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Article: 675
Subject: CFP: IG/ITG Workshop on VLSI Architectures
From: (Michael Gschwind)
Date: 03 Feb 1995 10:06:24 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

                  Announcement / First Call for Contributions

			      GI/ITG-Workshop on
                     "V L S I    A r c h i t e c t u r e s"
		(Architekturen für hochintegrierte Schaltungen)

                           July 17 - July 18, 1995
			       Vienna, AUSTRIA

Organizer:  Institut für Technische Informatik, TU Wien
	    GI/ITG Fachgruppe "Architekturen für hochintegrierte Schaltkreise"

Architectures for data processing and data transfer are highly
influenced by the possibilities of VLSI technology.  The fourth
workshop of this series will discuss hot topics in the area of very
large scale integration and its effect on processor and system
architecture with special emphasis on "Architectures for the
Information Highway"

 The workshop includes an open discussion section on
    "Architectures for the Information Highway"

The GI/ITG SIG on VLSI invites submissions on the following topics:

* architectures for the Information Highway 
	(short discussion statements)

* telecommunication 
	(integrating telecommunication and computers; special
         architectures for telecommunication; ATMs, switches, and
         hardware protocols)

* architectures for heterogeneous systems
	(I/O nodes, computational nodes, communications nodes; scalar,
         heterogeneous multicomputers)

* reconfigurable processor arrays 
	(reconfigurable bus systems, polymorphous processor arrays)

* microprocessor architectures
	(beyond RISC, super scalar, VLIW, transport-triggered
         architectures, novel memory architectures, reducing memory
         latency, improving code density) 

* FPGA-based processors
	(reconfigurable instruction set (extensions), application-specific  
         co-processors, architecture simulation and prototyping)

* asynchronous systems
	(self-timed, delay-independent systems)

* neural computing
	(novel concepts for associative memories and computers;
         artificial neural networks and their hardware implementation)

Extended Abstract				April 24, 1995
Notification of Acceptance			May 29, 1995
Final Papers					June 26, 1995

Further information is available by sending e-mail to: 
or via WWW at

Send contributions to:
Herbert Grünbacher
Institut für Technische Informatik
Technische Universität Wien

Treitlstraße 3/182-2
A-1040 Vienna

Tel	+43 (1) 588 01-8150
Fax	+43 (1) 586 96 97


Michael Gschwind, Institut f. Technische Informatik, TU Wien
snail: Treitlstrasse 3-182-2 || A-1040 Wien || Austria
email:   PGP key available via www (or email)
www  : URL:
phone: +(43)(1)58801 8156	   fax: +(43)(1)586 9697
Boycott Whaling!!! Boycott Norway!!! Boycott Norwegian Products!!!

Article: 676
Subject: Re: "on-fly" reprogrammable devices/research
From: satwant@regulus (Satwant Singh)
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 14:51:05 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Milan Vasilko ( wrote:
: Hello !

: I wonder if anyone has any information about:

: - commercially available "on-fly" reprogrammable devices, i.e. devices
:   which can be programmed during their operation (or better part of the
:   chip can be reprogrammed while another parts are still operational).
:   I am interested in any type of device FPGA, PLD etc.
:   (I am only aware of AT6000 family from Atmel)

AT&T's ORCA FPGAs do allow this. The reprogrammability is
essentially unconstrained, except for a few I/O pads. The
40,000 gates FPGA, ATT2C40 gives you a fair amount of
user gate capacity to play with. The restriction on a few pads
is also not a big problem, since there are about 360 potential 
user I/Os depending on the package.

I think, you can call 1-800-EASY-FPGA (with in USA?) for

: - any research activities on-going in this area

I would be interested to know about the candidate
applications for this feature.



