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Messages from 87300

Article: 87300
Subject: Re: Block Diagram Viewer / Hierarchy Parser for VHDL/Verilog?
From: Jahagirdar Vijayvithal S <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:41:10 +0530
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["Followup-To:" header set to comp.lang.verilog.]
* Colin Marquardt <> wrote:
> Mike Treseler <> writes:
>> If the aim were to document the
>> design, I would do it as comments
>> in the source and testbench code.
Sounds like what doxygen does for C++ code. Has anyone written a verilog
parser for doxygen?
Jahagirdar Vijayvithal S

> I document testcases as comments with a special prefix. These are
> then filtered out and processed with LaTeX, giving a nice PDF
> file. One could also embed diagrams in description languages like
> pstricks, metapost, dot, pic etc. and handle them in the same way.
> If somebody has already done this, I'd love to hear about it.
> To the original poster: take a look at emacs' vhdl-mode and its
> integration into speedbar for a hierarchy parser.
> Cheers,
>   Colin
> -- 
> If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to
> invent it.                                              [Pete Zakel]

Jahagirdar Vijayvithal S
If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If a man does more than is required of him, he is a free man.  --Chinese Proverb
Jahagirdar .V.S
IC Design Engineer , Texas Instruments (India) Ltd.
91-80-25099129(O) 91-80-28540394(R)

Article: 87301
Subject: Re: Using unregistered inputs in FSM
Date: 21 Jul 2005 01:00:20 -0700
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thank you for your answers.
With "NO time" I mean that I have no time to sychronize the input when
using the external data clock in my FSM.

Some more information on the interface:

8-bit bidirectional data bus.
The FPGA has to drive the bus LOW by default.
By sending a non-zero data pattern called TXCMD (transmit command) the
FPGA initiates transfers.
The direction of DATA[7..0] is controlled by DIR. Contents of the bus
lines must be ignored
for one clock cycle whenever DIR changes value (turnaround)

Controls direction of data bus. The external PHY drives DIR LOW by
default so that it can listen
to TXCMDs from FPGA. The PHY drives DIR HIGH when it has data for the

The FPGA drives STP HIGH for one clock cycle after the last byte of
data was sent to the PHY

The PHY drives NXT HIGH to throttle data. If DIR is LOW, the PHY
asserts NXT to notify the FPGA to
place the next data byte on DATA[7..0] in the following clock cycle. If
DIR is HIGH the PHY asserts NXT HIGH to notify the FPGA a valid byte is
on DATA[7..0].

I have tried to illustrate the timing in the following diagram:

Some dynamic characteristics of the PHY which provides the 60MHz clock:

timings with respect to positive edge of PHY clock
tSETUP  (input-only pins)  max. 6.0 ns
tHOLD   (input-only pins)  max. 0.0 ns
tOUT    (output-only pins) 2pF    - ns
                           12pF   - ns
                           30pF  max. 9.0 ns

As the plot shows I have to provide data on the next PHY clock cycle
as soon the PHY accepts my TXCMD. So not really much time to do a good
synchronous job ... ?


Article: 87302
Subject: Re: All of the design is being optimized away and logic removed
From: "Love Singhal" <>
Date: 21 Jul 2005 01:02:55 -0700
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The best option for you is to add IO buffers to inputs and outputs in
synthesis stage. This can be done by specifying the "add IO Buffers" in
the "Xilinx Specific Options" tab of XST properties.
If your design is such that you do not want to add IO buffers (that is
to not connect your signals externally), then you should unset the
"Trim Unconnected Signal" option in Map properties. 

Love Singhal

Article: 87303
Subject: Re: General-purpose STAPL Composer?
From: (Alex Rast)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:51:43 -0000
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at Wed, 20 Jul 2005 18:48:51 GMT in <1121885331.639515.18250>, (Daniel  Leu) wrote :

>All the details are in the specification:

Well, the spec says *what* the STAPL composer would do but gives no 
implementation thereof. (Nor is it the job of a specification to supply an 
implementation to go along with it) What I was hoping for was to find some 
sort of software tool to help generate custom STAPL files so that it 
doesn't become a DIY job. For simple stuff one can always simply create a 
STAPL file manually using a text editor but for anything more elaborate 
than the very most basic operations I think a tool would be much preferred. 
Either way, though, there's still the pesky CRC at the end and to do this 
with a manually-generated file you need something like a hex editor so you 
can calculate the CRC.

