits is dead" but didn't explain why !


Article: 89748
Subject: Re: Xilinx ModelSim VHDL Running Two Models
From: "Brad Smallridge" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 23:13:30 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hey Andy,

Thanks for the help.

I wrote the testbench below based on what you are saying.

However, I can't figure out how to get the memory model
library to load.  Once I have that figured out, I'll let you know.


library IEEE;

entity toptb is
end toptb;

architecture Behavioral of toptb is

 component top3
   x2clk                   : in  std_logic ;
   reset_pin_in            : in  std_logic ;
   vga_hsync_out           : out std_logic;
   vga_vsync_out           : out std_logic;
   vga_rgb_red_out         : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
   vga_rgb_green_out       : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
   vga_rgb_blue_out        : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
   vga_clk_out             : out std_logic;
   vga_synct_out           : out std_logic;
   vga_sync_out            : out std_logic;
   vga_blank_out           : out std_logic;
   -- to SRAM
   sramclk                 : out std_logic;   -- clock
   srama                   : out std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); -- address
   sramdqa                 : inout std_logic_vector(9 downto 1); -- data a
   sramdqb                 : inout std_logic_vector(9 downto 1); -- data b
   srame1                  : out std_logic;   -- chip enable 1
   sramba                  : out std_logic;   -- a data write enable
   srambb                  : out std_logic;   -- b data write enable
   sramw                   : out std_logic;   -- write enable
   -- from Xilinx U2
   u2clk                   : in  std_logic ;
   cam_line_in             : in  std_logic;  -- via board VGADAT9
   cam_data_in             : in  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
   -- TPA Switch
   tup_in                  : in  std_logic; -- P198
   tdown_in                : in  std_logic; -- P197
   tleft_in                : in  std_logic; -- P194
   tright_in               : in  std_logic; -- P196
   tcenter_in              : in  std_logic; -- P199
   -- Test
   led_out                 : out std_logic;
   test_out                : out std_logic );
 end component;

 component G8320Z18T
 CONSTANT ramtype     : integer := 1;  -- NBT=1 Burst=0
 CONSTANT ramversion  : integer := 1;  -- 4->+1 RAM
 CONSTANT density     : integer := 32;
 CONSTANT byteparl    : integer := 4;
 CONSTANT A_size      : integer := 21;
 CONSTANT DQ_size     : integer := 9;
 CONSTANT bank_size   : integer := 1024 * 2048;-- *32M /4 bytes in parallel
 CONSTANT tKQpipe     : real    := 3.4e+00 ;--166MHZ
 CONSTANT tKQflow     : real    := 8.0e+00) ;--166MHZ
 SIGNAL A832  : IN std_logic_vector(A_size - 1 DOWNTO 0);-- address
 SIGNAL DQa   : INOUT std_logic_vector(DQ_size DOWNTO 1) BUS;-- byte A data
 SIGNAL DQb   : INOUT std_logic_vector(DQ_size DOWNTO 1) BUS;-- byte B data
 SIGNAL nBa   : IN std_logic;-- bank A write enable
 SIGNAL nBb   : IN std_logic;-- bank B write enable
 SIGNAL CK    : IN std_logic;-- clock
 SIGNAL nCKE  : IN std_logic;-- clock
 SIGNAL nW    : IN std_logic;-- byte write enable
 SIGNAL nE1   : IN std_logic;-- chip enable 1
 SIGNAL E2    : IN std_logic;-- chip enable 1
 SIGNAL nE3   : IN std_logic;-- chip enable 1
 SIGNAL nG    : IN std_logic;-- output enable
 SIGNAL pADV  : IN std_logic;-- Advance not / load
 SIGNAL ZZ    : IN std_logic;-- power down
 SIGNAL nFT   : IN std_logic;-- Pipeline / Flow through
 SIGNAL nLBO  : IN std_logic);-- Linear Burst Order not
 end component;

 signal sramclk            :  std_logic;   -- clock
 signal srama              :  std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); -- address
 signal sramdqa            :  std_logic_vector(9 downto 1); -- data a
 signal sramdqb            :  std_logic_vector(9 downto 1); -- data b
 signal srame1             :  std_logic;   -- chip enable 1
 signal sramba             :  std_logic;   -- a data write enable
 signal srambb             :  std_logic;   -- b data write enable
 signal sramw              :  std_logic;   -- write enable


 u3_spartan3 : top3
 port map(
 x2clk => x2clk,
 reset_pin_in => reset_pin_in,
 vga_hsync_out => vga_hsync_out,
 vga_vsync_out => vga_vsync_out,
 vga_rgb_red_out => vga_rgb_red_out,
 vga_rgb_green_out => vga_rgb_green_out,
 vga_rgb_blue_out => vga_rgb_blue_out,
 vga_clk_out => vga_clk_out,
 vga_synct_out => vga_synct_out,
 vga_sync_out => vga_sync_out,
 vga_blank_out => vga_blank_out,
 sramclk => sramclk,
 srama => srama,
 sramdqa => sramdqa,
 sramdqb => sramdqb,
 srame1 => srame1,
 sramba => sramba,
 srambb => srambb,
 sramw => sramw,
 u2clk => u2clk,
 cam_line_in => cam_line_in,
 cam_data_in => cam_data_in,
 tup_in => tup_in,
 tdown_in => tdown_in,
 tleft_in => tleft_in,
 tright_in => tright_in,
 tcenter_in => tcenter_in,
 led_out => led_out,
 test_out => test_out );

 u21sram : G8320Z18T
 port map(
 A832  => srama,    -- address
 DQa   => sramdqa,  -- byte A data
 DQb   => sramdqb,  -- byte B data
 nBa   => sramba,   -- bank A write enable
 nBb   => srambb,   -- bank B write enable
 CK    => sramclk,  -- clock
 nCKE  => '0',      -- clock enable
 nW    => sramw,    -- byte write enable
 nE1   => srame1,   -- chip enable 1
 E2    => '1',      -- chip enable 1
 nE3   => '0',      -- chip enable 1
 nG    => '0',      -- output enable
 pADV  => '0',      -- Advance not / load
 ZZ    => '0',      -- power down
 nFT   => '1',      -- Pipeline / Flow through
 nLBO  => '0');     -- Linear Burst Order not

 u2clk_proc : process is
   u2clk <= '1';
   wait for 8 ns;
   u2clk <= '0';
   wait for 8 ns;
 end process;

 x2clk_proc : process is
   x2clk <= '1';
   wait for 20 ns;
   x2clk <= '0';
   wait for 20 ns;
 end process;

 reset_pin_in_proc : process is
   reset_pin_in <= '0';
   wait for 100 ns;
   reset_pin_in <= '1';
 end process;

 cam_proc : process is
   cam_line_in <= '0';
   cam_data_in <= (others=>'0');
   wait for 64 ns;
   cam_line_in <= '1';
   cam_data_in <= "001100000";
   wait for 32768 ns; -- 2048x16ns
 end process;

 tpa_proc : process is
   t_up     <= '0';
   t_down   <= '0';
   t_left   <= '0';
   t_right  <= '0';
   t_center <= '0';
 end process;

end Behavioral;

Article: 89749
Subject: "Free" core and license
From: "Marco" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 08:41:51 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I have used one core downloded from "" into a project which will 
be a commercial microcotroller.

Which are the commercial conditions about selling it into the complete 

Many Thanks

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