Article: 677
Subject: re:Inefficiency(?)
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 95 16:38:21 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>   I was wondering how people are dealing with the following situation or
>similar situations.
>   I am using Viewlogic's Prosynthesis to target an XC4000 Xilinx FPGA
>from a VHDL-based design.  The VHDL has been written, the logic gates
>have been synthesized, and the resulting logic has been simulated.
>The simulation looks good, and I am now about to use the XACT 5.0 tools
>to go through the PPR process.
>   However, since the synthesis tools, only use basic parts of the
>XC4000 library (i.e. AND, NAND, NOR, OR gates and FDCE (flip flops), etc),
>the FPGA targetting appears extremely inefficient.  I created a 
>"top-level" which consisted of hierarchical elements which totalled about
>4000 "cells" (gates and flip flops).  I used the "estimate" option on
>the PPR, and I targeted a 4013 FPGA.  The estimate was that
>95% of the function generators were needed to be used.
>  My understanding is that the only way around this poor use of resources
>is to instantiate the library parts in the VHDL code.  That is,
>XC4000 adders, multiplexers, etc. that would map to the FPGA more
>efficently could be explicitly used. This seems to
>take a away from the whole point of the VHDL design in the first place!
>I would have just used a schematic capture approach instead!
>  Please tell me if there are any solutions to this dilemma.  Is this
>inefficient use of FPGA resources just a consequence of a high-level
>design approach (i.e. VHDL) that must be endured?  
>   Ed

I'd say that you've discovered the cost of designing using a high level input. 
Using text based entry (ie. VHDL) buys you portability  (provided the 
structural definitions remain generic...hence the basic set of gate functions),
a shortened design cycle and self documentation.  These advantages, however 
carry the cost of lower performance, less efficient use of the hardware 
resources and more expensive tools.  The trade-off between the ease of design 
using the high level tools and the control over the design afforded by 
'handcrafting' the design is analogous to the differences between high level 
languages and  assembly coding seen in the software world.   As the hardware 
becomes faster, bigger and cheaper, it becomes more attractive to accept the 
loss in efficiency in order to get the product to market faster.  The bottom 
line is there is no free lunch.

Since you seem to want both, about the best you can do is to let the synthesis 
do the less critical portions of the design and handcraft the parts you need to
squeeze more out of.  The handcrafting can be in the form of careful detailed 
structural HDL coding as you suggest (can be done by instantiating a macro), 
or in the form of schematic entry.  In very critical applications (size or 
performance) you may need to resort to an entirely handcrafted design.

Some may argue that the synthesis could produce a higher level solution to take
advantage of a particular architecture.  The problem here is that you lose 
portability of the code (which in reality is not that horrible, since most 
engineers have a part in mind before they begin the design)  and more 
importantly the synthesis tool becomes unique to the target architecture. Those
tools are expensive enough without having a unique tool for each device.  
Finally, the coarse granuarity and limited routing in the FPGA make a poor 
target for synthesis.  Increasing complexity of the basic synthesis elements 
makes the synthesis harder to do, and can result in a less efficient design 
(the FPGA tools do a decent job mapping gate level logic to the cells, but do 
a poor job partitioning larger functions).

As with software, I expect we will see better optimizers for 'gateware' in the 
future.  These will help to close, but will not eliminate the performance and 
efficiency gap between automated and handcrafted designs.  In the mean time, 
let the tools do what they can and tailor the design where you need to.  After 
all, if the tools did everything, what would you, the engineer do?

-Ray Andraka
Chairman, the Andraka Consulting Group
401/884-7930      FAX 401/884-7950

The Andraka Consulting Group is a digital hardware design firm specializing in 
obtaining maximum performance from FPGAs.  Services include complete design, 
development, simulation and integration of these devices and the surrounding 
circuits.  We also evaluate, troubleshoot and improve existing FPGA and board 
level designs.  Call or write for a brochure.

Article: 678
Subject: BLIF specs or BLIF to VHDL converter?
From: (Dave McDonnell)
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 07:09:46 LOCAL
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Anyone know of an ftp site where I can get the BLIF language spec?

As well, is there a BLIF to VHDL conversion utility available?