Alex Rast
(remove d., .7, not, and .NOSPAM to reply)

Article: 87304
Subject: IP-cores for digital audio
From: Holger Blum <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:19:47 +0200
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Hello experts!

I have to implement a receiver for AES/EBU digital audio to I2S-Bus on a
Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA.
Concerning my level of FPGA-knowledge, I'm through the basic and
in-depth tutorials from Xilinx and the whole flashing-LED and
stopwatch-stuff ;-) and have also implemented designs of this level on
my own. But there's no experience in larger, more complex designs.

During my search I came across the SPDIF Interface and I2S Cores from, which seem to be way too high for understanding for me at
the moment. Has anyone successfully implemented them on a FPGA and could
give me a rough idea of the necessary knowledge and engineering effort?

The other possibility would be using a commercial IP-core, like for
example from I've already established contact, their offer
seems quite promising. But for comparison reasons, does anybody know
other providers for digital audio interface IP-cores?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Article: 87305
Subject: Re: Design is too large for the device! xc3s400
From: Kolja Sulimma <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 14:04:10 +0200
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methi schrieb:
> shift_register <= shift_register( 3453 downto 0 ) & shiftin;
This alone would probably synthesize to 256 LUTs configured as SLR16.
No probleme there
> shiftout <= shift_register(right-1);
But this is a 3453 to 1 multiplexer. Without any tricks you need about
2k-LUTs to implement it and it will be reaallllyyyy slow.

So you should use the BRAM as suggested by others.

Kolja Sulimma

Article: 87306
Subject: Re: Design is too large for the device! xc3s400
From: Kolja Sulimma <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 14:07:23 +0200
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methi schrieb:
> I am trying to delay a pulse by N ticks where N takes a maximum value
> of 3454...N is a variable here....

Yes, but a single pulse, or many pulses? That was Rays question.
Can you guarantee that there at most M pulses within 3454 clock cycles?
(with a small value of M)

Kolja Sulimma

Article: 87307
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: "Paul Leventis \(at home\)" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:30:45 -0400
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Hi Marc,

> In short, please explain which of the above comparison columns is
> incorrect, and why.

I see your point now.  The problem is the unfortunate use of the term 
"Equivalent Four-Input LUTs".  This value does *not* represent a simple 
4-LUT.  What that column really represents is "Equivalent Benchmarked Logic 
Units".  In otherwords, it is a measurement of capacity based on benchmark 
results.  In this case, we have normalized the result so that our arbitrary 
unit of measurement matches one Xilinx half-slice (which is labeled "Actual 
LUTs" in your table).

These comparisons take into account all features of the respective logic 
elements, such as dedicated adders, little XOR and MUX widgets, etc.  To 
obtain the Stratix II value of 186K, we benchmarked a large suite of designs 
by running Synplify + ISE vs. Quartus to figure out how many ALMs were 
needed vs. how many half-slices were needed.  The result was that 2.6 
half-slices were needed to implement the same functionality as 1 ALM (on 
average).  Multiply by number of ALMs in 2S180 (71760) and you get 186576. 
So perhaps a more correct label would have been "Equivalent Virtex 

We could have equally chosen to normalize the results to "Stratix Logic 
Elements".  In this case, rather than 186K vs. 178K, the result would be 
~179K vs. ~170K (ballpark guess).  In that case, we would be scaling the 
LX200 capacity by our observed Virtex-4 vs. Stratix packing ratio, and we 
would be scaling the Stratix II ALM capacity by our benchmarked Stratix II 
vs. Straitx ratio of 2.5 LEs vs. ALM.

Hope that clarifies things.

Paul Leventis
Altera Corp.

Article: 87308
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: "Paul Leventis \(at home\)" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:52:07 -0400
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Hi Tim,

I would highly recommend looking at Figure 2-6 of the Stratix II databook 
( to gain a 
better understanding of exactly what hardware there is in the ALM.  This is 
a very detailed diagram that shows exactly how an ALM is constructed; As you 
will see, it comprises 2 4-LUTs plus 4 3-LUTs plus a whole bunch of muxing. 
If you are going to simplify it, it is closest to a 6-LUT with a multiple 
outputs and some replicated internal nodes, not 2 4-LUTs as you characterize 

In a posting on this subject in the past (thread "Mine is bigger than 
yours..."), I've given a few links to Altera white papers and two published 
conference papers that better describe the ALM and the architectural choices 
involved in its development.  See

As for the Xilinx "Variable LUT", there are big differences between a 
"composible" LUT architecture (what Xilinx has) and a "fracturable" LUT 
architecture (the ALM).  I've posted a very long (technical) post previously 
on the subject under the thread "Stratix  2 ALUT architecture patented ?". 
See  The short version is that in order to make a 
5- or 6-input LUT out of Xilinx slices, you use a lot more silicon area.  As 
a case in point, if you were to try to fill up a LX200 with 6-input LUTs in 
this manner, you would only be able to fit 44,544, while you could fit 
71,760 in the 2S180.


Paul Leventis
Altera Corp. 

Article: 87309
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: "Paul Leventis \(at home\)" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:04:15 -0400
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Hi Ray,

This benchmarking study looks at how the two archtiectures studied respond 
to HDL synthesis.  This is the method of design is used by the vast majority 
of our user base, who don't have the time or knowledge to hand synthesize 
large portions of their designs.  I will concede that for the advanced 
designer such as yourself, this comparison method is insufficient to draw a 
conclusion on how well the architecture will work for you.  And yes, if a 
design is ultra-pipelined, there are fewer opportunities to make use of 
larger LUTs, so it is conceivable that the advantage would be less in these 

As for your comment on academic research on LUTs, we still agree with the 
body of research you point to.  Simple LUTs larger than 4-LUTs are less area 
efficient.  The problem with simple 6-LUTs is that you sometimes can't use 
the whole thing, so you waste a lot of area.  With smaller LUTs, you tend to 
have less wasted LUT area.  Of course, taken to an extreme very small LUTs 
are not efficient either because there is overhead getting signals to and 
from LUTs.  This is why the ALM is the complicated beast that it is.  By 
allowing the 6-LUT to be fractured, we improve logic packing.  We can 
efficiently combine LUTs of varying sizes into one ALM, greatly reducing the 
amount of wastage.

From a speed perspective, academic research has shown that larger LUTs are 
better (as far as I can recall at least).  There is little speed penalty to 
using a larger LUT, since the fastest inputs are still the same speed.  So 
to first order, the bigger the LUT, the fewer levels of logic, and those 
levels still have roughly the same delay (for the critical path).

The ALM was designed to give us the best of both worlds -- the speed of a 
6-LUT, without the area penalty.


Paul Leventis
Altera Corp. 

Article: 87310
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: "Paul Leventis \(at home\)" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:11:31 -0400
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Hi Peter,

> Call me biased, but I was thoroughly bored by that presentation.
Alex will be crushed to hear that!

> Today's FPGA are not just LUTs [snip]
> It's like a car salesman bragging: "My trunk is bigger than your trunk,
> if you measure it my way, with my set of boxes".

But the majority of FPGA area is still consumed by logic.  As you point out, 
this is merely one faucet of the suitability of one architecture or another 
to a given design opportunity.  I would say what we're claiming is that we 
can fit more or slightly larger passengers in our car.  And like a good 
salesman, you are deflecting by steering people towards the seat heater 
you've got on the passenger side...


Paul Leventis
Altera Corp. 

Article: 87311
Subject: Re: Optimizing out a divide on altera cyclone fpga
From: "Gary Pace" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:35:48 GMT
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"Shanon Fernald" <> wrote in message
> Ok, hi all, I'm new to fpgas and am having some fun with an Altera UP3
> kit.
> In the app I'm developing I have a component that I use 8 times in
> parallel and the problem is that in the logic of this component are two
> divide by 5 performed on integer variables. I can't use bit shifting
> obviously, but is there cheap in terms of LEs way to do a divide by 5
> other than with a divide? This is killing me because the divides use
> something like 1500 LEs which is almost 2X larger than the rest of the
> logic.
> If there's no other reasonable way I think I can rearchitect it and
> make it a divide by 4 and thus make available the use of bit shifting.
> Any help appreciated, thanks.
> Here's a dump of all the crap quartus seems to be adding for the
> divide:
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> ../../../../../../../altera/quartus50sp1/libraries/megafunctions/lpm_divide.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: lpm_divide
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/lpm_divide_smf.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: lpm_divide_smf
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/sign_div_unsign_uig.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: sign_div_unsign_uig
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/alt_u_div_1od.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: alt_u_div_1od
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/add_sub_ke8.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: add_sub_ke8
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/add_sub_le8.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: add_sub_le8
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/add_sub_me8.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: add_sub_me8
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/add_sub_ne8.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: add_sub_ne8
> Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file
> db/add_sub_la8.tdf
> Info: Found entity 1: add_sub_la8