Article: 679
Subject: ASIC '95 Call For Papers
From: (Prof. Richard J. Auletta)
Date: 4 Feb 1995 15:14:40 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

                  ( for a postscript version)
                            > DEADLINE MARCH 3, 1995<
            #     #####    ###    #####            ###    #####  #######
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          #   #  #          #    #                  #    #     # #
         #     #  #####     #    #                 #      ###### ######
         #######       #    #    #                             #       #
         #     # #     #    #    #     #                 #     # #     #
         #     #  #####    ###    #####                   #####   #####
                                    Eighth Annual
                            Conference and Exhibit 1995
                    "Implementing the Information Superhighway 
                            with Emerging Technologies"
                              Stouffer Renaissance Hotel
                                   Austin, Texas
                                  September 18-22
                      CALL FOR PAPERS, TUTORIALS, & WORKSHOPS 
       Technical Papers, Tutorials, and Workshop Proposals are solicited in
       the following areas: 
     ASIC Applications:    Wireless Communications, PC/WS and Peripherals,
                           Multimedia, Networking, Image Processing, Data
                           Communications, Storage Technologies, Graphics, 
                           Digital Signal Processing 
     Technologies:         Digital, Analog, Mixed Signal, CMOS, BiCMOS, ECL,
     CAD Tools:            Design Capture, Layout, Test, Synthesis,
                           Modeling, Simulation  
     Architectures:        PLDs, Gate Arrays, Cell Based ICs, Full Custom ICs 
     Evolving Research:    Research in Methodologies, Tools, Technologies &
     Design Methodologies: System Design, Top-down, Graphical, HDLs  
     Manufacturing:        Process, Testability, Packaging 
     Workshops: Four or eight hour technical workshops covering ASIC design
     knowledge and skills.  Proposals to form these workshops for either
     introductory or advanced levels are invited. ASIC industry as well as
     universities are encouraged to submit proposals. Contact the Workshop
     Chair (see end of this message for address/phone/fax/email).  
                            INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 
     Authors of papers, tutorials, and workshops are  asked to submit 15
     copies of a review package that consists of a  500 word summary and
     a title page. The title page should include the technical area from
     above, the title,  a 50 word abstract, the authors names as well as 
     an indication of the primary contact author with a COMPLETE mailing
     address,  telephone number and TELEX/FAX/Email.  The summary should
     clearly state:   1) title of the paper;  2) the purpose of the work; 
     3) the major contributions to the art; and  4) the specific results 
     and their significance.  
                                IMPORTANT DATES
                 Summaries and Proposals due:      March 3, 1995 
                 Notification of Acceptance:      April 14, 1995 
                 Final Camera Ready Manuscript due: June 2, 1995 
                             SEND REVIEW PACKAGE TO 
                             Lynne M. Engelbrecht 
                             ASIC Conference Coordinator 
                             1806 Lyell Avenue 
                             Rochester, NY 14606 
                             Phone: (716) 254-2350 
                             Fax: (716) 254-2237 
     Proceedings, and the Advance Program 
     Airline Discounts, Exhibits, Technical Sessions, 
     Schedule, Registration, Hotel Sites, 
     ASIC'94 Chair's Report and Photos and ASIC '94 Information
     William A. Cook		Richard A. Hull 	P. R. Mukund
     Eastman Kodak Co.	Xerox Corp.		RIT
     Rochester, NY 14650	Webster, NY 14580	Rochester, NY 14623
     Phone: (716) 477-5119 	Phone: (716) 422-0281	Phone: (716) 475-2174
     Fax: (716) 477-4947 	Fax: (716) 422-9237 	Fax: (716) 475-5845
     Kerry Van Iseghem 	Kenneth W. Hsu
     LSI Logic Corporation 	RIT
     Victor, NY 14564	Rochester, NY 14623
     Phone: (716) 223-8820	Phone: (716) 475-2655
     Fax: (716) 223-8822	Fax: (716) 475-5041
                    Sponsored by the IEEE Rochester Section 
             in cooperation with the Solid State Circuits Council  
     	            and the IEEE Austin Section