Shannon :

Divide by 5 can expressed as (multiply by a constant, then divide by 2^N), 
obviously the divide by 2^N is a shift. So depending on your necessary 
accuracy you can :

  * 3 / 16  (divides 5.3333)
  * 13 / 64 (divides 4.92)
 * 51 / 256 (divides 5.02)

To implement this, you multiply by your chosen constant then discard N bits. 
A multiplier much smaller than a divider

Actually an even smaller way would be to do * 3.25 / 16. ie. Y = (X + X + X 
+ (X >> 2)) >> 4 (this is a 4.92 divisor)

I'm sure there are better ideas


Article: 87312
Subject: Re: IP-cores for digital audio
From: Al Clark <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:39:01 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Holger Blum <> wrote in news:dbo09c$acv$

> Hello experts!
> I have to implement a receiver for AES/EBU digital audio to I2S-Bus on a
> Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA.
> Concerning my level of FPGA-knowledge, I'm through the basic and
> in-depth tutorials from Xilinx and the whole flashing-LED and
> stopwatch-stuff ;-) and have also implemented designs of this level on
> my own. But there's no experience in larger, more complex designs.
> During my search I came across the SPDIF Interface and I2S Cores from
>, which seem to be way too high for understanding for me at
> the moment. Has anyone successfully implemented them on a FPGA and could
> give me a rough idea of the necessary knowledge and engineering effort?
> The other possibility would be using a commercial IP-core, like for
> example from I've already established contact, their offer
> seems quite promising. But for comparison reasons, does anybody know
> other providers for digital audio interface IP-cores?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Holger

Altera has an application note for theier devices:

Al Clark
Danville Signal Processing, Inc.
Purveyors of Fine DSP Hardware and other Cool Stuff
Available at

Article: 87313
Subject: Re: All of the design is being optimized away and logic removed
From: "Vladislav Muravin" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:46:37 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Dear Azam,

I can think of only missing I/O buffers, so you need to tuirn on "Add I/O 
Buffers" option in XST synthesis options.
But there supposed to be a section which says exactly what logic has been 
optimized (i think it's called "trimmed")

Are you still having this issue?


Article: 87314
Subject: Heat Sink for Stratix
From: (Patrick)
Date: 21 Jul 2005 06:56:52 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Is there anybody who have utilized a heat sink for stratix FPGA

I need a thermal resistance less than 6°C/W because the power
consumption of my design is 3.8W... and without heat sink the maximum
power dissipation is 2,4 W...


Article: 87315
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:17:19 -0400
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Paul, I was referring mostly to a higher level of tailoring than 'hand 
synthesis'.  I am
referring to design decisions that any good designer makes that are 
influenced by
the architecture of the fpga.  As a basic example, there are significant 
differences in
the memory structures between Xilinx and Altera devices.  Any decent 
designer is
going to look at what's in the FPGA, at least in the macro level, and 
tailor his design
to that.  Sure, the differences are a little more subtle when you are 
looking at the
differences in the fabric rather than at the added features, and I'll 
concede that there
are a lot of designers out there that push the button and hope for the best.

The thing is, when pushing the button doesn't achieve acceptable 
results, those same
designers look at the synthesis results and then go back and tweak the 
design in
the areas that the sythesis did the worst with.  I would argue that the 
design adjustments
made there are in effect tailoring the design to the architecture, even 
though it is done
somewhat blindly, and certainly not at the level of efficiency as one 
who writes his RTL
in a way to give the synthesis very strong hints on how to assemble the 
logic based on
the designers knowledge of the architecture.

The point is, HDL synthesis is still only a translation.  The tools 
can't think for the designer.
Coding style can have a significant effect on the resulting design.  
Even at the RTL level, the
design can and absolutely should be biased by the underlying structure.  
I would argue that
most of your user base does at least consider the 10,000 mile birdseye 
view of  the
architecture when doing their designs, and it is this bias that I was 
referring to that can tip the
scales toward any particular architecture.