Article: 680
Subject: Re: Question on 22v10 fitting in Warp2
Date: 5 Feb 95 09:04:31 EST
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>, (Akinori Sugiura) writes:
> The Cypress Warp2 VHDL compiler supports 22v10 devices. The entity code for 
> 24-pin devices exist, however there is no entity code for 28-pin devices. 
>    - Does anybody know if it is possible to use 28-pin 22v10 in Warp2?
>    - Does anybody have any idea for fitting designs into 28-pin 22v10 in Warp2?
> I would appreciate any help.

Disclaimer: I have installed, but not yet used the Warp2.

I examined the device data file, and found some data on the 22v10.  In appears
that the 24pin dip and 28pin plcc data is there.  The 24pin data appears to
be associated with a ".D" code.  The 28 pin with a ".J" code.  One might
infer that the ".D" is the default.  You might try appending a ".J" to
the entity code.  This is pure guesswork on my part.

> -- 
> Akinori Sugiura 
> Email:
Email bounced, hence this followup.

Gerry Belanger, Sr Engr, Cognitronics Corp

Article: 681
Subject: Re: "on-fly" reprogrammable devices/research
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 95 15:55:08 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In Article <3gomon$> (David Van den Bout) writes:
>In article <>,
>Milan Vasilko <> wrote:
>->- commercially available "on-fly" reprogrammable devices, i.e. devices
>->  which can be programmed during their operation (or better part of the
>->  chip can be reprogrammed while another parts are still operational).
>->  I am interested in any type of device FPGA, PLD etc.
>The Altera FLEXlogic 8160 has this feature in a more limited sense than
>the Atmel part: half of the 8160 can be reprogrammed while the other
>half is running.

National Semiconductor has their CLAy 31 and CLAy 10 devices which are similar
to the Atmel part.  Both of these share a lineage from the Concurrent Logic
design, so they are quite similar.  I believe the partial reconfigurability of
this part is protected by a patent, so I don't think you'll see other FPGA's
with that property.  The other RAM based parts like the Xilinx can be
reconfigured, but will not hold the current state during a reprogramming cycle. 
One group I am aware of is using Xilinx and an external state memory to get 
around the problem. 

There is research going on into applications for reconfigurable logic. 
However, in order to avoid a possible conflict of interest on my part, I
suggest you look into the proceedings of the various FPGA conferences. FCCM
comes to mind (IEEE symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, this year
in Napa, CA in April), or you may want to attend the International Workshop on 
Field Programmable Logic and Applications which will be held in the UK (Oxford,
beginning 29 August).
-Ray Andraka
Chairman, the Andraka Consulting Group
401/884-7930   FAX 401/884-7950

The Andraka Consulting Group is a digital hardware design firm specializing in
obtaining the maximum performance from FPGAs.  Services include complete
design, development, simulation, and integration of these devices and the
surrounding circuits.  We also evaluate, troubleshoot and improve existing
designs.  Please call or write for a brochure.  

**** We have Atmel, NSC, and Xilinx FPGA design experience **** 

Article: 682
Subject: blif2vst
From: (Zheng Yang,13325,1100,g)
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 17:54:39 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
It's on's /pub/sis.tar.gz, a tool inside SIS-1.2 called
blif2vst just what you want.

Zhang Yang

Article: 683
Subject: Re: Question on 22v10 fitting in Warp2
From: (Trevor Hall)
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 06:16:40 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <>, (Akinori Sugiura) writes:
> The Cypress Warp2 VHDL compiler supports 22v10 devices. The entity code for 
> 24-pin devices exist, however there is no entity code for 28-pin devices. 

Depending on the programmer you are using, it may not matter. Many programmers can
convert the 24 pin test vectors to 28 pin (the fusemap is identical).


Article: 684
Subject: Problem with Altera (Intel) SBFX8160-10
From: bierly@ERA.COM (Scott Bierly)
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 16:23:33 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I am looking for feedback from others who may have used the Altera 
(formerly Intel) Flex 8160 FPGA, with or without success.  I am debugging
a board containing a chain of three of the 8160 devices (labeled Intel
SBFX8160-10), and a single KUFX780-10.  I am using PENGN to program the
chips, which reports success witht the -v (verify) option.  I can even
read back the JEDEC fuse maps from the programmed chips, and successfully
compare with the source files; in other words, the chips program OK.

Each chip gets two clocks, 20 MHz and 60 MHz (for the 8160, both clocks go
to both halves of the device; i.e., four clock pins total per chip).  If
I download a simple design with a toggling flip-flop connected to an output
pin, clocked with the 60 MHz clock, I get the following results:

KUFX780:  as expected, the output is a 30 MHz square wave.
SBFX8160: all three chips, identically, output a 10 MHz square wave.
          (appear to be using the 20 MHz clock)

If I change the PDS to use the 20 MHz clock, I still get 10 MHz out.
If I stop using the MPIN construct, and individually assign in turn
each of the four clock inputs, I still get 10 MHz out.

This problem surfaced in a more complex design, when I determined that
some of the flip-flops seemed to be using the wrong clock, but others
were OK.  I was actually able to change the pattern of this problem
simply by reassigning the pin location of certain buried nodes.

By the way, the clock input at the pin is definitely 60 MHz.
I am just waiting for this to turn out to be something stupid, but I
am at a loss as to what that might be.  Altera has not come up with any

These devices, purchased from Intel, were some of the first units shipped
last year.  Has anyone successfully used chips with these same markings?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

--Scott Bierly (
| Scott Bierly                  | Engineering Research Associates     |
| email:         | Vienna, VA                          |

Article: 685
Subject: VERILOG
From: (Kirk A Weedman)
Date: 6 Feb 1995 11:10:52 -0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Anyone know where I can get a Verilog description
for SCSI design?


Article: 686
Subject: Function Point Analysis
From: (Dave Risler)
Date: 6 Feb 1995 23:58:09 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Excuse me for interrupting if I am in the wrong
newsgroup, but I thought fpga might have
something to do with the International Function Point
Users Group.  Since it does not appear to be such
a group, could anybody please direct me to a newsgroup
that discusses it?

Article: 687
Subject: <none>
From: Alexandr V. Arhipov <>
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 95 17:46:26 +0300
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Article: 688
Subject: Re: [shin]Anyone ported or have patches for OCTTOOLS to Linux?
From: (Neal Becker)
Date: 07 Feb 1995 16:09:44 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
octtools is part of ptolemy.  Try  Yes,
ptolemy has been ported to Linux!

Article: 689
Subject: USRT on actel
From: (Daniel Lapierre)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 17:54:22 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
	I have to fit 4 universal synchronous receiver/transmetter such as com2601
controler by state machine and 4 ports ram: ACT3 is big enough....

Article: 690
Subject: PLDshell:waveform conversion to PS format
From: (A. Shakuntala)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 18:30:50 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I would like to know if there is a executable to convert
the waveform file (*.hst) created by PLDshell Plus/PLDasm
(after simulation) to PS (postscript) format. I did find a 
hst2ps.C code in one of the sites, but its a buggy version. 

Is there any other utility which can do this for me??


------------------------ ------------------------
------------------------ ------------------------

Article: 691
Subject: Low cost Boundary Scan?
From: (Daniel R. Crouse)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 22:07:51 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Does anyone know of an inexpensive method for accessing the boundary scan
capabilities of an FPGA?  I have found several devices to do this, but so
far the boundary scan capabilities have all been add ons to extremely
expensive test equipment.  All we need is some kind of device (PC card and
cable?) to interface with the IEEE1149.1 standard TAP, and some software to
drive it.