--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

 "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
  temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                          -Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Article: 87316
Subject: Re: Optimizing out a divide on altera cyclone fpga
Date: 21 Jul 2005 07:19:22 -0700
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This is often easier to understand when expressed in binary.

1/5 equals 0.00110011001100110011 etc.

0.00110011 etc equals 11 multiplied by 0.000100010001 etc.

0.000100010001 etc equals 10001 multiplied by 0.0000000100000001 etc.

This suggests the following result (in C syntax):

Y1 = (X + X<<1)

Y2 = (Y1 + Y1<<4)

Y3 = (Y2 + Y2<<8)

and we have a result accurate to 16 bits with only three adders.

Y4 = (Y3 + Y3<<16)

32 bits with only four adders.

Article: 87317
Subject: Re: ChipScope Pro : how to set up trigger
From: "pasacco" <>
Date: 21 Jul 2005 07:33:31 -0700
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Thankyou for pointer. That document is quite nice.
I followed the tutorial (Inserter and Analyzer) and got the (more ore
less --:) same waveform as the tutorial.

ISE/ChipScopePro 6.3 has following differences (compared to version
4.2) among others.
- In 'Inserter', there is no ' Extended matching' button in 'Match
setting'     -----> So I ignored it.
- In 'Inserter', 'data depth' is minimally '512'  -----> So I chose
- In 'Analyzer', there is no 'match length type' and 'match length
value' in 'Trigger setting'     -----> So i ignored it.
- In 'Analyzer', there is no 'capture type'            -----> So i
ignored it.

The waveform says that the counter logic is okay.
Problem is that
- The waveform starts with the counter value "0011 0110 0101 0010"
(with setting depth=512, position=100)
- At time '0', the counter value is "0011 0110 1011 0110", meaning
first value + 100

Is it problematic?

BTW, I have two things unclear for me about 'match value' and
'position' in 'Trigger setup'.

Regarding the trigger condition : "00000001" < 2 match functions <
- Is it correct that we make this condition in order to consider the 2
cycles of  'ILA'  latency ?

Regarding 'position'
- In my case, . But in 'position' 100 (as indicated in the tutorial),
the counter value is not "0000 0000 0000 0010", which was expected from
the tutorial.

Anyway I wish to have "0000 0000 0000 0010" at time step '0'.

Thankyou again :) Regards

Article: 87318
Subject: Re: July 20th Altera Net Seminar: Stratix II Logic Density
From: Ray Andraka <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:35:32 -0400
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Philip Freidin wrote:

>Actually, what this does is benchmark your "experts". And the results
>at best are only valid if you then use that expert for your design :-)
Philip, good point.  I think you see what I am trying to say.  
Basically, that  this "mine's bigger"
pissing contest is at best a demonstration of how well the parts compare 
on an undisclosed set
of benchmarks that are biased towards the favorite device.  My point in 
my previous posts is
that */any/* design is going to be biased toward one of the devices.  
That bias can be toyed with by
making changes in the benchmark designs (and I am talking about changes 
at the RTL level, not
hand crafting).  Even naive designs have this bias, but I suspect that 
the benchmarks were either
designs done by the vendor's FAEs or by the vendor's customers, which 
would already introduce a
distinct natural  bias toward that vendor's devices.  Even if he did use 
naive designs, marketing
would have undoubtedly polished the numbers by either tweaking the 
designs or cherry picking the
benchmarks to support his sales pitch.  I'm not saying there is anything 
wrong with that, just
trying to expose the nearly unavoidable bias that is naturally there.

--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930     Fax 401/884-7950

 "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
  temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                          -Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Article: 87319
Subject: Re: Xilinx sysace + xmd -jprog options.
From: "" <>
Date: 21 Jul 2005 07:50:33 -0700
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Our HW folks found the issue.  There is a bug in
xilinx's genace.tcl script on support -jprog option on jtag
chain with multiple FPGA.

For multiple devices jtag chain, we have to customize
-jprog code ourself.


Article: 87320
Subject: Re: Creating Variable Delay for output signals in an XCV1000
From: "austin" <>
Date: 21 Jul 2005 08:05:53 -0700
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Page 80:

Discusses the DCM, and the fixed phase offset feature.

To get 0, 90, 180, 270 use 0 offset.

To get anything else, set the offset to the desired fractional value (8
bits describe the N/256 of a period shift).

For example, 45 degree offset would be 32.  32/256= 1/8 period.  1/8
period = 45/360, or 45 degrees.  Then CLK0, CLK2X, CLKDV are all 45
degrees offset, and CLK90 is 135 degrees, CLK180 is 225 degrees, and
CLK270 is 315 degrees offset.

You will end up using BUFG's for all clocks to make sure the skew
between clocks does not cause you any concerns.

Use two DCMs both driven  by the same CLKIN source to get more than 4
separate phases with offsets (drive in parallel).

It is suggested do not place them in tandem, as that increases the
jitter.  If jitter is not a concern, then use in tandem is OK for the
DLL part of the DCM (however do not drive the second DCM input CLKIN
from the CLKFX of a first DCM -- that is not guaranteed to work, but
CLKIN of the second DCM from CLK0, CLK90, CLK180, CLK270, CLK2X, CLKDV
is OK).


Article: 87321
Subject: Does anyone have a NIOS Ethernet Development Kit?
Date: 21 Jul 2005 08:28:15 -0700
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My company is attempting to produce a secure switch based on the Altera
Stratix II (EP2S60) board. Unfortunatley, Altera no longer sells the
Ethernet Development Kit. We're attempting to build a replica of the
daughter card that came with the kit from Altera's designs, but it
would be useful to have a working example of the card for comparison

So if anyone has a daughter card based on the LAN91C111 chip that
they'd be willing to part with, please e-mail me. The folks I've been
talking to at Altera think they can locate the documentation, but not
the part.

--Brent Kucera

Article: 87322
Subject: Re: Using unregistered inputs in FSM
From: Mike Treseler <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:53:56 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:

> I have tried to illustrate the timing in the following diagram:

Looks like a standard synchronous handshake to me.
fpga sees NXT then registers DATA and drives STP
on the next clock (or later if collecting a burst)
Good luck.

           -- Mike Treseler

Article: 87323
Subject: Re: Does anyone have a NIOS Ethernet Development Kit?
From: Mike Treseler <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:03:41 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:

> So if anyone has a daughter card based on the LAN91C111 chip that
> they'd be willing to part with, please e-mail me. The folks I've been
> talking to at Altera think they can locate the documentation, but not
> the part.

Shouldn't be too hard to prototype one:

      -- Mike Treseler

Article: 87324
Subject: Re: Using unregistered inputs in FSM
From: "Vladislav Muravin" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:10:15 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

From what I see on the web (timing diagram), i think it's just a pileline 
which needs to be enabled/disabled.
Maybe I am wrong, but where you need to do everything on one cycle?
You always "prepare" the next data before opening the bus towards the 
external PHY


<> wrote in message
thank you for your answers.
With "NO time" I mean that I have no time to sychronize the input when
using the external data clock in my FSM.

Some more information on the interface:

8-bit bidirectional data bus.
The FPGA has to drive the bus LOW by default.
By sending a non-zero data pattern called TXCMD (transmit command) the
FPGA initiates transfers.
The direction of DATA[7..0] is controlled by DIR. Contents of the bus
lines must be ignored
for one clock cycle whenever DIR changes value (turnaround)

Controls direction of data bus. The external PHY drives DIR LOW by
default so that it can listen
to TXCMDs from FPGA. The PHY drives DIR HIGH when it has data for the

The FPGA drives STP HIGH for one clock cycle after the last byte of
data was sent to the PHY

The PHY drives NXT HIGH to throttle data. If DIR is LOW, the PHY
asserts NXT to notify the FPGA to
place the next data byte on DATA[7..0] in the following clock cycle. If
DIR is HIGH the PHY asserts NXT HIGH to notify the FPGA a valid byte is
on DATA[7..0].

I have tried to illustrate the timing in the following diagram:

Some dynamic characteristics of the PHY which provides the 60MHz clock:

timings with respect to positive edge of PHY clock
tSETUP  (input-only pins)  max. 6.0 ns
tHOLD   (input-only pins)  max. 0.0 ns
tOUT    (output-only pins) 2pF    - ns
                           12pF   - ns
                           30pF  max. 9.0 ns

As the plot shows I have to provide data on the next PHY clock cycle
as soon the PHY accepts my TXCMD. So not really much time to do a good
synchronous job ... ?


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