Dan Crouse

Daniel R Crouse II
"Though we live in trying times- We're the ones who have to try"
Neil Peart

Article: 692
Subject: Re: Question on 22v10 fitting in Warp2
From: (Richard Vireday)
Date: 8 Feb 1995 01:23:21 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Argh, mail bounced!

Re: 28-pin numbers

Fake it.   Do the pin mappings on your own from
28 to 24, and just use the 24-pin package numbers instead.

The JEDEC files are the same, so for the 22v10 device it does
not care what package it is in.

If and when Warp2 does ever support the 28-pin package
of your choice, then you can switch the design file pins.


--R. Vireday
Formerly of the Intel PLD Business Unit

Article: 693
Subject: Re: "on-fly" reprogrammable devices/research
From: (Ian Mackereth)
Date: 8 Feb 1995 03:18:09 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Milan Vasilko ( wrote:
: Hello !


: I wonder if anyone has any information about:

: - commercially available "on-fly" reprogrammable devices, i.e. devices

: - any research activities on-going in this area

Altera have some in the pipeline. Talk to your local rep about the 9000 
series and other ICR (In Circit Reconfigurable) parts.

  _--_|\                       |
 /      \  Ian Mackereth       | His .sig bore this strange device:
 \_.--._/                      |
       v                       |     "Excelsior!"

Article: 694
Subject: USRT integration
From: (Daniel Lapierre)
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 15:00:07 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
	I have to implement 4 usrt(universal synchronous RX/TX) in act2 (actel) will it fit?

Article: 695
Subject: Re: Low cost Boundary Scan?
From: (Charles Shelor)
Date: 8 Feb 1995 18:52:53 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

>Does anyone know of an inexpensive method for accessing the boundary scan
>capabilities of an FPGA?  I have found several devices to do this, but so
>far the boundary scan capabilities have all been add ons to extremely
>expensive test equipment.  All we need is some kind of device (PC card and
>cable?) to interface with the IEEE1149.1 standard TAP, and some software to
>drive it.

Texas Instruments used to sell a card that plugged into a PC.  They had
PC based software for manipulating the scan strings as well.

good luck,

Charles F. Shelor

SHELOR ENGINEERING              VHDL Training, Consulting, and models
3308 Hollow Creek Rd            (817) 467-9367
Arlington,  TX  76017-5346

Article: 696
Subject: FCCM'95 Registration and Call for Participation
From: (Jeffrey M. Arnold)
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 01:06:12 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

		   R E G I S T R A T I O N              
	   C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N  
      IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines   
		     April 19-21, 1995                       
	  Marriott Inn at Napa Valley, Napa, California      
This symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the          
Technical Committee on Computer Architecture.  A proceedings will be 
published (after the workshop) by the IEEE Computer Society and should 
be available by mid-summer.  Past FCCM proceedings are available from 
the IEEE Computer Society, Computer Society Press. 

A limited number of copies will also be available for sale at FCCM 95.
CoChairs:    Peter Athanas              Ken Pocek
	     Virginia Tech              Intel
	     Dept. of Elec. Engineering Mail Stop RN6-18
	     340 Whittemore Hall        2200 Mission College Blvd. 
	     Blacksburg, Virginia       Santa Clara, CA  95052     
	     703-231-7010               408-765-6705       
	     703-231-3362 (fax)         408-765-5165 (fax)   

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:                                            
Jeffrey Arnold, SRC        
Duncan Buell, SRC           
Pak Chan, UC Santa Cruz     
Apostolos Dollas, Technical Univ. of Crete
Frederick Furtek, Atmel 
Brad Hutchings, Brigham Young Univ.
Tom Kean, Xilinx                                                 
Wayne Luk, Imperial College of London

Further information can be obtained from either of the co-chairs.
Registrations including payment should be submitted to Ken Pocek.
Room accommodations should be made directly with the hotel.     

IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, April 19-21, 1995
	    Marriott at Napa Valley, Napa, California                         
	      3425 Solano, Napa, California 94558                  
		707-253-7433, 707-258-1320 (fax)                   

      Accommodations should be made directly with the hotel.       

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT                                               

Name    ___________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________



Email   ___________________________________________________________

Phone   ____________________________   Fax ________________________

Active IEEE Member Number (Y/N)? ___   Member No: _________________ 

Registration Fee (see table below):  $_____________________________

Credit Card Payers:                                                
Card Holder's Name    _____________________________________________

Card Type(MC, Visa)   _________________  Exp Date__________________

Card Number           _____________________________________________

Signature             _____________________________________________

(Credit card payment cannot be made by email--a signature is required)
Student registrants:                                                  
I certify that I am a registered student at _______________________ 

(signed) __________________________________________________________ 

University address:________________________________________________

The registration fee schedule is as follows. The deadline for   
preregistration is March 24, 1995.  Regular (nonstudent)        
registration includes a copy of the proceedings and lunch on    
Wednesday and Thursday, April 19 and 20.                        

	       Preregistration    Onsite Registration           
IEEE Members        190                 230                     
Non-Members         250                 300                     
Students             90                 110                     

All rates are U. S. dollars.  Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank
and should be made payable to IEEE FCCM Symposium.  Checks and   
registration forms should be mailed to IEEE FCCM Symposium,      
c/o Ken Pocek, Intel, Mailstop RN6-18, 2200 Mission College Blvd.,
Santa Clara, CA  95052 (USA).                                     

Article: 697
Subject: Re: VERILOG
From: (Paul J Menchini - Menchini and Associates)
Date: 9 Feb 1995 04:42:50 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Kirk A Weedman ( wrote:
: Anyone know where I can get a Verilog description
: for SCSI design?

Not on this newsgroup!

Paul Menchini         | email: | "Se tu sarai solo,
Menchini & Associates | voice: 919-990-9506    |  tu sarai tutto tuo."
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Article: 698
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Free C++ to netlist compiler available
From: (Christian Iseli)
Date: 09 Feb 1995 13:36:41 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi folks,

As a part of a larger project, I have developed a C++ to netlist
compiler. The main goal is to be able to emulate the generated
hardware by compiling the source code with a regular C++ compiler.
The targeted hardware is mainly FPGA chips.

I actually compiled code all the way into Xilinx chips. And they
run. I think this compiler might be of some interest to other
researchers, so I decided to make it freely available under a GPL type
of licensing.

At the current time, the compiler:
  - is written in C++. Can be compiled by g++ 2.6.3.
  - needs the LEDA 3.1 library (available by anonymous ftp).
  - will directly generate ViewLogic WIR files and the associated
    symbols. It should be easy to add some code to have it generate
    netlists of different format.

The target (FPGA) architecture is described directly in the source
code, preferably in an included file. Thus it should be extremely easy
to generate netlists for different FPGA architectures. A partial
description of the XC4000 family is provided in the sources.

This is still beta quality code. The documentation is very sparse.

How to get it:
then look at the README file for terse explanations on how to build...

I'll also put a compiled binary version for sparc, Solaris 2.3 (sorry,
this is all I have access to...)

There is a Majordomo mailing list for discussion about nlc. To be
added to the list, send a message containing the line
subscribe nlc
to The subject is irrelevant.

If some folk manage to compile nlc for some other platform, they can upload
the binary on lslsun5 and tell the list...

Take care,
					Christian Iseli

					Christian Iseli
					Lausanne, Switzerland

Article: 699
Subject: Re: Low cost Boundary Scan?
Date: 9 Feb 95 12:58:27 EST
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <3hb3u5INNhdi@sun004.cpdsc.COM>, (Charles Shelor) writes:
> Texas Instruments used to sell a card that plugged into a PC.  They had
> PC based software for manipulating the scan strings as well.
TI calls the product "ASSET.
>From the OEM price book, the card appears to cost abour $500,
and the software, $3500.


Gerry Belanger

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